Bronx HOPE

Partner Programs

Middle and High School Students 

Bronx HOPE Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx NY
  • Einstein Enrichment Program (EEP) (after school and summer)
    EEP meets two afternoons a week for two 15-week sessions during the academic year, and an optional 6-week session meeting on Monday through Thursday in the summer. The program includes fall professional seminars, hands-on workshops (e.g., suturing, birthing, casting), clinical site visits, service learning with annual social research placement, individual and group counseling, academic enrichment including SAT and Regents preparation, and summer internship shadowing experiences with medical professionals.
  • Einstein Science High School Mentoring Program (EiSci) (after school)
  • Fordham University Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) (grades 7-12, academic year and summer)
    An exciting, rigorous academic enrichment program designed to help 8th through 12th grade students for entry into post-secondary degree programs in scientific, technical, health-related, and licensed professions. STEP offers a six-week, full-time summer program throughout July into the first week of August, and takes place at select school sites and at Fordham’s Rose Hill campus. Classes are taught by Fordham faculty, graduate students, and by teachers from area high schools.
  • Mentoring in Medicine (weekends)
    MIM pairs health care professionals with students from third grade through health professional school in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities, and hosts free weekend events for middle school and high school students, parents, educators, and health professionals.

Undergraduate Students 

  • Bronx Community College Academy for Transitions to Health Professions (academic year and summer)
    A pipeline program designed to prepare BCC students for senior colleges and graduate school or professional degree programs in healthcare. The Academy offers three semesters of support for students beginning the fall of their sophomore year, and includes workshops focused on building academic skills, career awareness, preparation for the college admissions process, guest speakers, and mentoring. During the summer semester, students are placed in a six-week paid internship in the Bronx community.
  • Bronx-Westchester Area Health Education Center (Lehman College) (summer)
    A six-week paid summer placement opportunity for Bronx and Westchester county high school juniors and seniors, and college freshmen and sophomore students with an interest in the health fields. Students are placed in a variety of healthcare settings three days a week for eight hours a day, with mandatory didactic sessions held once a week at Lehman College which include lectures, field trips, and other health-related activities. 
  • Diversity Student Summer Research Opportunity Programs (DSSROP) (summer)
    An eight-week experience for undergraduate students with a strong interest in a research career in biomedical or biological or medicine. Students conduct research under the direction of a faculty member; meet with other program participants and faculty sponsors; attend weekly seminars, workshops, and lectures; write a report concerning the research work conducted and its relation to other work in progress at his/her site; and present their work to their peers and faculty at a poster session at the end. Students are provided a stipend for participation in the program.
  • Einstein Enrichment Program Extension (EEPx) (summer)
    A summer program for EEP alumni currently pursuing undergraduate degrees on a medical career track. The program consists of a medical science class, luncheon seminars, career counseling and clinical or research site placements with distinguished faculty. All participants develop an abstract and present a poster at on a topic related to medical science at Einstein at the end of the program. EEPx also offers counseling, career assessments and test prep including MCAT, GMAT, and GRE.
  • Fordham University Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) (academic year)
    An undergraduate scholars program that combines academic services and activities with a variety of networking and career-advancement opportunities. Open to undergraduate students from both the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses. Students may apply at any point during their college careers, and are expected to participate in academic and career activities and maintain academic excellence.
  • Health Career Connection (HCC) (summer)
    Paid ten-week summer internships in a broad range of leading health organizations in California, New England, New York/New Jersey, North Carolina, and Washington DC. It also connects interns to mentors, leadership development, professional networks, information, and contacts for healthcare management careers and education.
  • Hispanic Center of Excellence Summer Undergraduate Mentorship Program (summer)
    A six-week program that includes shadowing a physician in a preferred area of specialty, workshops, lectures, and research experience. Individualized MCAT review and research opportunities are offered based on need and eligibility criteria. Students complete a written project present it to their peers, family, physician mentors, and invited Einstein faculty at the program’s all-day colloquium and graduation.
  • Mentoring in Medicine (medical school application preparation)
    MIM hosts free weekend events for undergraduate students, parents, educators, and health professionals; and provides observational experiences and clinical exposure for under-represented undergraduate students, including hospital volunteer work, physician shadowing, community service, MCAT preparation, and individualized strategic planning and mock interviewing.
  • Montefiore Health Opportunities Program (Monte-HOP) (summer)
    Students gain valuable knowledge and professional skills through interactive workshops (e.g. suturing, casting), visits to health-related organizations (e.g. March of Dimes, Morris Heights Birthing Center, NYC Department of Health), and observing patient-physician interactions, and developing and refining professional skills (e.g. résumé development, interviewing skills, written health paper, project presentation).
  • Montefiore School Health Program (academic year)
    Through the Montefiore School Health Program, Bronx HOPE students work with community health organizers at MS 45, PS/MS 95, and Dewitt Clinton High School, and participate in onsite after-school health careers clubs, with opportunities for field trips, speaker panels, and enrichment activities including hospital tours, dissections, health advocacy, youth empowerment, didactic sessions on various health topics, and peer advising.

Post College   

  • Associated Medical Schools of New York Post-Baccalaureate Program (medical school application preparation)
    The University of Buffalo’s School of Medicine and Biomedical Science sponsors this joint initiative to provide college students from economically and educationally disadvantaged areas who have applied to medical school with one year of individualized post-baccalaureate study to enhance their academic performance before they enter medical school. The program is tailored to provide a second opportunity for admission to medical school for medical school applicants who would benefit from intensive academic enrichment.
  • Mentoring in Medicine (medical school application preparation)
    MIM provides mentoring, physician shadowing opportunities, and MCAT preparation for students who have graduated from college.