Publication Policy               

It is obligatory for all users to acknowledge the Flow Cytometry Core Facility at Einstein in your grant, manuscripts, abstracts and presentations that utilized services from our facility. Authorship should be given when Facility members are involved in developing the experimental design, or in the interpretation of scientific data or use of original techniques, or contribute to the publication content by advancing it to publishable form. Please send us the PDF file of your publications and let us know if the grant is awarded. Demonstrating our involvement of your research will facilitate our procurement of advanced instrument for the Facility.

For Cytek Aurora analyzer users, please acknowledge our NIH Shared Instrument Grant (SIG): 1S10OD026833-01. For ThermoFisher Bigfoot Cell Sorter users, please acknowledge SIG: 1S10OD032169-01.

Our facility remains committed to do our best to meet your service expectations. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Jinghang Zhang, MD

Operations Director, Flow Cytometry Core Facility
Research Professor, Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Please sign to acknowledge that you have read and understand the above policy (herePDF) and email to

Jinghang Zhang is solely responsible for the content of this site. Comments, concerns and questions regarding it should be addressed to her.

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