The Wall Street Journal interviews Paul Gross, M.D., about the growing emphasis medical schools are placing on humanities, including courses in writing and literature, in order to help produce physicians better able to provide sensitive personal care. Dr. Gross notes that doctors rarely have an opportunity to talk with patients about their lives and their experience of being a patient. He runs a monthly session in narrative medicine, which encourages physicians to write about their experiences with patients. Dr. Gross is assistant professor of family and social medicine and editor-in-chief of "Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine."

The Los Angeles Times blog "Booster Shots" interviews Paul Gross, M.D., about the e-magazine Pulse: voices from the heart of medicine. The weekly online publication allows medical and lay audiences to share their tales of unexpected illness, thoughts on the U.S. health care system, and in the case of medical professionals, their experiences with challenging patients. Dr. Gross is assistant professor of family and social medicine at Einstein and editor-in-chief of Pulse.