Montefiore Einstein Bioethics Graduate Education

Capstone/Thesis Project

The thesis/capstone project is an essential element of the MBE program. It represents a student’s synthesis of knowledge acquired during coursework and guided research, and often during professional practice. The end-product will be a written document demonstrating extensive knowledge of current thinking about a chosen topic, comfort with at least one disciplinary approach pertinent to bioethics, and an ability to both integrate and critically reflect upon said knowledge, method and its possible applications.

Each capstone/thesis will be guided by an advisor in the relevant field, selected from Yeshiva University's faculty.

Below are additional details to consider:

Options for Thesis/Capstone 

Topics for Thesis/Capstone 

Development and Writing  

Format and Length 

*Proposal form for Thesis/Capstone 


Options for Capstone/Thesis

Options: Students can choose from the following formats for the capstone/thesis:

  • Article ready for submission to a journal
  • Committee report
  • Curriculum for a program/institution
  • Grant proposal
  • Legal brief
  • Narrative essay
  • Philosophical inquiry
  • Policy recommendations for an institution

Note: When deciding on an option, students should take into account the length of time necessary to complete the project and the availability of an appropriate faculty advisor.


Topics for Capstone/Thesis

Topic Guidelines: Students can design their capstones around, and write their theses on, any topic within the purview of bioethics, with guidance and approval by the Program Director and the student’s project advisor. At times it may be better for the project and student to formulate an ethics question or problem that motivates research, makes clear the stakes of the project and organizes the synthesis, writing and presentation of the work.


Development and Writing

Progress Guidelines: Students should develop the capstone/thesis project under the guidance of a project advisor, working closely to develop a meaningful integrative learning experience. Students are responsible for finding an appropriate project advisor, though the program director and associate director will be of considerable help. Full time Einstein, Cardozo and Yeshiva faculty are eligible to serve as project advisors.

Note that meeting with any given faculty member to discuss a tentative project does not imply that you will ask her or him to act as your advisor. The student must officially ask and the faculty member must officially agree before the relationship is established. Either party may decide that the faculty member is not the best fit and the faculty member may decline due to concerns like workload.
Once the advising relationship is decided, students should develop projects while in direct and frequent conversation with advisors, and eventually complete the *Thesis/Capstone Proposal form. Projects must be approved by the Center no later than October of the academic year they intend to graduate.
Students should communicate regularly with their advisor as they work on the project, obtaining advice and feedback as it progresses. Students should expect to submit several drafts and should allow their advisor at least two weeks to review each draft.

Successful completion of the capstone/thesis requires the following:

  • completion of a written final draft of the project
  • a grade (H/P/F) submitted by the project advisor

Project advisors throughout Yeshiva University are invited to attend these presentations.


Format and Length

Format Guidelines: There is no minimum length but there is a maximum length of 20,000 words (not including references, appendices, etc). For formatting please use the guidelines for manuscript preparation as outlined in either the Chicago Manual of Style or the Modern Language Association’s style manual, and adhere to the following manuscripts standards: 12pt Times or Times New Roman font, lines double-spaced, one-inch margins, page number on each page, title page.

News & Events

Applications for the Master's in Bioethics and the Bioethics Certificate Program are being accepted for the Fall 2019 semester. 

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