Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine
Department Faculty

Sunit P. Jariwala, M.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Allergy & Immunology)
Professional Interests
Dr. Sunit P. Jariwala is the Medical Director of Digital Transformation of the Faculty Practice Group and the Director of Clinical & Research Innovation of the Department of Medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center. He also serves as the Director of Allergy/Immunology Research for the Division of Allergy/Immunology and Co-Director of the Montefiore Asthma Center. Dr. Jariwala's clinical practice covers all aspects of allergy, asthma, and immunologic diseases in children and adults. Dr. Jariwala serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Allergy and Asthma. To date, Dr. Jariwala has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles, and has received 22 clinical research grants (PI on 14 grants) for his work regarding novel information technology-based asthma education interventions for patients. He has received grant support from the NIH/NHLBI, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Price Family Foundation, New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research, and the Einstein Global Health Center. He recently served as the Chair of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology's Health Informatics, Technology and Education (HITE) Committee. He has also served as an NIH Study Section member for the Biomedical Computing and Health Informatics Study Section.
Dr. Jariwala has a long-standing interest in quality improvement and medical informatics, especially regarding asthma care delivery. He developed and pilot tested an adult version of the ASTHMAXcel mobile intervention for severe asthma patients. The ASTHMAXcel tool is available for smartphones and tablets, and provides guideline-based asthma education in the ambulatory and emergency department settings. This platform has been extended to other chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes and was also extended to the emergency department setting. ASTHMAXcel website - www.asthmaxcel.net
Dr. Jariwala is board certified in Allergy/Immunology and Clinical Informatics, and has been recognized with the Physician’s Recognition Award with Commendation in Continuing Medical Education by the American Medical Association. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Rutgers College General Honors Program and UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Dr. Jariwala completed his residency in Internal Medicine and fellowship in Allergy/Immunology at Montefiore Medical Center. Upon the completion of his training, he received the Leo Davidoff Award for outstanding achievement in the teaching of medical students. Dr. Jariwala is a Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
Selected Publications
A. Original Communications in Reviewed Journals:
1. Jariwala SP. SAMAR: A decade of service to the minority bone marrow donor registration disparity. Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. 2002 Fall; 21.
2. Jariwala SP, Crowley JG, Roychowdhury S. Trauma-induced extracranial carotid artery dissection leading to multiple infarcts in a young female. Pediatric Emergency Care. 2006 Oct; 22(10):737-742.
3. Khan AM, Jariwala SP, Klapper P. Acute eosinophilic pneumonia with intramuscular progesterone (in oil) following in vitro fertilization. Fertility and Sterility. 2008 Oct; 90(4): 1200.e3-6.
4. Jariwala SP, Fodeman J, Rosenstreich D, Hudes G, Ahuja K. Functional antibody deficiency in a patient with type 1 Gaucher disease. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 2008 Dec;31 Suppl 2:S267-70.
5. Jariwala SP, Moday H, de Asis ML, Fodeman J, Hudes G, de Vos G, Rosenstreich D. The Urticaria Severity Score (USS), A Sensitive Questionnaire/Index for Monitoring Response to Therapy in Chronic Urticaria. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2009 Jun; 102: 475-482.
6. Fodeman J, Jariwala SP, Hudes G, Wittner M, Klapper P, Rosenstreich D. Scratching the Surface. American Journal of Medicine. 2010 Jan; 123(1): 22-26.
7. Fodeman J, Jariwala SP, Hudes G, Jerschow E, Rosenstreich D. Subcutaneous Allergen Immunotherapy in Three Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2010 Oct; 105(4): 320-1.
8. Sharief S, Jariwala SP, Kumar J, Muntner P, Melamed M. Vitamin D and food and environmental allergy in the United States: Results from NHANES 2005-2006. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011 May; 127(5): 1195-202.
9. Jariwala SP, Kurada V, Moday H, Thanjan A, Bastone L, Khananashvili M, Fodeman J, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Association between Tree Pollen Counts and Asthma ED Visits in a High-Density Urban Center. Journal of Asthma. 2011 Jun; 48(5): 442-8.
10. Jariwala SP, Vernon N, de Vos G. A novel method of desensitization for fluconazole hypersensitivity in a patient with AIDS. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2011 Jun; 106(6): 542-3.
11. Jariwala S, Vernon N, Shliozberg J. Henoch-Schonlein purpura after Hepatitis A vaccination. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2011 Aug; 107(2): 180-1.
12. Jariwala S, Langman Y, Benson A, Wolf E, Moss J, Zhu C, Brandt L. Strongyloidiasis presenting as eosinophilic ascites. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 2011 Jun; 105(4): 335-8.
13. Weiss K, Jariwala S, Wachs J, Jerschow E. Fixed drug eruption caused by mesna. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2011 Oct; 107(4): 377-8.
14. Shum M, Jariwala SP, Rosenstreich D. Successful C1 inhibitor prophylaxis during Zenker's diverticulum repair in a patient with hereditary angioedema. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2012 Feb; 108(2): 126-8.
15. Ferastraoaru DE, Jariwala NN, Jariwala SP. Strongyloides stercoralis infection in a patient with sickle cell disease. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. 2011; 105(8): 647-50.
16. Rankin BT, Jariwala SP. Graded challenge protocol for fluconazole hypersensitivity in a patient with cryptococcal pneumonitis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2012 Jun; 108(6): 466.
17. Patel SJ, Sindher S, Jariwala SP, Hudes G. Chronic Urticaria with Monoclonal IgG Gammopathy – a clinical variant of Schnitzler Syndrome? Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2012 Aug; 109(2): 147-8.
18. Sindher S, Jariwala SP, Gilbert J, Rosenstreich D. Resolution of chronic urticaria coincident with vitamin D supplementation. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2012 Nov; 109(5): 359-60.
19. Jerschow E, McGinn A, de Vos G, Vernon N, Jariwala SP, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Environmental pesticides and allergies: results from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2005-2006. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2012 Dec; 109(6): 420-5.
20. Parikh P, Kooragayalu S, Jariwala SP. Mannose-Binding Lectin Deficiency in a Patient with Multiple Opportunistic Infections, Strongyloidiasis, and Spindle Cell Tumor. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2013 Feb; 110(2): 120-1.
21. Jariwala SP, Benson A, Patel P, Friedman A, Broadway K. An unusual association between Sweet’s syndrome and metastatic papillary follicular thyroid carcinoma. Annals of Dermatology. 2013 Feb; 25(1): 84-7.
22. Reid N, Jariwala SP, Fodeman J, Jerschow E, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Worsening of Contact Dermatitis by Oral Hydroxyzine: A Case Report. Dermatology Online Journal. 2013 Feb; 19(2): 4.
23. Rampur L, Jariwala SP, Viau R, Patel P, Rosenstreich D. DRESS syndrome with suspected Strongyloides infection in a patient treated for hepatitis C. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2013 Aug; 111(2): 138-9.
24. Jariwala SP, Toh J, Shum M, de Vos G, Zou K, Sindher S, Patel P, Zou K, Geevarghese A, Tavdy A, Rosenstreich D. Association between asthma-related emergency department visits and pollen concentrations in the Bronx, 2001-2008. Journal of Asthma. 2014 Feb; 51(1): 79-83.
25. Jerschow E, Parikh P, McGinn A, de Vos G, Jariwala S, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D. Relationship between urine dichlorophenol levels and asthma morbidity. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2014 Jun; 112(6): 511-518.
26. Ferastraoaru D, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala S. Severe Angioedema Associated With Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor Therapy in Two Patients with Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome. Journal of Clinical Hypertension. 2015 Jun;17(6):493-4.
27. Guha M, Jariwala S, Jinjolava N, Mazer N, Revere E, Riska P, Jerschow E. Toxocariasis presenting as eosinophilic ascites in a postpartum female. Journal of Parasitic Diseases. 2015 Jun; 39(2): 284-6.
28. Lautenbacher L, Jariwala SP, Markowitz M, Rastogi D. Vitamin D and pulmonary function in obese asthmatic children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016 Dec;51(12):1276-1283.
29. Arango S, Reddy V, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala SP. Poorly Controlled Asthma and Strongyloidiasis in a Non-Endemic Area of the United States. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2016 Aug;117(2):195-6.
30. Jariwala SP, Keskin T, Achar K, Henner J, Talla G, Rosenstreich D, Santana C. Developing and Pilot Testing an Electronic Medical Record (EMR)-based Allergen Immunotherapy Template. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2016 Aug;117(2):206-8.
31. Rampur L, Jariwala SP, Hudes G, Rosenstreich D, de Vos G. Effect of ivermectin on allergy-type manifestations in occult strongyloidiasis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2016 Oct; 117(4): 423-428.
32. Soffer G, Toh J, Clements S, Jariwala SP. A case of chronic contact dermatitis secondary to blue hair dye. Contact Dermatitis. 2016 Oct; 75(4): 258-9.
33. Aviv R, Toh J, Eisenberg R, Khanna S, Jariwala SP. Zinc deficiency presenting as diarrhea and diffuse erythroderma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2016 Dec; 117(6): 707-708.
34. Shah K, Ferastraoaru D, Jariwala SP. Eosinophilia associated with Strongyloides infection, severe asthma, and central bronchiectasis. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2017 Apr; 118(4):510-511.
35. Iammatteo M, Ayobami A, Jariwala SP, Rosenstreich D. Severe contact dermatitis due to ethylenediamine dihydrochloride in nystatin cream. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice. 2017 Sep; 5(5):1448-1450.
35. Soffer G, Cohen B, Toh J, Edelman D, Garg K, Jariwala SP. Successful graded dose challenge to iodixanol radiocontrast media in a patient with delayed anaphylaxis to iohexol. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2018 Jan;52(1):59-60.
36. Witonsky J, Abraham R, Toh J, Desai T, Shum M, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala SP. The Association of Environmental, Meteorological, and Pollen Count Variables with Asthma-related Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations in the Bronx. Journal of Asthma. 2019 Sep;56(9):927-937.
37. Sharma K, Abraham R, Mowrey W, Toh J, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala SP. The association between pollutant levels and asthma-related emergency department visits in the Bronx after the World Trade Center Attacks. Journal of Asthma. 2018 Oct 25:1-7.
38. Kordit DS, Reznik M, Leu CS, Jariwala S. Longitudinal trends in asthma emergency department visits, pollutant and pollen levels, and weather variables in the Bronx from 2001-2008. Journal of Asthma. 2019 Mar 8:1-8.
39. Eisenman T, Jariwala S, Lovasi G. Urban trees and asthma: a call for epidemiological research. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2019 Jul; 7(7): e19-e20.
40. Mowrey W, Keskin T, Hsia B, Wu S, Aita R, Kwak L, Ferastraoaru D, Rosenstreich D, Jariwala SP. Developing and Pilot Testing ASTHMAXcel, a Mobile App for Adults with Asthma. Journal of Asthma. 2020 Feb 12: 1-17. [Epub ahead of print]
41. Hsia B, Wu S, Mowrey W, Jariwala SP. Evaluating the ASTHMAXcel Mobile Application Regarding Asthma Knowledge and Clinical Outcomes. Respiratory Care (In Press).
42. Kooragayalu S, El-Zarif S, Jariwala S. Vaping Associated Pulmonary Injury (VAPI) with superimposed Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Infection. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports. 2020 Jan 8; 29: 100997. [Epub ahead of print]
43. Ramesh S, Jariwala S, Hewitt D. Environmental Infection Risks for Outdoor Athletes. Journal of Environmental Health. 2020 Oct 1;83(3):22-7.
44. Goodman B, Jariwala S. Dupilumab as a novel therapy to treat adrenergic urticaria. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2020 Jul 1: S1081-1206(20)30441-5.
45. Hsia B, Singh A, Njeze O, Cosar E, Mowrey W, Feldman J, Reznik M, Jariwala SP. Developing and Evaluating ASTHMAXcel Adventures: A Novel Gamified Mobile App for Pediatric Patients with Asthma. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2020 Nov; 125(5): 581-588.
46. Beiser M, Lu V, Paul S, Ni J, Nazar N, Epstein E, Mammen A, Short J, Tomer Y, Jariwala SP. Electronic Health Record Usage Patterns: Assessing telemedicine’s impact on the provider experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Telemed J E Health. 2021 Aug 1;27(8):934-8.
47. Ferastraoaru D, Hudes G, Jerschow E, Jariwala SP, Karagic M, de Vos G, Rosenstreich D, Ramesh M. Eosinophilia in Asthma Patients is Protective Against Severe COVID-19 Illness. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Mar; 9(3): 1152-1162.
48. Camacho-Rivera M, Islam J, Vidot D, Jariwala SP. Prevalence and risk factors of COVID-19 physical and mental health symptoms among U.S. adults with allergies. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021 Feb 24; 18(5): 2231.
49. Tomer Y, Gong M, Keller M, Southern W, Kitsis E, Kajita G, Shapiro L, Jariwala SP, Epstein E. Teamwork and leadership under fire at the epicenter of the Covid-19 epidemic in the Bronx. Frontiers in Medicine. 2021 Mar 18; 290.
50. Feldman JM, Becker J, Arora A, DeLeon J, Hernandez TT, Greenfield N., Wiviott A., Jariwala S, Shim C, Federman A, Wisnivesky J. Depressive symptoms and over-perception of airflow obstruction in older adults with asthma. Psychosomatic Med. 2021 Sep 1;83(7):787-94.
51. Arora S, Hemmige V, Mandke C, Chansoria M, Rawat S, Dravid A, Sethi Y, Medikeri G, Jariwala S, Puius Y. Preliminary Results from an Online Registry of Coronavirus Disease-Associated Mucormycosis, India. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2021 Nov;27(11):2963.
52. Kaur S, Rosenstreich D, Cleven K, Spivack S, Grizzanti J, Reznik M, Jariwala SP. Severe Asthma in an Adult, Inner-city predominantly African-American and Latinx Population: Demographic, Clinical and Phenotypic Characteristics. Journal of Asthma. 2021 Nov 25:1-1.
53. Su Z, He L, Jariwala SP, Zheng K, Chen Y. “What is your envisioned future?”: towards human-AI enrichment in data work of asthma care. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 2022 (In Press).
54. Israel E, Cardet JC, Carroll JK, Fuhlbrigge AL, She L, Rockhold FW, Maher NE, Fagan M, Forth VE, Yawn BP, Arias Hernandez P, Kruse JM, Manning BK, Rodriguez-Louis J, Shields JB, Ericson B, Colon-Moya AD, Madison S, Coyne-Beasley T, Hammer GM, Kaplan BM, Rand CS, Robles J, Thompson O, Wechsler ME, Wisnivesky JP, McKee MD, Jariwala SP, Jerschow E, Busse PJ, Kaelber DC, Nazario S, Hernandez ML, Apter AJ, Chang KL, Pinto-Plata V, Stranges PM, Hurley LP, Trevor J, Casale TB, Chupp G, Riley IL, Shenoy K, Pasarica M, Calderon-Candelario RA, Tapp H, Baydur A, Pace WD. Reliever-Triggered Inhaled Glucocorticoid in Black and Latinx Adults with Asthma. N Engl J Med. 2022 Feb 26. Online ahead of print.
55. Oh S, Nair S, Casler A, Nguyen D, Forero J, Joco C, Kubert J, Esses D, Adams D, Jariwala SP, Leff J. A prospective observational study evaluating the use of remote patient monitoring in ED discharged COVID-19 patients in NYC. American Journal of Emergency Medicine (In Press).
B. Books, Chapters in Books, and Review Articles:
1. Jariwala SP. The role of dendritic cells in the immunopathogenesis of psoriasis. Arch Dermatol Res. 2007 Oct; 299(8):359-66.
2. Jariwala S, Abrams E, Benson A, Fodeman J, Zheng T. The role of thymic stromal lymphopoietin in the immunopathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2011 Nov; 41(11): 1515-20.
3. Benson AA, Toh J, Vernon N, Jariwala SP. The Role of Vitamin D in the Immunopathogenesis of Allergic Skin Diseases. Allergy. 2012 Mar; 67(3): 296-301.
4. Jariwala SP, Rastogi D, Sinha S. Asthma, pulmonary diseases and vocal cord dysfunction. In: Rosenstreich DL, de Vos GS, Jackman A, eds. Manual of Allergy and Immunology for Otolaryngologists. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc.; 2015.
5. Jariwala SP, Desai T, Rosenstreich D. Allergic Rhinitis: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications. Respimirror. 2015 July-Aug; 5(3): 1-2.
6. Jariwala SP, Desai T. The Association Between Obesity and Asthma in South Asians. Journal of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin. 2016 Jan; 30-35.
7. Jariwala SP, Redding L, Hewitt D. The severely under-recognized public health risk of Strongyloidiasis (Helminths) in North American cities – a One Health approach. Zoonoses and Public Health. 2017; 64(8): 579-88.
8. Eisenman T, Churkina G, Jariwala SP, Lovasi G, Pataki D, Weinberger K, Whitlow T. Urban trees, air quality, and asthma: an interdisciplinary review. Landscape and Urban Planning. 2019; 187: 47-59.
9. Doshi H, Hsia B, Shahani J, Mowrey W, Jariwala SP. Impact of Technology Based Interventions on Patient Reported Outcomes in Asthma: A Systematic Review. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2021 Jun; 9(6): 2336-2341.
10. Deshpande P, Jariwala SP, Martin L, Golestaneh L. The Impact of Technology-based Interventions on Linking Potential Kidney Donors and Transplant Candidates: A Scoping Review. Transplant International. 2021 Dec;34(12):2781-93.
More Information About Dr. Sunit Jariwala
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