Herbert J. Cohen

Herbert J. Cohen, M.D.



  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1225 Morris Park Avenue Van Etten Bronx, NY 10461

Professional Interests

Dr Herbert J. Cohen is an internationally recognized expert in developmental disabilities including autism, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy and learning disabilities.  He is particularly interested in early identification and intervention for developmental delays and disabilities, as well as in training medical and allied health professionals in the care of children with special needs. Dr Cohen has chaired a national panel that developed guidelines for inclusionary chid care, was the Chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Committee on Children with Disabilities and of the AAP's Child Development Section, and was the Vice Chairman of the President's Committee on Mental Retardation. He has received numerous honors for his contributions to the field of developmental disabilities including the AAP 2004 Arnold Capute Award. He recently served on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Board of Scientific Advisors for its Coordinating Center on Health Promotion, on the New York City Early Intervention Coordinating Council and as the Chairman of the Professional Advisory Committee of Beit Issie Shapiro, a program in Israel that serves the developmentally disabled. He is currently the Emeritus Director of both the Children's Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center and the Rose F. Kennedy University Center on Developmental Disabilites, programs he directed for more than three decades.