Nelly Katsnelson

Nelly Katsnelson, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Nelly Katsnelson, M.D. is a psychiatrist with an interest in cultural psychiatry, psychodynamic group and individual psychotherapy, and mind-body psychotherapy. She is also a Director of Group Psychotherapy Training for AECOM Residency Training and Director of Bilingual Bicultural Ambulatory Services for Immigrants and Refugees form the former Soviet Union.Dr. Katsnelson completed psychiatric residency at Montefiore/AECOM after graduating from Michigan State

 Medical School and University of Michigan with a B.A. in psychology.

She joined Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1991.

Dr. Katsnelson is a member of American Group Psychotherapy Association and a Certified Group Psychotherapist. She served on UJA Task Force on Immigration. She received Rock Sleyster Memorial Scholarship in Psychiatry and Milton Rosenbaum Award.

Selected Publications

Psychogeriatric Services at Certified Home Health Agencies: Case Reports and Guidelines for Psychiatric Consultants.