Our Patients Montefiore Wakefield is a 345-bed community hospital that, along with the Moses and Weiler campuses, is part of the larger Montefiore Medical Group (MMG) system. MMG prides itself on its patient-centered care, community engagement, and commitment to social justice. With its focus on compassionate care for its neighbors, Wakefield is a prime representation of the Montefiore spirit. As part of its commitment to humanistic education, Wakefield also has an academic relationship with the Albert Einstein College of Medicine by hosting 3rd and 4th year students for their internal medicine clerkships and sub-internships. We serve the patients in the neighborhood surrounding our hospital, which is in the North Bronx. Our patients are predominantly Black (65%) and Latino (25%). One-third of adults in our area are college graduates; 23% live in poverty. While our patients are generally healthier compared to the Bronx overall, they are less healthy than those in New York City overall. Wakefield Area The Bronx NYC Overall Report their health as “excellent,” “very good,” or “good” 78% 73% 78% Current smokers 11% 14% 14% Obesity 30% 32% 24% Diabetes 14% 16% 11% Hypertension 39% 36% 28% Eat at least 1 serving of fruits/vegetables daily 88% 83% 87% Any physical activity in the last 30 days 71% 70% 73% Uninsured 8% 12% 12% Hospitalizations that could have been avoided if adults had access to quality primary care (per 100,000 adults) 1,897 2,091 1,033 *Data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Community Health Profiles