Hillel W. Cohen

Hillel W. Cohen, Dr.P.H., M.P.H.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Belfer Building 1006D Bronx, NY 10461

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Dr. Hillel W. Cohen serves as a senior biostatistician for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein) Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR). He has taught biostatistics and data analysis in the Master’s Degree Program of the Einstein Clinical Research Training Program for over twenty years and has taught many seminars introducing biostatistical principles to new investigators, clinicians, residents, fellows and PhD students. In his capacity as a biostatistician for the ICTR, he has provided statistical reviews for most protocols supported by the Clinical Research Center and its predecessor the GCRC since 1999.  Over the years, he has consulted for and collaborated with scores of investigators at Einstein in a wide range of clinical and bench science areas.  Dr. Cohen also serves as a biostatistician and methodologist for the World Trade Center Health Program associated with the Fire Department of NY and has collaborated with that program since its inception. A recent paper: “Long-term Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Firefighters of the World Trade Center Disaster in JAMA Nework Open received substantial media attention https://jamanetwork.altmetric.com/details/66073859/news

Dr. Cohen previously served as Co-Executive Editor for the American Journal of Hypertension and prior to that was the Statistical Editor for that journal and continues to do statistical reviews.  With almost 50 years of research experience, he has been both an independent researcher and collaborator on many projects. A substantial part of his independent research has been related to hypertension and the epidemiology of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including the first published studies indicating the possibility of a J-shaped association of sodium intake and CVD events. Dr. Cohen’s first study as an independent investigator reported psychological depression as a risk factor for cardiac events. The abstract (Cohen HW, Madhavan S., Alderman MH. Depression and myocardial infarction in treated hypertensive patients) was featured by the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in that year. He continues to pursue interests regarding the intersection of public health, human rights and social justice.

Selected Publications

  1. Alderman MH, Budner, N, Cohen H, Lampart, B, and Ooi WL. Prevalence of Drug Resistant Hypertension.  Hypertension. 1988, Part 2, 11(3)II-71-II-75.
  2. Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  The "J" Curve Relation Between Blood Pressure Reduction and Cardiovascular Risk.  Cardiovasc Reviews & Reports. 1989, 10(2):24-28.
  3. Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H.  Treatment Induced Blood Pressure Reduction and the Risk of Myocardial Infarction.  JAMA. 1989, 262(7):920-24.
  4. Ooi WL, Budner, NS, Cohen H, Madhavan S: Alderman MH, Impact of Race on Treatment Response and Cardiovascular Disease Among Hypertensives.  Hypertension. 1989, 14(3):227-234.
  5. Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Madhavan S, Cohen H.  Blood Pressure Reactivity Predicts Myocardial Infarction among Treated Hypertensive Patients.  Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 1990, 43(9):859-866.
  6. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey J, Laragh JH.  Association of the Renin-Sodium Profile with the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Patients with Hypertension.  New England Journal of Medicine. 1991, 324(16):1098-1104.
  7. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Sealey JE, Laragh JH. Renin-Sodium Profile: A Strong Predictor of Risk of Myocardial Infarction.  Cardiology Board Review. 1992, 9(1):56-68.
  8. Madhavan S, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Relation of Pulse Pressure and Blood Pressure Reduction to the Incidence of Myocardial Infarction.  Hypertension. 1994, 23:395-401.
  9. Stockwell, D, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Gibson G, Alderman MH.  The Determinant of Hypertension Awareness, Treatment, and Control in an Insured Population.  American Journal of Public Health. 1994, 84(11):1768-1774.
  10. Madhavan S, Stockwell D, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Renal Function during Anti-hypertensive Treatment.  Lancet. 1995, 345:749-751.
  11. Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Isolated Diastolic Hypertension: A Favorable Finding Among Young and Middle-Aged Hypertensive Subjects. Hypertension. 1995,26(3):377-382.
  12. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Sealey, JE, Laragh, JH.  Low Urinary Sodium Associated with Greater Risk of Myocardial Infarction Among Treated Hypertensive Men.  Hypertension. 1995, 25(6):1144-1152.
  13. Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH. Measures of Blood Pressure and Myocardial Infarction in Treated Hypertensive Patients.  Journal of Hypertension. 1995, 13:413-419.
  14. Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Angina Pectoris by Rose Questionnaire Does Not Predict Cardiovascular Disease in Treated Hypertensive Patients. Journal of Hypertension. 1995, 13:1307-1312.
  15. Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Differential Mortality in New York City (1988-1992). Part One: Excess Mortality Among Non-Hispanic Blacks.  Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 1995,72(2):470-482.
  16. Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Differential Mortality in New York City (1982-1992). Part Two: Excess Mortality in the South Bronx.  Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 1995,72(2):483-499.
  17. Alderman MH, Madhavan S, Cohen H.  Antihypertensive Drug Therapy: The Effect of JNC Criteria on Prescribing Patterns and Patient Status through the First Year. American Journal of Hypertension. 1996,9(5):413-418.    
  18. Alderman MH, Ooi WL, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Sealey, JE, Laragh, JH.  Plasma Renin Activity: A Risk Factor for Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of Hypertension,  1997, 10(1):1-8.
  19. Alderman MH, Sealey, J, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Laragh, JH. Urinary Sodium Excretion and Myocardial Infarction in Hypertensive Patients: A Prospective Cohort Study.  The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1997, 65(suppl):682S-686S.
  20. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Roque R, Madhavan S: Effect of Long-acting and Short-acting Calcium Antagonists on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Hypertensive Patients. Lancet. 1997, 439:594-598.
  21. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S:  Dietary Sodium Intake and Mortality: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I). Lancet. 1998,351:781-85.
  22. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S: Distribution and Determinants of Cardiovascular Events During Twenty Years of Successful Antihypertensive Treatment.  Journal of Hypertension. 1998,16:761-769.
  23. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S:  Epidemiology of Risk in Hypertensives - Experience in Treated Patients.  Am J Hypertension. 1998,11:874-876.
  24. Cohen HW, Gould RM, Sidel VW: (Editorial) Bioterrorism initiatives: public health in reverse? American Journal of Public Health. 1999, 89 (11): 1629-1631.
  25. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S:  Diabetes and Cardiovascular Events in Hypertensive Patients.  Hypertension. 1999,33:1130-1134.
  26. Alderman MH, Cohen H, Madhavan S, Kivlighn, S: Serum Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Events in Successfully Treated Hypertensive Patients.  Hypertension. 1999,l34:144-150.
  27. Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Madhavan S: Myocardial infarction in treated hypertensive patients: The paradox of lower incidence, but higher mortality in young blacks compared to whites. Circulation. 2000,101:1109-1114.
  28. Cohen HW, Northridge ME: (Editorial) Getting political: racism and urban health. American Journal of Public Health. 2000, 90 (6): 841-842.
  29. Blumenfeld, JD, Sealey, JE, Alderman MH, Cohen H, Lappin R, Laragh JH. Plasma Renin in the Emergency Department and its Independent Association With Acute Myocardial Infarction.  American Journal of Hypertension 2000,13:855-863.
  30. Cohen HW, Gibson G, Alderman MH. Tricyclic antidepressant use associated with excess myocardial infarction. American Journal of Medicine. 2000,108:2-8.
  31. Fang J, Madhavan S, Cohen H, Alderman MH.  Serum potassium and cardiovascular mortality. Journal of General Internal Medicine  2000, 15:885-890.
  32. Cohen HW, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. History of depression: Risk factor for cardiac events in hypertensive patients. Psychosomatic Medicine 2001,63:203-209.
  33. Cohen HW, Madhavan S, Alderman MH. High and low serum potassium associated with cardiovascular events in diuretic treated patients. Journal of Hypertension 2001. 19(7)1315-1323.
  34. Cohen HW, Alderman MH. The association between depression and cardiovascular disease in patients with hypertension. Primary Psychiatry 2001, 8(7):39-54.
  35. Sidel, VW, Cohen HW, Gould, RM. Good intentions and the road to bioterrorism preparedness. American Journal of Public Health. 2001, 91:716-718.
  36. Cohen HW, Eolis, SL, Gould, RM, Sidel, VW. Hyping bioterrorism obscures real concerns. Am Journal of Nursing 2001; 101(11)58,60.
  37. Sidel VW, Gould RM, Cohen HW.  Bioterrorism preparedness: cooptation of public health?  Medicine and Global Survival 2002; 7:82-89.
  38. Sidel VW, Cohen HW, Gould RM. From woolsorters to mail sorters: anthrax past, present and future. American Journal of Public Health 2002, 92(5):705-6.
  39. Cohen HW, David, J.  The link between depression and heart disease.  Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 2002; 11(2):69-72.
  40. Kaplan RC, Monrad ES, Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Fang J. Evidence and controversies in antihypertensive treatment: importance for the home care physician. Home Health Care Consultant 2002; 9(6) 25-29.
  41. Haut SR, Berg AT, Shinnar S, Cohen HW, Bazil CW, Sperling MR, Langfitt JT, Pacia SV, Walczak TS, and Spencer SS. Interrater Reliability Among Epilepsy Centers: Multi-Center Study of Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsia 2002, 43(11):1396-1401.
  42. Cohen HW, Eolis SL. Smallpox Vaccine: Don’t do it. American Journal of Nursing 2003; 103(3) 13.
  43. Miller NR, Garry DJ, Cohen HW, Figueroa R. Androgen serum markers do not predict preeclampsia. Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2003, 48(4):225-230.
  44. Banauch GI, Alleyne D, Sanchez R, Olender K, Cohen HW, Weiden M, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Persistent hyperreactivity and reactive airways dysfunction in World Trade Center firefighters. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2003 Jul 1;168(1):54-62.
  45. Barnhart JM, Monrad ES, Cohen HW. Physician’s perceptions of the effect of nonclinical factors on coronary revascularization. Heart Dis. 2003 Sep-Oct;5(5):313-9.
  46. Fang J, Rosett JW,  Cohen HW, Kaplan R,, Alderman MH. Exercise, body mass index, caloric intake, and cardiovascular mortality. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003 25(4):283-289.
  47. Cohen HW, Sloop GD. Glucose interaction magnifies atherosclerotic risk from cholesterol. Findings from the PDAY study. Atherosclerosis 2004, 172(1): 115-120.
  48. Alderman MH,  Cohen HW, Sealey J, Laragh, JH.  Plasma Renin Activity Levels in Hypertensive Patients. American Journal of Hypertension  2004, 17(1):1-7.
  49. Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Alderman MH:  Glucose-Cholesterol Interaction Magnifies CHD Risk for Hypertensive Patients.  Hypertension. 2004, 43: 983-987
  50. McKerrell TDH, Cohen HW, Billett HH. The older sickle cell patient. American Journal of Hematology 2004, 76:101-106.
  51. Cohen HW, Gould RM, Sidel VW. Pitfalls of bioterrorism preparedness: the anthrax and smallpox response. American Journal of Public Health. 2004, 94:1667-1671.
  52. Shprecher AR; Cheng-Lai A, Madsen EM, Cohen HW, Sinnett MJ, Wong ST, Billett HH. Peak antifactor Xa activity produced by dalteparin treatment in patients with renal impairment compared with controls. Pharmacotherapy. 2005, 25(6): 817-822.
  53. Davis NJ, Billett HH, Cohen HW, Arnsten JH. Impact of adherence, knowledge, and quality of life on anticoagulation control. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2005, 39(4):632-636.
  54. Miller NR, Jover T, Cohen HW, Zukin RS, and Etgen AM.Estrogen can act via estrogen receptor  and  to protect hippocampal neurons against global ischemia-induced cell death. Endocrinology  2005;146(7):3070-9.
  55. Hailpern SM, Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Renal dysfunction and ischemic heart disease mortality in a hypertensive population. Journal of Hypertension 2005; 1809-1816.
  56. Chandra A, Shim C, Cohen HW, Chung V, Maggiore D, Mani K, Dhuper S. Regular vs ad-lib albuterol for patients hospitalized with acute asthma. Chest 2005; 128(3):1115-20.
  57. Mokrzycki MH, Zhang M, Cohen H, Golestaneh L, Laut JM, Rosenberg SO. Tunnelled haemodialysis catheter bacteraemia: risk factors for bacteraemia recurrence, infectious complications and mortality. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2006; 21:1024-1031.
  58. Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Fang J, Alderman MH. Sodium Intake and Mortality in the NHANES II Follow-up Study. The American Journal of Medicine; 2006; 119 (3) 275.e7-275.e14.
  59. Lightstone SN, Swencionis C, Cohen HW. The Effect of Bioterrorism Messages on Anxiety Levels.    International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2006; 24(2):111-122.
  60. Banauch GI, Hall C, Weiden M, Cohen HW, Aldrich TK, Christodoulou V, Arcentales N, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Pulmonary function after exposure to the World Trade Center in the New York City Fire Department. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2006; 174:312-319.
  61. Hailpern SM, Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Renal dysfunction predicts attenuation of ischemic heart disease mortality risk from elevated glucose among treated hypertensive patients. American Journal of Hypertension 2006; 19(10): 998-1004.
  62. Dhuper S, Cohen HW, Daniel J, Gumidyala P, Agarwalla V, St Victor R, Dhuper S. Utility of the modified ATP III defined metabolic syndrome and severe obesity as predictors of insulin resistance in overweight children and adolescents. Cardiovascular Diabetology 2007; 6:4 (pp 1-9).
  63. Cohen HW, Alderman MH. Sodium, Blood Pressure, and CVD. Current Opinion in Cardiology, 2007, 306-310.
  64. Hailpern S, Melamed M, Cohen HW, Hostetter T. Moderate chronic kidney disease and cognitive function in adults 20-59 years of age (NHANES III). Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2007; 18(7):2205-2213.
  65. Billett HH, Laurie G Jacobs LG, Eileen M Madsen EM, Emily R Giannattasio ER, Sameer Mahesh S, Cohen HW. Efficacy of Inferior Vena Cava Filters in Anticoagulated Patients. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2007; 5: 1848-1853.
  66. Davis NJ, Cohen HW, Wylie-Rosett J., Stein D. Serum potassium changes with initiation of low-carbohydrate compared to low-fat weight loss diet in type 2 diabetes. Southern Medical Journal 2008; 101(1):46-49.
  67. Johnson TM, Cohen HW, Howard AA, Santoro N, Floris-Moore M, Arnsten JH, Hartel DM, Schoenbaum EE. Attribution of menopause symptoms in HIV-infected or at-risk drug-using women. Menopause  2008; 15(3):551-557.
  68. Spevack DM, Blum L, Malhotra D, Nezari R, Ostfeld RJ, Doddamani S, Bellow R, Cohen HW, Sonnenblick EH. Ratio of Left Atrial to Left Ventricular Size: An Anatomical Marker of the Diastolic Left Ventricular Pressure-Volume Relationship. Echocardiography 2008; 25 (4):366-373.
  69. Banauch G, Izbicki G, Christodoulou V, Weiden MD, Webber MP, Cohen H, Gustave J, Chavko R, Aldrich TK, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ.. Trial of Prophylactic Inhaled Steroids to Prevent or Reduce Pulmonary Function Decline, Pulmonary Symptoms, and Airway Hyperreactivity in Firefighters at the World Trade Center Site. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2008;2(1):33-39.
  70. Allen NB, Lichtman JH, Cohen HW,Fang J, Brass LM, Alderman MH. Vascular disease among hospitalized multiple sclerosis patients. Neuroepidemiology, 2008;30(4):234-238..
  71. Cohen HW, Crandall JP, Hailpern SM, Billett HH. Aspirin resistance associated with HbA1c and obesity in diabetic patients. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications. 2008; 22 (3): 224-228.
  72. Rieder J, Santoro N, Cohen HW, Marantz P, Coupey SM. Body shape and size and insulin resistance as early clinical predictors of hyperandrogenic anovulation in ethnic minority adolescent girls. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2008;43(2):115-24.
  73. Cohen HW, Hailpern SM, Alderman MH. Sodium Intake and Mortality Follow-up in the Third National Health  and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III). Journal of General Internal Medicine 2008. May 9 epub ahead of print.
  74. Dhuper S, Chandra A, Ahmed A, Bista S, Moghekar A, Verma R, Chong C, Shim C, Cohen H, Choksi S. Efficacy and cost comparisons of bronchodilator administration between MDIs with disposable spacers and nebulizers for acute asthma treatment in an inner city adult population. Journal of Emergency Medicine  2008; Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print]
  75. Achkar JM, Sherpa T, Cohen HW, Holzman RS. Differences in clinical presentation among persons with pulmonary tuberculosis: a comparison of documented and undocumented foreign-born to US-born persons. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2008; 47(10): 1277–1283.
  76. Sharma R, Spierer M, Thawani N, Cohen HW, Hong L, Garg MK, Kalnicki S. Change in seroma volume during whole breast radiation therapy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, 2009; 75(1): 89-93.
  77. Turner JM, Kaplan JB, Cohen HW, Billett HH. Exchange v. simple transfusion for acute chest syndrome in sickle cell anemia adults. Transfusion 2009; 49(5):863-868.
  78. 78.   Dhuper S, Sakowitz S, Daniels J, Buddhea S,Cohen HW. Association of lipid abnormalities with measures and severity of adiposity and insulin fesistance among overweight children and adolescents.Journal of Cardiometabolic Syndrome, 2009; Online ahead of print: Mar 9  DOI: 10.1111/j.1559-4572.2009.00056.x
  79. 79.   Webber MP, Gustave J, Lee R, Niles JK, Kelly K, Cohen HW, Prezant DJ. Trends in Respiratory Symptoms of Firefighters Exposed to the World Trade Center Disaster: 2001-2005 .Environmental Health Perspectives 2009; 117 (6): 975-980.
  80. 80.   Crandall JP, Shamoon H, Cohen HW, Reid M, Gajavelli S, Trandafirescu G, Tabatabaie V, Barzilai N. Post-challenge hyperglycemia in older adults is associated with increased cardiovascular risk profile. Journal of  Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. 2009;94(5):1595-1601.
  81. Shust GF, Cho S,  Kim M, Madan RP, Guzman EM, Pollack M, Epstein J, Cohen HW, Keller MJ, Herold BC. Female genital tract secretions inhibit herpes simplex virus infection: Correlation with soluble mucosal immune mediators and impact of hormonal contraception. American Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 2010; 63(2):110-119. PMID 20015330.
  82. Santorro N, McGinn AP, Cohen HW, Kaskel F, Marantz P, Mulvihill M, Schoenbaum E.  In it for the long term: Defining the mentor-protegee relationship in a clinical research training program. Academic Medicine, 2010; 85(6): 1067-1072.
  83. Cohen HW, Shmukler C, Ullman R, Rivera CM,,Walker EA. Measurements of medication adherence in diabetic patients with poorly controlled HbA1c. Diabetic Medicine, 2010; 27(2):210-216.
  84. Keller MJ, Mesquita, PM,Torres NM, Cho S, Shust G, Madan RP, Cohen HW, Petrie J, Ford T, Soto-Torres L, Profy AT, and Herold BC. Postcoital bioavailability and antiviral activity of 0.5% PRO 2000 gel: implications for future microbicide clinical trials. PLoSOne, 2010;. 5(1):e8781. PMID 20107502.
  85. Aldrich TK, Gustave J, Hall CB, Cohen HW, Webber MP, Zeig-Owens R, Cosenza K, Christodoulou V, Glass L, Al-Othman F, Weiden MD, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Lung function in rescue workers at the World Trade Center after 7 years. N Engl J Med. 2010 Apr 8;362(14):1263-72. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa0910087. PMID 203755403.
  86. Billett HH, Scorziello BA, Giannattasio ER, Cohen HW.  Low molecular weight heparin bridging for atrial fibrillation: Is VTE thromboprophyaxis the major benefit? Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis, 2010; 30(4): 479-485.
  87. Alderman MH, Cohen HW, Sealey JE, Laragh JH. Pressor responses to antihypertensive drug types. American Journal of Hypertension, 2010; 23(9):1031-1037. PMID 20725055.
  88. Khan UI, Rieder J, Cohen HW, Coupey SM, Wildman RP.   Effect of modest changes in BMI on cardiovascular disease risk markers in severely obese, minority adolescents. Obesity Research &Clinical Practice, 2010  doi:10.1016/j.orcp.2010.03.001. Available online April 3, 2010.
  89. Beminger A, Webber MP, Cohen HW, Gustave J, Lee R, Niles JK, Chiu S, Zeig-Owens R, Soo J,  Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Trends of elevated PTSD risk in firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster: 2001-2005. Public Health Reports 2010; 125(4):556-566. PMID 20597456.
  90. Berninger A, Webber MP, Niles JK, Gustgave J, Lee R, Cohen HW, Kelly K, Corrigan M, Prezant DJ. Longitudinal Study of Probable Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Firefighters Exposed to the World Trade Center Disaster. American Journal of Industrial Medicine 2010; 53(12):1177-1185. PMID 20862700.
  91. Berninger A, Webber MP, Weakley J, Gustgave J,  Zeig-Owens R, Lee R, Al-Othman F, Cohen HW, Kelly K, Prezant DJ. Quality of life in relation to upper and lower respiratory conditions among retired 9/11-exposed firefighters with pulmonary disability. Quality of Life Research  2010; 19 (10): 1467-1476. . PMID 20680691.
  92. Dhuper S, Abdullah RA, Weichbrod L, Mahdi E, Cohen HW. Association of obesity and hypertension with left ventricular geometry and function in children and adolescents. Obesity 2011; 19(1):128-33. Epub 2010 Jun 17, PMID 20559301.
  93. Wildman RP ,  Sowers MF , Muntner  P, .Reynolds K,  Fonseca, VA,Mcginn AP, Lin J, Wang D,   Cohen HW.  Cardiovascular Disease Risk of Abdominal Obesity versus Metabolic Abnormalities. Obesity. 19(4):853-60, 2011. PMID 20725064.
  94. Cohen HW. P Values- use and misuse in medical literature. American Journal of Hypertension 2011; 24(1): 18-23. PMID 20966898..
  95. Walker EA,  Shmukler C, Ullman R, Blanco E, Scollan-Koliopoulus M, Cohen HW. Results of a Successful Telephonic Intervention to Improve Diabetes Control in Urban Adults:  A Randomized Trial.Diabetes Care 2011; 34(1):2-7, PMID: 21193619..
  96. Wildman RP, McGinn AP, Kim M, Muntner P, Wang D, Cohen HW, Ogorodnikova AD, Reynolds K, Fonseca V. Empirical Derivation to Improve the Definition of the Metabolic Syndrome in the Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease Risk. Diabetes Care 2011,
  97. Keller MJ, Madan RP, Torres NM, Fazzari MJ, Cho S, Kalyoussef S, Shust G, Mesquita PMM, Louissant N, Chen J, Cohen HW, Diament EC, Lee AC, Torres LS, Hendrix CW, Herold BC. A randomized trial to assess anti-HIV activity in female genital tract secretions and soluble mucosal immunity following application of 1% tenofovir gel. PLoS-One 2011 6(1):e16475.
  98. Chiu S. Niles JK, Webber MP, Zeig-Owens R, Gustave J, Lee R, Rizzotto L, Kelly KJ, Cohen HW, Prezant DJ. Evaluating risk factors and possible mediation effects in posttraumatic depression and posttraumatic stress disorder comorbidity. Public Health Reports, 2011; 126(2):201-209.
  99. Leyvi G, Nelson O, Yedlin A, Pasamba M, Belamarich PF, Nair S, Cohen HW. Comparison of the Effect of Aprotinin and ε-Aminocaproic Acid on Renal Function in Children Undergoing Cardiac Surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2011; 25(3):402-406.
  100. Buyuk E, Santoro N, Cohen HW, Charron MJ, Jindal S. Reduced neurotrophin receptor tropomyosin-related kinase A expression in human granulosa cells: a novel marker of diminishing ovarian reserve. Fertility & Sterility, 2011, 96(2):474-478.e4.
  101. Niles JK,Webber MP, Gustave J, Cohen HW, Zeig-Owens R, Kelly KJ, Glass L, Prezant DJ. Co-Morbid Trends in World Trade Center Cough Syndrome and Probable PTSD in Firefighters. Chest, 2011; 140(5):1146-1154.
  102. Nandalike K, Strauss T, Agarwal C, Coupey SM, Sin S, Rajpathak S, Cohen HW, Arens R. Screening for Sleep Disordered Breathing and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Adolescent Girls with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Journal of Pediatrics, 2011; 159(4):591-596.
  103. Austrian JS, Adelman JS, Reissman SH, Cohen HW, Billett HH. The impact of the heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) computerized alert on provider behaviors and patient outcomes. J Am Med Inform Assoc  2011; 18(6):783-788.
  104. Soo J, Webber MP, Gustave J, Lee R, Hall CB, Cohen HW, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Trends in probable PTSD in firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster, 2001-2010. Disaster Medicine & Public Health Preparedness, 2011; 5 Suppl 2:S197-203.
  105. Sharma A, Cohen HW, Freeman R, Santoro N, Schoenbaum EE. Prospective Evaluation of Bone Mineral Density among Middle-Aged HIV-Infected and Uninfected Women: Association between Methadone Use and Bone Loss. Maturitas, 2011; 70(3):295-301.
  106. Zeig-Owens R, Webber MP, Hall CB, Schwartz T, Jaber N, Weakley J, Rohan TE, Cohen HW, Derman O, Aldrich TK, Kelly K, Prezant DJ. Early assessment of cancer outcomes in New York City firefighters after the 9/11 attacks: an observational cohort study. The Lancet, 2011; 378 (9794): 898-905.
  107. Gonzalez MC, Cohen HW, Sealey JE, Laragh JH, Alderman MH. Enduring direct association of baseline plasma renin activity with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in hypertensive patients. Am J Hypertension, 2011; 24(11):1181-1186.
  108. Nolan A, Naveed B, Comfort A, Ferrier N, Hall C, Kwon S, Kasturiarachchi K, Cohen HW, Zeig-Owens R, Glaser M, Webber M, Aldrich T, Rom W, Kelly K, Prezant D, Weiden M. Inflammatory Biomarkers Predict Airflow Obstruction After Exposure to World Trade Center Dust. Chest 2012 Aug;142(2):412-418. doi: 10.1378/chest.11-1202.
  109. Naveed B, Weiden MD, Kwon, Gracely EJ, Comfort AL, Ferrier N, Kasturiarachchi KJ, Cohen HW, Aldrich TK, Rom WN, Kelly K, Prezant DJ,  Nolan A Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers Predict Lung Function Impairment: A Nested Case-Control Study. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2011; published ahead of print on November 17, 2011 as doi:10.1164/rccm.201109-1672OC.
  110. Weakley J. Webber MP. Gustave J. Kelly K. Cohen HW. Hall CB. Prezant DJ. Trends in respiratory diagnoses and symptoms of firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster: 2005-2010. Preventive Medicine , 2011; 53(6):364-369.
  111. Ceresnak SR. Gates GJ. Nappo L. Cohen HW. Pass RH. A novel method of signal analysis for ablation of Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Heart Rhythm, 2012; 9(1):2-7. Epub 2011 Aug 26. PMID:21872561
  112. Jim B, Ghanta M, Qipo A, Ying F, Chuang PY, Cohen HW, Abadi M, Thomas DB, He JC. Dysregulated nephrin in diabetic nephropathy of type 2 diabetes: A cross sectional study. PLoS One 2012;7(5):e36041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036041. Epub 2012 May 17. PubMed PMID: 22615747;
  113. Fang C, Cohen HW, Billett HH. Race, ABO Blood Type and VTE Risk: Not Black and White. Transfusion. 2012. doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2012.03665.x  Epub 2012 Apr 27. PMID: 22536799;.
  114. Soo J, Webber MP, Hall CB, Cohen HW, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. Pulmonary Function Predicting Confirmed Recovery from Lower Respiratory Symptoms in World Trade Center-Exposed Firefighters, 2001 – 2010  Chest 2012, Nov;142(5):1244-50. PubMed PMID: 22576633.
  115. Schechter CB, Cohen HW, Walker EA, Shmukler C. Intervention Costs and Cost Effectiveness of a Successful Telephonic Intervention to Promote Diabetes Control. Diabetes Care  2012 Nov;35(11):2156-60. doi: 10.2337/dc12-0048. Epub 2012 Jul 30. PubMed PMID: 22851599
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  125. Niles JK, Webber MP, Cohen HW, Hall CB, Zeig-Owens R, Ye F, Glaser MS, Weakley  J, Weiden MD, Aldrich TK, Nolan A, Glass L, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ. The Respiratory Pyramid: From Symptoms to Disease in World Trade Center Exposed Firefighters" American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2013; 56(8):870-880. PMID 237880555
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  186. Liu C, Putman B, Singh A, Zeig-Owens R, Hall CB, Schwartz T, Webber MP, Cohen HW, Berger K, Nolan A, Kelly KJ, Prezant DJ, Weiden MD,. Predictors of Asthma/COPD Overlap in FDNY Firefighters with World Trade Center Dust Exposure: a Longitudinal Study. Chest. 2018 Dec;154(6):1301-1310. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2018.07.002. Epub 2018 Jul 17. PMID: 30028968
  187. Putman B, Zeig-Owens R, Singh A, Hall CB, Schwartz T, Webber MP, Cohen HW, Prezant DJ, Bachert C, Weiden MD. Risk Factors for Post 9/11 Chronic Rhinosinusitis in Fire Department of the City of New York (FDNY) Workers. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2018 Dec;75(12):884-889. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2018-105297. Epub 2018 Oct 18. PMID:30337339
  188. Hagestuen, RA, Cohen EV, González-Ramos G, Bassich C, Beran D, Book E, Bradley KP, Briggs JL, Carter JH, Cohen HW, Di Minno M, Gardner J, Giroux M, Holten S, Imke S, Joseph R, Kornegay DD, Morgan JC, Simpson PA, Tomaino CM, VandenDolder RP, Walde-Douglas M, Wichmann R. Development and Evolution of a Model Interprofessional Education Program in Parkinson’s disease: A Ten-year Experience. Health and Interprofessional Practice  2018 3(3).  doi.org/10.7710/2159-1253.1151
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  190. Liu C, Putman B, Singh A, Zeig-Owens R, Hall C, Schwartz T, Webber M, Cohen H, Fazzari M, Prezant D, Weiden M. Abnormalities on Chest Computed Tomography and Lung Function Following an Intense Dust Exposure: a 17-year Longitudinal Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health  2019. 2019 May 13;16(9). pii: E1655. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16091655. PMID: 31085989
  191. Sinha AA, Adusumilli T, Cohen HW, Nouraie M, Little J, Manwani D. Splenectomy is not associated with a higher tricuspid regurgitant jet velocity in people with sickle cell anemia. British Journal of Haematology. 2019 Oct;66(10):e27928. doi: 10.1002/pbc.27928. Epub 2019 Jul 19. PMID: 31322833
  192. Long-term Cardiovascular Disease Risk among Firefighters of the World Trade Center Disaster. Cohen HW, Zeig-Owens R, Joe C, Hall CB, , Webber MP, Weiden MD, Cleven KL, Jaber N, Skerker M, Yip J, Schwartz T, Prezant DJ. JAMA Netw Open. 2019; 2(9):e199775. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.9775. PMID: 31490535