Departamento de Medicina Montefiore Einstein

Facultad del Departamento

Dr. Jeffrey S. Gonzalez, Ph.D.

Jeffrey S. González, PhD

Professor, Department of Medicine (Endocrinology)

Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Health Behavior Research & Implementation Science)

Intereses profesionales

Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez's research focuses on identifying factors associated with problems with treatment adherence and disease self-management among individuals living with chronic illness, particularly diabetes, and on developing interventions to improve treatment adherence, self-management and health outcomes. His research also focuses on understanding linkages among depression, illness-related distress, self-management and health outcomes.  

More Information About Dr. Jeffrey Gonzalez

Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology - Faculty Website

NY-Regional Center for Diabetes Translational Research

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Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Edificio Luis y Dora Rousso
1165 Morris Park Avenue , Room 133
Bronx, NY 10461

Tel: 646.592.4506

Información de investigación