Melissa J. Fazzari, M.S., Ph.D.
- Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Biostatistics)
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 314 Bronx, NY 10461
Professional Interests
Melissa Fazzari is an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Population Health. Her statistical research interests include: meta-analysis of rare events; longitudinal and clustered study design and data analysis; clinical trials; statistical consulting, teaching, and mentoring. She is also interested in the analysis of highly dimensional and complex data, including genomic and epigenomic data and building predictive models based on machine learning approaches such as Random Forest, neural networks, and support vector machines.
Selected Publications
Aloia J, Fazzari M, Islam S, Mikhail M, Shieh A, Katumuluwa S, Dhaliwal R, Stolberg A, Usera G, Ragolia L. Vitamin D Supplementation in Elderly Black Women Does Not Prevent Bone Loss: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Miner Res. 2018 Nov;33(11):19161922. PMID: 29905969
Brand DA, Fazzari MJ. Risk of Death in Infants Who Have Experienced a Brief Resolved Unexplained Event: A Meta-Analysis. J Pediatr. 2018 Feb 2. PubMed PMID: 29398048.
Wallace SK, Fazzari MJ, Chen H, Cliby WA, Chalas E. Outcomes and Postoperative Complications After Hysterectomies Performed for Benign Compared With Malignant Indications. Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep;128(3):467-75. PubMed PMID: 27500339
Wilkenfeld M, Fazzari M, Segelnick J, Stecker M. Neuropathic Symptoms in World Trade Center Disaster Survivors and Responders. J Occup Environ Med. 2016 Jan;58(1):83-6. PubMed PMID: 26618530.
Aloia J, Dhaliwal R, Mikhail M, Shieh A, Stolberg A, Ragolia L, Fazzari M, Abrams SA. Free 25(OH)D and Calcium Absorption, PTH, and Markers of Bone Turnover. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Nov;100(11):4140-5. PubMed PMID: 26312580
Fazzari MJ, Kim MY, Heo M. Sample size determination for three-level randomized clinical trials with randomization at the first or second level. J Biopharm Stat. 2014;24(3):579-99. PMID:24697506
COMET Group. Myopia stabilization and associated factors among participants in the Correction of Myopia Evaluation Trial (COMET). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 Dec 3;54(13):7871-84.
Kenny P, Fazzari MJ, Sparano, J. Clinical Application of Gene Expression Profiling in Breast Cancer, Surg Oncol Clin N Am (2010)
Chow JC, Ciaudo C, Fazzari MJ, Mise N, Servant N, Glass JL, Attreed M, Avner P, Wutz A, Barillot E, Greally JM, Voinnet O, Heard E LINE1 activity in facultative heterochromatin formation during X-chromosome inactivation Cell. 2010 Jun 11;141(6):956-69
Strickler HD, Fazzari M, Kovacs A, Isasi C, Napolitano LA, Minkoff H, Gange S, Young M, Sharp GB, Kaplan RC, Cohen M, Gunter MJ, Harris TG, Yu H, Schoenbaum E, Landay AL, Anastos K. Associations of Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF)-I and IGF-Binding Protein-3 with HIV Disease Progression in Women. J Infect Dis. (2008); 197(2):319-27
Ahn, H., Moon, H., Fazzari, MJ., Lim, N., Chen, J. J. and Kodell, R. L. Classification by Ensembles of Random Partitions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (2006); 51(12):6166-6179.
Sparano J, Fazzari M, Childs J. Clinical application of molecular profiling in breast cancer. Future Oncology (2005); 1(4):485-496.
Fazzari MJ, Greally JM. Epigenomics: Beyond CpG Islands.Nature Reviews Genetics (2004);5:446-55.