Erin J. Goss

Erin J. Goss, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center Comprehensive Health Care Center 305 East 161st Street Bronx, NY 10451

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Professional Interests

Dr. Goss is a Clinician Educator in the Primary Care & Social Internal Medicine Residency Program and engages in MedEd research. She received her medical degree from Columbia University P&S and completed her residency in the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Program Track at Montefiore. She completed training as a global health faculty fellow in the Global Health and Clinical Skills Fellowship at Montefiore.

As a clinician educator, Dr. Goss developed the HIV primary care curriculum, developed and co-directs the clinical reasoning curriculum, and has refined the advocacy and women’s health curriculum for the residency program. She is board certified in Internal Medicine, Addiction Medicine, and maintains her HIV certification with the AAHIVM. Her current curricular focus is supporting resident competency in screening and addressing social need in ambulatory settings and in community engagement. Prior to her current position, she served as Co- Program Director for the Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine Program for 5 years.

Selected Publications

  • Iyer S, Goss E, Browder C, Paccione G, Arnsten J. Development and Evaluation of A Clinical Reasoning Curriculum as Part of an Internal Medicine Residency Program. Diagnosis (2019) Jun 26; 6 (2): 115-119.
  • Goss E, Iyer S, Arnsten J, Wang L, Smith CL. Liberation Medicine: A Community Partnership and Health Advocacy Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents. Journal of General Internal Medicine (2019) 35 (10): 3102-4. Available at:
  • Holaday, L, Gover, M, Iyer, S, DeLuca, J, Stella, J, Gold, M, Goss, E. Effectiveness of Training Primary Care Internal Medicine Residents in Etonogestrel Implants and Impact on Their Future Practice: A Cross-Sectional Study. Contraception (2022) Nov; 115: 31-35. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2022.07.013. Epub 2022 Jul 30.