Optativas de dermatologÃa Descripción general The division of dermatology currently offers an elective course: K503A Dermatology Elective Cómo aplicar Applications are accepted through the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSAS) Questions regarding registration and course availability should be directed to the Office of the Registrar at Albert Einstein. Important Information K503A Dermatology Elective On the first Monday of the rotation students report to: 3411 Wayne Avenue, 2nd Floor, Suite D, Bronx, NY 10467 at 7:30 AM Objetivos To appreciate the scope of dermatology from primary dermatoses to cutaneous manifestations of systemic disease. To become fluent in the description of skin conditions based on primary and secondary lesions and distribution. To generate a dermatologic differential diagnosis based on lesion morphology and distribution. To realize the broad treatment armamentarium utilized by dermatologists including topical, systemic and intralesional steroids, oral immunosuppressants, targeted biologics and surgical intervention. Cronograma K503A Dermatology Elective Students typically spend 2 weeks at Montefiore Moses and 2 weeks at Jacobi MedicalCenter. Site assignments will be determined on the first Monday of the rotation. Expectations Attendance to all academic and clinical sessions are mandatory, any absences requireprior approval by the Academic Chief Resident. Evaluation and Grade Criteria Students will be evaluated based on their overall clinical performance and a mandatory final oral presentation. HonorsStudent is performing at an exceptional level far above expectations for level of training. High PassStudent is performing at an excellent level above expectations for level of training. PassStudent is at expected level of training for this rotation. Low PassStudent can pass this rotation but requires remediation. FailStudent cannot pass this rotation. IncompleteStudent has not met all the requirements of the rotation. Underrepresented in Medicine Visiting Clerkship Award Einstein Dermatology residency program is committed to recruiting and supporting medical students with backgrounds that are underrepresented in medicine (URiM). In an effort to support this goal, our division is offering awards of $2000 to cover travel and living expenses for third and fourth-year students with URiM backgrounds who would like to complete a rotation with our division. In order to receive the award, students must be accepted for a rotation at Montefiore/Einstein, complete an application and complete the elective.