Bryan A. Kutner

Bryan A. Kutner, M.P.H., Ph.D.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1225 Morris Park Avenue Van Etten 4A-19 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Bryan A. Kutner

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Bryan Kutner (he/him/his) research aims to improve engagement in HIV services by understanding behavior change techniques and mechanisms of action responsible for mitigating HIV-related stigmas in healthcare settings. He is currently conducting studies to understand how to mitigate anal sex stigma in HIV services and how to address loss to follow-up in high resolution anoscopy among people with HIV. Dr. Kutner is also a co-investigator on several additional translational science studies, including to understand how to implement equitable access to long-acting injectable antiretroviral therapy and how to implement internet-based motivational interviewing training among HIV service workers. Dr. Kutner received his MPH in epidemiology from Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and his PhD in clinical psychology from University of Washington. He completed his predoctoral clinical internship at Montefiore Medical Center and an NIMH-funded postdoctoral fellowship in behavioral research at the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies at New York State Psychiatric Institute and Columbia University. 

Selected Publications

Kutner BA, Vaughn M, Giguere R, Rodriguez-Hart C, McKinnon K, Kaighobadi F, Felix B, Akakpo A, Cournos F, Mikaelian M, Knox J, Boccher-Lattimore D, Mack KA, Sandfort TGM, and the Stigma and Resilience Coalition (STAR Coalition) Compendium Working Group. A systematic review of intervention studies that address HIV-related stigmas among US healthcare workers and health systems: Applying a theory-based ontology to link intervention types, techniques, and mechanisms of action to potential effectiveness. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 2023; kaad022, [Available online ahead of print]

Rael TG, Kutner BA, Lentz C, Lopez-Ríos J, Dolezal C, Arumugam S, Sia SK and Balán IC. Transgender women’s experiences using SMARTtest, a smartphone application to facilitate self- and partner- HIV/syphilis testing using the INSTI Multiplex: A brief report. Archives of Sexual Behavior. [In press]

Rodriquez-Hart C, Boone CA, del Rio-Gonzalez AM, Kutner B, Baral S, Burns PA, German D, Eaton L, Lucas L, Remien RH, Ellis M, & Dale S. Monitoring Intersectional Stigma as a Key Strategy to Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Call to Consolidate Best Practices Across All Levels of Public Health. American Journal of Public Health. 2022 Jun;112(S4):S350-S355. PMID: 35763745

Kutner BA, Perry N, Stout CD, Norcini Pala A, Paredes CD, & Nelson KM. The Inventory of Anal Sex Knowledge (iASK): A new measure of sexual health knowledge among adolescent sexual minority males. The Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2022 Mar;19(3):521-528. PMID: 35090838

Kutner BA, Simoni JM, DeWitt W, Gaisa MM, & Sandfort TGM. Gay and bisexual men who report anal sex stigma alongside discomfort discussing anal sex with health workers are less likely to have ever received an anal exam or anal swab. LGBT Health. 2022 Feb-Mar;9(2):103-113. PMID: 35133893

Balán IC, Giguere R, Lentz C, Kutner BA, Kajura-Manyindo C, Byogero R, Asiimwe FB, Makala Y, Jambaya J, Khanyile N, Chetty D, Soto-Torres L, Mayo A, Mgodi NM, Palanee-Phillips T, Baeten JM. Client-Centered Adherence Counseling with Adherence Measurement Feedback to Support Use of the Dapivirine Ring in MTN-025 (The HOPE Study). AIDS and Behavior. 2021 Feb;25(2):447-458. PMCID: PMC7855635.

Kutner BA, Giguere R, Lentz C, Kajura-Manyindo C, Dolezal C, Butheliezi S, Gwande M, Nampiira S, Ndlovu T, Mvinjelwa P, Mwenda W & Balán IC (2020). Sharing objective measures of adherence to a vaginal microbicide promotes candor about actual use and bolsters motivation to prevent HIV. AIDS and Behavior. 2021 Mar;25(3):721-731. PMCID: PMC7887002

Kutner BA, King KM, Dorsey S, Creegan E & Simoni JM (2020). The Anal Sex Stigma Scales: A new measure of sexual stigma among cisgender men who have sex with men. AIDS and Behavior, 24(9):2666-2679. PMCID: PMC7717105

Kutner BA, Simoni JM, King KM, Goodreau SM, Norcini Pala A, Creegan E, Aunon FM, Baral SD & Rosser BRS (2020). Does stigma toward anal sexuality impede HIV prevention among cisgender men who have sex with men in the United States? A structural equation modeling assessment. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17(3), 477-490. PMCID: PMC7227779

Kutner BA, Simoni JM, Aunon FM, Creegan E, & Balán I (2020). How stigma toward anal sex promotes concealment and impedes health-seeking behavior among cisgender men who have sex with men in the United States. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2021 May;50(4):1651-1663. PMCID: PMC7398831

Kutner BA, Wu Y, Balán IC & Meyers K (2019). “Talking about it publicly made me feel both curious and embarrassed”: Acceptability, feasibility and appropriateness of stigma reduction training for health workers to increase their comfort discussing anal sexuality in HIV services. AIDS and Behavior, 24(6):1951-1965. PMCID: PMC7228834