Rubem Pochaczevsky

Rubem Pochaczevsky, M.D.

  • Professor Emeritus, Department of Radiology




  • Jack D. Weiler Hospital 1825 Eastchester Road Bronx, NY 10461

Professional Interests




My primary professional interests are abdominal radiology with special reference to Gastrointestinal Radiology utilizing all modalities including computerized tomography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance.  I am also interested in Musculoskeletal Radiology.


I am a Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology and of the American Board of Nuclear Medicine.  Some of my professional titles include Fellow Emeritus of the AmericanCollege of Radiology and I am currently, Professor Emeritus of Radiology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.


I authored or co-authored of 126 scientific papers on the majority of which I was the first author.  Almost all of them were published in national, peer reviewed radiology journals.


I was author co-author of 33 Scientific Exhibits which merited  numerous awards some of which follows:


SECOND PRIZE of the Medical Society of the State of New York, CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION from the American Roentgen Ray Society and CERTIFICATE OF MERIT from the American College of Gastroenterology for the exhibit entitled, "A New Technique for the x‑ray examination of the colon," l962‑63.


"CUM LAUDE" AWARD from the Radiological Society of  North America, CERTIFICATE OF MERIT from the American Urological Association, New York Section and CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION from the American Roentgen Ray Society, for the exhibit enti­tled, "Double Contrast Barium‑Carbon Dioxide Cystography in the Diagnosis of Bladder Tumors," l964.


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT from the American Roentgen Ray Society and HONORABLE MENTION AWARD from the Radiological Society of North America for the Scientific exhibit entitled.  "Necrotizing Enterocolitis of Infancy," l97l.


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT from the American Roentgen Ray Society and SECOND PRIZE FOR CLINICAL RESEARCH from the Medical Society of the State of New York for the exhibit entitled, "The Meconium Plug Syndrome.  Roentgen Evaluation and Dif­ferentiation from Hirschsprung's Disease and Other Pathologic States," l973‑74.


CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION from the Medical Society of the State of New York for the exhibits entitled, "Oral Examination of the Colon.  The Colonic Cock­tail",  l974, and the "The Self‑Reporting Radiograph.  A New Pictorial Dimension to the Radiologist's Report",  l974.



CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD from the American Roentgen Ray Society for the exhibit entitled   "Tracts in Diverticulitis and Granulomatous Diseases of the Colon.  Newer Roentgen Concepts".   l974.


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD from the American Roentgen Ray Society for the exhibit entitled "Immunodeficiency Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract", l975.  which also received

HONORABLE MENTION AWARD from the Radiological Society of North America, l975.


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD from the Radiological Society of North America for the exhibit entitled, "Technique and Application of Liquid Crystal Thermography of the Spine and Extremities”,   Dallas, Texas, l980.


CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD from the American Roentgen Ray Society for the Scientific Exhibit entitled "Endourological  Management of Renal Stones", April l6‑23, l983, Atlanta, GA.



THIRD PRIZE AWARD from the American Institute for Ultrasound in Medicine for Scientific Exhibit   "Gray Scale Sonography and CT in the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Psoas Masses", 1983.





Brooklyn Radiological Society, Secretary 1969‑70, Vice President 1970‑71, President 1971‑72,

Executive Committee 1973‑74

NY State Chapter of the AmericanCollege of Radiology, District Delegate  1970‑72

Medical Board of GreenpointHospital (now incorporated with WoodhullHospital): Vice President 1969‑71, President,  1972

Clinical Professor of Radiological Technology, Dept. of Allied Health Sciences, NassauCommunity College, Sept 1982‑Aug 1983

Advisory Council of Medical Boards of the Department of Hospitals and New York City Health and               

Hospitals Corporation ‑ Delegate and Alternate Delegate, 1972

Foundations Committee of the Medical Society of the County of Kings, Member, 1972‑73

Greenpoint School of  X‑ray Technology, Radiology Director, 1968‑1970

Referee, Journal of the American Medical Association, 1983, 1986

American Academy of Thermolog.  Research Referee.

The Arthritis Society (1986)


Alternate Delegate from New York Roentgen Society to the New YorkState Radiological Society (1993-1995)

Alternate Councilor to the AmericanCollege of Radiology. 1995 and 1996





Cornell University, Instructor and Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiology, 1959 - 1964.


StateUniversity of NY ( Downstate) ‑ Clinical Assistant and Associate Professor of Radiology 1964 - 1972.     


Mt.SinaiSchool of Medicine.  Professor of Clinical Radiology 1972‑1980.        

Professorial  Lecturer, Radiology, 1980 ‑ 1996.


StateUniversity at Stony Brook ‑Professor of Radiology, June 1981-1989.


Member of the Senate at the School of Medicine, StateUniversity of N.Y. at Stony Brook, November 1982 ‑ 1984


Professor of  Radiology, Albert EinsteinCollege of MedicineYeshiva University, Long Island Campus.  July 1989‑1997.  Emeritus Professor of Radiology 1997 to present.





Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases

James Ewing Hospital ‑ Assistant Attending, Radiology Department  1959‑1964.

Sloan- Kettering Institute, Radiological/Physics Clinician, 1964‑1965.

The Jewish Hospital and Medical Center of Brooklyn, Attending, Radiology Department 1964‑1972.

Greenpoint Hospital, Chief, Radiology, 1964‑1972 ( Now incorporated with the Woodhull MedicalCenter,  Bklyn)

Elmhurst Hospital, Director, Dept. of  Radiology, 1972‑1980

Mt.Sinai Hospital,  Attending Radiologist, 1972‑1980

Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Acting Chairman, Dept. of Radiology 1982‑1983.

Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Attending and Chief of Abdominal

and General  Radiology 1980‑1997 (till Retirement)

Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Adjunct Attending and Honorary Staff, Department of Radiology, 1997-present





Monthly Scientific and Teaching Sessions for radiology residents at the following medical centers 1998 to present:

Beth Israel Hospital, NYC

Harlem Hospital, NYC

St Vincent MedicalCenter, Bridgeport CT

Bridgeport Hospital , Bridgeport, CT 

Long Island Jewish Medical Center . Annual Teaching Conferences since 1997.

Visiting Professor University of South Florida at Tampa.  1/26/2007 





Fluent in Portuguese and Spanish.

Ability to read French.

Some Russian.