Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine

2014 Resident/Fellow Research Symposium

2014 Resident/Fellow Research Symposium. watch video

The 2014 Department of Medicine Annual Resident/Fellow Research Symposium, which took place Tuesday, June 3, featured a large turnout and lots of conversation and activity. Eighty-one posters were on display, including 57 from members of the Internal Medicine Residency Program (an increase of 13 over last year), 16 from Medicine fellows, six from Dermatology residents, and two from medical students and/or other pre-MDs.

Resident and fellow posters were judged separately, and the winners and honorable mentions are listed below. Cash prizes were awarded ($400 for 1st place, $300 for 2nd place, and $200 for 3rd place). 

"I thank Bettina Fries, and Anna Manca and her staff for all their work in making the Symposium a success, as well as the trainee investigators and their mentors," said Dr. Victor Schuster, Chairman of the Department of Medicine.   

Resident Prizewinners and Honorable Mentions will make formal presentations at the June 12th Medicine Grand Rounds.

Resident Winners

Dr. William Southern, Dr. Marla Heller, 2014 Resident Fellow Research Symposium, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Drs. William Southern and Marla Heller with Dr. Gupta, award winner.
  1. 1st Place – Dr. Kristin Swedish - Differences in Access to Health Care Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations in New York City
  2. 2nd Place – Dr. Aman Shah - Coronary Artery Calcification is the Strongest Predictor of Abnormal Duke Prognostic CAD Index
  3. 3rd Place – Dr. Jian Shan - Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Pre-Clinical Diastolic Dysfunction in a Multiethnic Urban Population

Resident Honorable Mention

  1. Dr. S. Attalla - Woman, Interrupted: An Unusual Cause of Psychosis
  2. Dr. J. Pacifico - Fire in the Belly

Fellow Winners

  1. 1st Place – Dr. Maria Sobolev - Ultrasound-Guided Catheterization of the Femoral Artery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  2. 2nd Place – Dr. Sean Dhar - Lung Function More Than A Decade After World Trade Center (WTC) Exposure: The Influences Of Bronchial Reactivity And Corticosteroid Therapy
  3. 3rd Place – Dr. Pragya Gupta - Pulseless Oximetry: A Preliminary Evaluation

Fellow Honorable Mention

  1. Dr. D. Rosen - Self-Reported Snoring and Coronary Heart Disease: Results from the Jackson Heart Study
Dr. Clement Tagoe, 2014 Resident Fellow Research Symposium, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
Dr. Clement Tagoe and colleagues discuss a poster.

Symposium Participants

Internal Medicine Residents

  1. Aagaard P, Shulman E, Di Biase L, Fisher JD, Gross JN, Kim SG, Palma EC, Ferrick KJ, Krumerman A
    Outcome of Early Repolarization - a Focus on Hispanics
  2. Alapati V, Golier F, Sobolev M
    Ventricular Fibrillation Arrest in a Patient with Prinzmetal’s Angina
  3. Ali N, LeFrancois D
    Misleading Presentation: Hypersens Pneumonitis
  4. Attalla S, Spira E, Alani M, Massoumi H, Kalia H
    Anabolic-Androgenic Steroid-Induced Cholestasis, Acute Kidney Injury, and Pancreatitis
  5. Attalla S, Marcus AJ, Alani M, Kalia H
    Rectal Variceal Bleeding in a Cirrhotic Patient with Peptic Ulcer Disease
  6. Attalla S, Hemel D
    Woman, Interrupted: An Unusual Cause of Psychosis
  7. Behringer S
    Rediscovering an Ancient Diagnosis
  8. Brusati A
    A Major Opportunity for Obstetricians/Gynecologists: Improving Awareness of Cardiovascular Disease Among Women
  9. Calvo M, Chun S
    Hyperkalemia Associated with Beta Blockers
  10. Cheah JT, Korcak JA
    A-Knee-Mia: Blood Where it Doesn’t Belong
  11. Chua A, Zelnick J, O'Donnell M, Sullivan Meissner J
    Healthcare Provider Perspectives on Barriers to Tuberculosis Care and Treatment Among Foreign-Born Populations in New York City
  12. Cohen M, Hemel D
    Immunosuppression: Opening a Can of Worms for Hyperinfection Syndrome
  13. Cruz CM, LeFrancois D
    Microscopic Polyangitis
  14. Curtis S
    Anabolic Steroid Induced Cholestasis Treated with Plasmapheresis
  15. Dr. Thomas Aldrich, 2014 Resident Fellow Research Symposium, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx, NY
    Dr. Thomas Aldrich discusses a poster with its presenter.
  16. Curtis S, Etzion Z, Danda N, Billett H
    The Effects of Aging on Sickle Cell Disease and Identification of Possible Markers for Increased Survivorship
  17. Epstein S, Schlair S
    A Rash Decision
  18. Goldfinger M, Santiago A, Gundabolu K, Barta S
    Gender and Race as Prognostic Factors In Patients Treated With Rituximab for B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  19. Griffin J, Segal K, Arnsten J, Nahvi S
    Barriers to Telephone Quitline Utilization Among Methadone Maintained Smokers
  20. Gutgarts V, Cheah J, Vassilakis A
    An Unresponsive Patient? It May Be Sero-Tone-In
  21. Gutgarts V, Rakowski E, Fries B
    The Perfect Lipodystrophy Storm
  22. Han D, Murray J, Bejarano-Fernandez E, Cuervo AM, Wolkoff A
    Microtubule Based Motility of Autophagic and Lysosomal Compartments In Vitro; Vesicles with LC3 on Their Surface Show Greater Motility Than Those That Contain Lamp1
  23. Hirsch J, Demyen M, Keller S
    Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance in Hepatitis C Patients: How Are We Doing?
  24. Huang J, Calvo M
    Painless Aortic Dissection
  25. Jain R
    Epidemiological Study of Myelodysplastic Syndromes in a Racially Diverse Inner-City Population
  26. Kooragayalu S, Suarez C, Ramharack J, Mokrzycki M, Eisen L
    MALA: Metformin Associated Lactic Acidosis
  27. Kotecha V, Hauck K, Shaines M
    Severe SIRS following 23-valent Pneumococcal Vaccination in a Patient with Behçet’s Disease
  28. Kroopnick J, Conigliaro R
    DRESSed in Disguise
  29. Lebduska E, Dubey S, LeFrancois D, Schlair S
    Resident as Preceptor: Developing Senior Residents’ Ambulatory Teaching Skills as Part of a Resident as Teacher Curriculum
  30. Massera D, LeFrancois D
    An Underdiagnose Syndrome of Lower Extremity Pain and Weakness in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
  31. Pacifico J, Schlair S
    Fire in the Belly
  32. Patel N, Marcus A, Simon D
    Cytomegalovirus Infection and Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate Associated Ischemic Colitis: A Case Report
  33. Patel N, Aroniadis O, Schlair S
    Steroids and Worms: Diagnosing a Rare Cause of Abdominal Pain in Advance AIDS
  34. Platovsky A, Tokayer A, Donovan, C
    Folate Levels in Patients with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
  35. Rakowski E
    Addressing Dressler’s Syndrome
  36. Rao G, Card A
    An Unusual Case of Acute Back Pain
  37. Rhee E, Pollack R
    Ophthalmoplegia and Hypopituitarism as the Initial Manifestation of Metastatic Small Cell Cancer
  38. Sabari J, Cabrera R, Segall J
    Macrophages Confer Resistance to Cisplatin in MTLn3 and MDA-MB 231 Breast Cancer Cells
  39. Sabari J, Shifteh K, Ow T, Tassler A, Schiff B, Garg M, Rosenstein M, Sarta C, Haynes H, Eng Y, Rosenblatt G, Abramowitz M, Schlecht N, Prystowsky M, Packer S, Smith R, Haigentz Jr., M
    Renal Dysfunction is Common Among Patients Treated with Radiotherapy for Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer
  40. Safo S, Cunningham C, Beckman A, Starrels J
    “A Place at the Table:” Community Members’ Experiences and Expectations for Academic-Community Partnerships in HIV/AIDS Research
  41. Shah A, Kelesidis I, Ginwala N, Torrens A, Fuster V, Falk E, Muntendam P, Sillesen H, Boxt L, Wang D, Negassa A, Garcia, M
    Coronary Artery Calcification is the Strongest Predictor of Abnormal Duke Prognostic CAD Index
  42. Shah R, Agarwal R
    A Rare Case of Proximal Muscle Weakness
  43. Shahid M, Shtessel M, Abelow C
    Tocilizumab-associated "Migraine"
  44. Shan J, Zhang L, Taub C
    Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Pre-Clinical Diastolic Dysfunction in a Multiethnic Urban Population
  45. Shulman E, Aagaard P, Qaraghuli F, Lener S, Fisher J, Ferrick K, Krumerman A
    The Prognostic Value of Early Repolarization with ST-Segment Elevation in the Hispanic Population
  46. Singhal R, Santana C
    Health Literacy and Usability of Patient Education Documents
  47. Slucca M, Spevack D
    Diagnostic Yield of TEE for Infective Endocarditis in Patients Referred for Suspected Endocarditis
  48. Swedish K, Bachhuber M, Patel V
    Differences in Access to Health Care Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Populations in New York City
  49. Trimbur C, Hong S
    Calciphylaxis of Evil
  50. Tsai E, Johnson J, LeFrancois D
    A Girl and Her Unsuspecting Heart
  51. Tsai H, Kitchell D, Tsai E
    A Sweet Rhythm
  52. Velez C, Aroniadis O, Mehra S, Brandt L
    Bleeding Biliary-Enteric Fistulas (BEFs): A Complication of Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis
  53. Velez C, Stevens EW, Goodman RL
    Sick to Your Stomach: Iatrogenic Bowel Angioedema
  54. Wang C, Attarian S, Menegus M
    A Case Report of Alemtuzumab Associated ST-segment Elevation and Myocardial Stunning
  55. Wang C, Spevack D
    Impact of Obesity on Heart Rate Response During Treadmill Exercise
  56. Wang C, Shaines M, Spevack D
    With A Spongy Heart
  57. Xie Y, Crandall J, Tabatabaie V
    Cancer Incidence in Metformin vs. non-Metformin Users in Patients Diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus
  58. Yang S, Sharma D, Abramowitz M
    Limitations of Creatinine- and Cystatin C-Based GFR Estimation in Assessing CKD Risk in Obese Patients: NHANES 1999-2004

Dermatology Residents

  1. Chan A, Chakrapani A, Jacobson M, Mann R
    Extensive Calcified Lupus Profundus as the Primary Presentation of Connective Tissue Disease in an Elderly Female
  2. Khanna S, Harrington A, Mahalingam M, McKinley-Grant L
    Eccrine Syringofibroadeoma
  3. Lev-Tov H, Adar T, Cohen S
    Marsupialization Surgery is the "Gold" Standard for Treatment-Resistant Hidradenitis Suppurativa
  4. Lucey P, Kheir S, Anatelli F, Lindgren A
    Intravascular B-cell Lymphoma Masquerading as Morphea
  5. Stamell EF, Ingram A, Tian J, Kirsner R, Friedman A
    Identifying an Education Gap in Wound Care Training in US Dermatology Residency Programs
  6. Tinklepaugh A, Mercer J, Amin B, Mann R
    Lichen Planus Glossitis: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Conundrum
  7. Chang A, Jain P, O’Donnell M, Jacobs W
    Drug Susceptibility Testing Using Highly Intensive Fluorophage in Mycobacteria Avium Complex
  8. Park C, Ostrowsky B, Szymczak W, Munjal I, Nori P, Guo Y, Williamson J, Chung P, Gialanella P, Levi M
    Lessons Learned from Early Implementation of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-ToF MS) With Antimicrobial Stewardship, A Pilot Study
  9. Ahmad J, Blumen H, Tagoe C
    Clinical Significance of Autoimmune Thyroiditis in Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Role of Chronic Pain Syndromes
  10. Shrestha A, Tagoe C
    Autoimmune Thyroiditis is Associated with Higher Frequency of Spine Degenerative Joint Disease
  11. Albuquerque F, Garcia M, Pina I, Menegus M, Redline S, Brush E, Kaplan R, Shah N
    Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Cardiac Biomarkers, and Sleepiness in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction.
  12. Dhar S, Aldrich TK, Crosse T, King C, Christodoulou V, Weakley J, Banauch GI, Berger KI, Weiden MD, Hall CB, Ye F, Webber MP, Prezant DJ Lung Function More Than A Decade After World Trade Center (WTC) Exposure: The Influences Of Bronchial Reactivity And Corticosteroid Therapy
  13. Gupta P, Carlese A, Goldstein D, Aldrich T
    Pulseless Oximetry: A Preliminary Evaluation
  14. Lim L, Kooragayalu S, Aldrich T
    Diaphragm Thickness and Function in Obese Individuals
  15. Brandt L, Aroniadis O, Greenberg A, Borody T, Finlayson S, Furnari V, Kelly C
    Safety of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) in Immunocompromised (Ic) Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  16. Greenberg A, Aroniadis O, Shelton C, Brandt L
    Long-Term Follow-Up Study of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
  17. Pinn D, Aroniadis O, Brandt L
    Long-Term Follow-Up Study of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation (FMT) for the Treatment of Refractory Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  18. Desir J, Inal S, Melamed M, Pullman J, Golestaneh L
    Glomerular Features Of Cardio-Renal Syndrome. A Case Controlled Study
  19. Rosen D, Weng J, Rueschman M, Redline S, Shah N
    Self-Reported Snoring and Coronary Heart Disease: Results from the Jackson Heart Study
  20. Sobolev M, Lee CA, Slovut DP, Shiloh AL, Eisen LA
    Ultrasound-Guided Catheterization of the Femoral Artery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
  21. Sridharan A, Jain R, Bachhuber M, Lam A, Yu Y, Friedman E, Verma A
    Anisocytosis is Associated with Decreased Survival in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Myelodysplastic Syndromes: A Single Center Experience
  22. Sridharan A, Curtis S, Kaner, J, Aparo S, Barta S

Medical Students

  1. Adler B, Krausz A, Chouake J, Mihu M, Cabral V, Pattabhib R, Nacharaju P, Friedman J, Nosanchuk J, Friedman A
    S-Nitroso-N-Acetylcysteine Nanoparticles: An Innovative Nitrosating Agent for Bacterial Infection
  2. Krausz A, Adler B, Cabral V, Navati M, Charafeddine R, Clendaniel A, Harper S, Friedman J, Nosanchuk J, Friedman A.
    Curcumin-Encapsulated Nanoparticles as an Innovative Anti-microbial and Wound Healing Therapy