Christian Wertenbaker

Christian Wertenbaker, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center Medical Arts Pavilion 3400 Bainbridge Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

Professional Interests

Dr. Wertenbaker is a clinical neuro-ophthalmologist with Board certification in both Neurology and Ophthalmology, and fellowship training in neurophysiology, and in neuro-ophthalmology with Dr. Myles Behrens at Columbia University.  His interests include all areas of clinical neuro-ophthalmology, but especially eye movements and nystagmus, and the physiology of visual processing.  He has authored or co-authored  papers dealing with various aspects of clinical neuro-ophthalmology.  He is also particularly interested in the art of patient care, and in teaching this to residents.  The detective work involved in obtaining a comprehensive history and examination and then making sense of the patient's complaints and illness, and the judgment involved in choosing the best course of action are all aspects of this.  

Selected Publications




  Original Communications in Reviewed Journals:


       Phillips-Quagliatta, J. M., Wertenbaker, C., Bensinger, D. O.,

              Cellular events in tolerance.  II.  Thymus-bone marrow cell           

              cooperation in the immune response to BSA in Wistar-Furth rats.

              Cellular Immunology, 4:134-142, 1972.


      Wertenbaker, C.,  Ross, R.,  and Amassian, V. E.,

              Modification of contact placing by aversive conditioning.

              Brain, Behav. Evol., 8:304-320, 1973.


      Reynard, M.,  Wertenbaker, C.,  Behrens, M.,  Lesser, R.,  Eggers, H.,         

              Ilson, J.,  Mitchell, J.,  and Bever, C.,  "Ping-pong gaze" amplified.

              Neurology, 29:757-758, 1979.  (Letter)


      Wertenbaker, C., Henkind, P., Keltner, J. L., Miller, N. R., and Burde, R. M.,

            Downbeat nystagmus.  Surv. Ophthalmol., 25:263-269, 1981.


     Wertenbaker, C.,  Behrens, M. M.,  Hunter, S. B.,  and Plank, C. R.

               Opsoclonus-- a cerebellar disorder?

             Neuro-ophthalmology, 2:73-84, 1981


      Wertenbaker, C.,  Comparative material on visual evoked potential        

             equipment.  Ophthalmology, 88, Supplement to number 10: 57-66,   



      Marmor, M.,  Wertenbaker, C.,  and Berstein, L., 

             Delayed ophthalmoplegia following head trauma.

             Surv. Ophthalmol. 27:126-132, 1982.


     Wang, F. M.,  Wertenbaker, C.,  Behrens, M. M.,  and Jacobs, J. C.

            Acquired Brown's syndrome in children with juvenile rheumatoid  arthritis.

             Ophthalmology, 91:23-26, 1984


     Wertenbaker, C.,  and Gutman, I.,  Unusual visual symptoms

             Surv. Ophthalmol., 29:297-299, 1985


     Lipton, R. B.,  Solomon, S.,  and Wertenbaker, C., 

             Gradual loss and recovery of vision in temporal arteritis.

             Arch. Int. Med.  145:2252-2253, 1985.


     Wertenbaker, C.,  Kuppersmith, M. J.,  and Behrens, M. M.,

             Monocular blindness with preserved pupillary reflexes.

             Arch. Neurol., 42:515, 1985.  (Letter)


     Wertenbaker, C.,  Intraocular inflammation from accidental instillation 

of Doxorubicin.  Canc. Treat. Rep.  71:221-222, 1987  (Letter)  


Piltz JR, Wertenbaker C, Lance SE, Slamowits T, Leeper HF: Digoxin              toxicity.  Recognizing the varied visual presentations. J. Clin. Neuro-ophthalmology 13:275-280, 1993.


Wertenbaker, C:  Superior oblique myokymia is audible.  J. Neuro-ophthalmology14:188,1994.  (Letter)


Remigio, D, and Wertenbaker, C., Post-operative bilateral vision loss.  Surv.                            Ophthalmol. 44:426-432, 2000.



   Books, Chapters in Books, and Review Articles:


      Amassian, V. E.,  Ross, R.,  Wertenbaker, C.,  and Weiner, H.,

             Cerebellothalamocortical interrelations in contact placing and      

             other movements in cats.   In Corticothalamic Projections and       

             Sensorimotor Activities.  T. Frigyesi,  E. Rinvik,  and M. D. Yahr       

             (eds),  Raven Press, New York,  1972


      Wertenbaker, C.,  and Schaumburg, H. H.,  Peripheral neuropathy. 

             In Current Therapy, 1978.  H. F. Conn (ed).  W. B. Saunders,               

             Philadelphia, 1978.


      Consultant for The Eye, Window to the World,  U.S. News Books,             

             Washington, D.C., 1981.


      Contributor,  Compendium of Ophthalmology,  P. Henkind, R. S. Priest,      

            and G. Schiller, (eds.),  J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, 1983.


     Wertenbaker, C.,  Horner's syndrome. 

             Clinical Signs in Ophthalmology,  6, number 4,  1984.


      Wertenbaker, C.,  Syndrome de Horner.  Arch. Oftal. Buenos Aires            

                         60:47-54, 1985.


      Amassian, V. E.,  and Wertenbaker, C.,  The neural circuitry subserving  

             aversive conditioning of contact placing in cats:  the necessity of  

             the internal pallidum and dispensibility of the cerebellum.

             In  Cellular Mechanisms of Conditioning and Behavioural Plasticity

.            C. D. Woody, D. Olkon, and J. McGaugh (eds.), Plenum Press, New       

             York, 1988.


Published Abstracts: :


      Amassian, V. E.,  Ross, R.,  and Wertenbaker, C.,  Plasticity of contact   

             placing.  Fed. Proc.,  31:406, 1972.


      Wertenbaker, C. T.,  Ross, R. J.,  and Amassian, V. E.,  Aversive               

            conditioning of contact placing in cats and its developmental          

            aspects.  Neurosci. Abstr.,  2:191, 1972.


      Amassian, V. E.,  Reisine, H.,  and Wertenbaker, C.,  Neural pathways      

            subserving plasticity of contact placing.

            Proceedings of the Physiological Society, 12-13 July, 1974.


      Amassian, V. E.,  Wertenbaker, C. T.,  and Reisine, H.,  The role of           

            thalamic n. VA-VL in aversive conditioning of contact placing.

            Neurosci. Abstr.,   Oct. 20-24, 1974.


Wertenbaker, C., Ellman, M., Opsoclonus and ocular flutter in multiple sclerosis.  North American Neuro-ophthalmology Society Meeting, 2003, p. 116.