Elihu Turkel, Psy.D.
- Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Area of research
- Schizophrenia, Cognitive Impairment, Geropsychology
- Long Island Jewish Medical Center 75-59 263rd Street Glen Oaks, NY 11004
Selected Publications
Bilder, RM, Turkel, E, Lipschutz-Broch, L., Lieberman, J.A. Antipsychotic medication effects on neuropsychological functions. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 28, 353-366, 1992.
Bilder, RM; Turkel, E; Bates, JA; Goldman, RS; Lieberman, JA; Schooler, N; Robinson, D; Lencz, TT; Kane, JM. "Concurrent validation of computerized neurocognitive assessment tools: Is the mouse mightier than the pen?" Biological Psychiatry 49 (8 SUPPL) (Apr 15 2001): 56S
Solanto, MV, Abikoff, H, Sonuga-Barke, E, Schachar, R, Logan, GD, Wigal, T, Hechtman, L, Hinshaw, S, and Turkel , E The Ecological Validity of Delay Aversion and Response Inhibition as Measures of Impulsivity in AD/HD: A Supplement to the NIMH Multimodal Treatment Study of AD/HD Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 29:3, 215-228, 2001.
Zweig, R; Turkel, E; Siskin, L; Rosendahl, E; Dekel, N; Liss-Bialik, A."Validity of the Social Adjustment Scale Self-Report in older adults." Gerontologist 41 (SP ISS 1) (Oct 2001): 371
Lencz, T, Bilder, RM, Turkel, E, Goldman, RS, Robinson, D, Kane, JM, Lieberman, JA Impairments in Perceptual Competency and Maintenance on a Visual Delayed Match-to-Sample Test in First-Episode Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 60(3):238-243, March 2003.
Lencz, T; Turkel, E; Robinson, DG; Malhotra, AK; Szeszko, PR; Woerner, M; Kane, JM; Bilder, RM. "Implicit motor learning and set-shifting deficits in first episode schizophrenia." Schizophrenia Bulletin 31 (2) (Apr 2005): 331-332
Zweig RA, Turkel E The social adjustment scale-self-report: psychometric properties for older adults. Psychological Reports,101(3 Pt 1):920-6, December 2007.