Barry S. Zingman, M.D.
- Professor, Department of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
- Montefiore Medical Center Medical Arts Pavilion 3400 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467
Research Profiles
Professional Interests
Barry S. Zingman, M.D., has been the Medical Director of the AIDS Center at Montefiore since 2003 following his service as Medical Director of the AIDS Center's Center for Positive Living/Infectious Diseases (CPL/ID) Clinic for five years.
Dr. Zingman directs the largest multidisciplinary and multispecialty adult HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention program in New York State. His program’s clinical sites include (1) the Center for Positive Living/I.D. Clinic, for HIV, Hepatitis C, and general Infectious Diseases care; (2) The Oval Center at Montefiore, which provides screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis programs, and Hepatitis C care; and (3) other inpatient and outpatient sites at the Moses Division of Montefiore Medical Center. He has been Principal Investigator or Medical Director on over 75 HIV/AIDS-related research protocols and grants. These currently include grants from HRSA, the New York State Department of Health's AIDS Institute, NIH, and industry for multidisciplinary HIV primary care and testing; HIV retention, adherence and viral suppression; studies of broadly-neutralizing therapeutic HIV antibodies; new HIV viral load assays; response to pneumococcal vaccine in HIV+ and HIV- individuals; and studies of other new antiretroviral agents.
Dr. Zingman directs an HIV research team consisting of 6 study coordinators that enrolls over 200 patients per year into research protocols.
Dr. Zingman is Professor of Clinical Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He is formerly Chair of the AIDS Institute's Medical Care Criteria Committee (the principal body setting HIV care guidelines in NYS); former Vice-Chair of the NYS AIDS Institute's Quality of Care Advisory Committee; and Chair or Member on numerous other state and national HIV quality and standard of care subcommittees. He is a practicing infectious diseases subspecialist and maintains an active patient panel in the CPL/ID Clinic and the Department of Medicine Faculty Practice.