Mimi Kim, Sc.D.
- Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Biostatistics)
- Harold and Muriel Block Chair in Epidemiology & Population Health
- Division Head, Division of Biostatistics, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health
- Director, Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design Core of the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
- Director, Quantitative Sciences in Biomedical Research Center
- Associate Director, Block Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Area of research
- Clinical trials; misclassification and measurement error; survival analysis, cancer, rheumatology, infectious diseases
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Belfer Building 1303B Bronx, NY 10461
Professional Interests
Dr. Kim’s research focuses on statistical methods for designing and analyzing clinical trials and epidemiologic studies (research of the factors affecting health and illness). Most clinical trials aim to demonstrate superiority of an experimental treatment relative to a standard treatment or placebo. An increasing number of trials, however, seek to show that the effects of two treatments on a particular outcome are equivalent, or that one treatment is not inferior to another. These goals are of interest when the new therapy offers benefits such as reduced cost, toxicity, or invasiveness. Dr. Kim is investigating the effects of non-compliance, outcome misclassification and measurement error on equivalence and non-inferiority trials and developing new approaches for defining the non-inferiority margin. Her research interests also include the development of methods for analyzing multivariate and interval-censored survival data. In addition, she collaborates on studies in cancer, rheumatology, and HIV/AIDS.
Dr. Kim has been head of the Division of Biostatistics since 2003, is Associate Director of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Research (ICTR), Director of the ICTR Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) Core, and Director of the Center for Quantitative Sciences. She is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association (ASA) and Chair of the ASA Council of Chapters Governing Board. She has also served as Chair of the ASA Lifetime Data Science Section, Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences, President of the Korean International Statistical Society, and on the Medical and Scientific Advisory Council of the Lupus Foundation of America. She has participated on numerous grant review panels for the National Institutes of Health and was a member of the NIH Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases Clinical Trials Review Committee.
Selected Publications
Petri, M., Kim, M., Kalunian, K., et al. Combined oral contraceptives are not associated with an increased rate of flare in SLE patients in the SELENA Trial. New England Journal of Medicine 2005; 353:2550 - 2558.
Ginzler, E., Dooley, M., Aranow, C., Kim, M., et al. Comparison of mycophenolate mofetil to intravenous cyclophosphamide for induction therapy of severe active lupus nephritis. New England Journal of Medicine 2005; 353: 2219 - 2228.
Buyon, J., Petri, M., Kim, M., et al. . Estrogen/Cyclic progesterone replacement is associated with an increased rate of mild/moderate but not severe flares in SLE: The SELENA Trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 2005; 953 - 962.
Sheng, D. and Kim, M.Y. The effects of non-compliance on intent-to-treat analysis of equivalence trials. Statistics in Medicine 2006; 25:1183-1199.
Kim, M.Y., Xue, X., Du, E. Approaches for calculating power for case-cohort studies. Biometrics 2006; 62: 929-922.
Xue, X., Kim, M., and Shore, R. Cox regression analysis in presence of collinearity: an application to assessment of health risks associated with occupational radiation exposure. Lifetime Data Analysis 2007; 13:333-350.
Kim, M.Y. Using the instrumental variables estimator to analyze non-inferiority trials with non-compliance. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 2010; 20:745-758.
Heo, M., Kim, Y., Xue, X., Kim, M. Sample size requirement to detect an intervention effect at the end of follow-up in a longitudinal cluster randomized trial. Statistics in Medicine 2010; 29:382-290.
Xie, X., Xue, X., Gange, S., Strickler, H., Kim, M., and the WIHS HPV Study Group. Estimationand inference on correlations between biomarkers with repeated measures and left-censoring dueto minimum detection levels. Statistics in Medicine 2012; 31:2275-2289
Wang, C., Hall, C., Kim, M. A comparison of power analysis methods for evaluating the effects of a predictor on slopes in longitudinal designs with missing data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2015; 24:1009-1029
Kim, M., Wang, C., Xue, X. Assessing the influence of treatment non-adherence on non-inferiority trials using the tipping point approach. Statistics in Medicine 2019; 38:650-659
Fazzari, M., and Kim, M. Subgroup discovery in non-inferiority trials. Statistics in Medicine 2021; 40: 5174-5187.
Lee, S., Bagiella, E., Vaughan,R., Govindarajulu, U., Christos, P., Esserman, D., Zhong, H., Kim, M. COVID-19 Pandemic as a Change Agent in the Structure and Practice of Statistical Consulting Centers. The American Statistician 2022; 76;152-158.
Choi, J., Xue, X., Kim, M. Non-inferiority trials with time-to-event data: Clarifying the impact of censoring. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 2023; Apr 12:1-18.