Science at the heart of medicine

7011 NMR for Chemistry and Biochemistry

COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course will provide a gentle but thorough introduction to basic NMR theory and principles followed by application of NMR to solving various chemical and biochemical problems. Topics will include one-, two-, and 3-dimensional NMR methods applied to: the covalent structure and conformation of small molecules and macromolecules, ligand binding and exchange rates, pKa values, and enzyme mechanisms. Lectures will be combined with hands-on sessions in the NMR lab, where students will be assigned projects to be completed on the NMR spectrometers. NOTE: there are approximately 7 labs that will require some time outside of the assigned block to complete - prepare to spend 1-2 hours for each lab to run experiments and/or analyze data on your own time.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will acquire the basic skills for running NMR experiments and interpreting NMR data from a variety of applications in chemistry and structural biology.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Computer or laptop.

PREREQUISITES/BACKGROUND PREPARATION: A general familiarity with organic chemistry and biochemistry.


Lab reports and problem sets: 75%
Scores on late reports/problem sets are discounted 10%/day; lowest score will be dropped

Presentation: 25%
Score based on
- Introduction to paper and problem studied
- NMR methods and details of experiments performed
- Summary and discussion of results
- Conclusions, future directions and timing of talk

Grade required to pass: 65/100; w/ Honors: 93