Carl E. Silver

Carl E. Silver, M.D.




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Bronx, NY 10467

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Carl E. Silver, MD, FACS

Dr. Silver is Professor Emeritus of Surgery and Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York.  He retired from active practice in December 2005, after a 40 year career as a head and neck surgeon, teacher and author.  He held a joint faculty position as Professor in both departments, and was chief of the Division of Head and Neck Surgery at Montefiore Medical Center from 1974 until his retirement.

Dr. Silver graduated from the University of Rochester with a degree in biology, and received his M.D. degree at the State University of New York at Syracuse. His internship and residency in gene­ral surgery were at the Mount Sinai Hospital and Montefiore Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Silver spent the early years of his career as a student and associate of Dr. Max Som, a pioneer in head and neck surgery, with whom he co-authored publications on laryngeal conser­vation surgery, applications of vascular surgical techniques to head and neck surgery and pharyngoesophageal reconstruction. Some of the earliest work on canine laryngeal transplantation was developed and reported by Dr. Silver from his laboratory.   In addition to a surgical practice devoted entirely to the treatment of patients with tumors of the head and neck, Dr. Silver published more than one hundred scientific papers as well as two monographs, numerous book chapters, and several movies and videotapes.  His published work has dealt mostly with laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer, diagnosis and management of thyroid and parathyroid disease, applications of cytopathology and scintigraphy to diagnosis of neoplasms of the head and neck, and management of cervical metastatic disease. He is best known as author or co-author of first and second editions of Surgery for Cancer of the Larynx and Related Structures (1981 and 1996), two editions of Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery (1986 and 1999), and Laryngeal Cancer (1991).   

After retirement from clinical practice in 2005, Dr. Silver moved to Scottsdale Arizona and has authored and co-authored numerous  scientific articles on head and neck cancer in conjunction with an international group of authors, and co-authored/edited a book entitled "Neck Dissection -- Management of Regional Disease in Head and Neck Cancer (2010).  He continues to work with the International Head and Neck Scientific group ( as vice-coordinator, and lectures and contributes non-medical articles to the Arizona State Univerity Emeritus College.  He currently mentors students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine--Phoenix, where is Clinical Professor of Surgery.