The Student Governing Board at Albert Einstein College of Medicine acts as a liaison between the student body and administration to improve our learning environment and prepare students for future careers as physicians by developing communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills. The student governing board is comprised of representatives from the M.D. Student Council and the Graduate Student Council, who work with Einstein’s office of student life and other administrators. For more information about how to get involved with the student governing board, please contact the office of student life at or at 718-430-2101. You can also contact the leadership of the student governing board directly at

M.D. Student Council

The M.D. Student Council represents M.D. students and dual M.D./Ph.D. students at Einstein with the aim of improving all aspects of student life. The M.D. student council also reviews, approves, and determines budgets and funding for more than 90 student clubs and interest groups. Student members are elected at the beginning of each academic year. The M.D. Student Council meets once a month to discuss ideas and promote new projects and meets throughout the month with school administrators. Two class presidents and senators that represent six different areas of M.D. student life, including medical education, student affairs, health and wellness, communications and technology, finance, and alumni relations, are elected from each class to work on specific issues. Monthly meetings are open to all students. For more information, contact the M.D. student council at

Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council represents Ph.D. students at Einstein, providing a formal voice in the operations of the graduate program with the goal of enhancing the academic and social environment at the graduate school. The Graduate Student Council coordinates graduate student activities and programs toward common goals and interests, funding and sponsoring intellectual, educational, and cultural events. Student delegates are elected to serve as co-chairs, secretary, treasurer, and on a variety of student committees. The Graduate Student Council meets once a month. For more information, contact the graduate student council at