Dr. Stephen Baum rings the much-awaited noon gong. On Friday, March 15, fourth-year medical students at Einstein joined colleagues at medical schools around the country to learn where and in what specialty they will spend their next 3-7 years of residency training.
Incoming Interns
The Montefiore Einstein Internal Medicine Residency Program had one of the strongest matches in memory for its 64 PGY1 positions.
Representative medical schools from which the Primary Care and Social Internal Medicine PGY1s are coming include the following (listed alphabetically):
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- University of California (San Francisco) School of Medicine
- Harvard School of Medicine
- University of Michigan School of Medicine
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine (2)
- Yale School of Medicine
The Categorical Program's incoming intern group is well diversified by geography and medical schools, with residents entering from the following institutions (listed alphabetically):
- Albany Medical College
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
- University at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- University College London (UCL)
- Geisel School of Medicine - Dartmouth College
- George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences
- Georgetown University School of Medicine
- University of Illinois
- Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
- University of Kansas
- Medical University of South Carolina
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine
- Northeast Ohio Medical University
- University of Pennsylvania
- UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)
- SUNY Upstate Medical Universit
- Tufts University School of Medicine
The Dermatology Residency Program did very well in a six-position match. Incoming residents represent the following institutions:
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine (2)
- Harvard School of Medicine
- University of Minnesota Medical School
- New York University School of Medicine
- UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Internal Medicine Numbers Strong Nationally
U.S. medical graduates' interest in Internal Medicine as a career may have stabilized after a fall of some years ago. The percentages of graduates entering Categorical Medicine programs nationally is at its highest in eight years: 19.1% in 2013, 18.7% in 2012, 18.9% in 2011, 18.2% in 2010, 18.1% in 2009, 18.5% in 2008, 18.9% in 2007, and 19% in 2006.
Einstein Medical Students Entering Medicine at Higher Than Average Rates
Forty-six Einstein students (23.2%) will enter categorical or primary care internal medicine programs in July, exceeding the national average of 19.1%. Historically, Einstein students have entered Internal Medicine at a rate higher than the national average.
"Internal Medicine is alive and well at Montefiore Einstein. We continue to have a very high level of interest by our student body, despite sliding national trends, and our house staff program remains extremely strong, particularly in Primary Care/Social Internal Medicine. Our Categorical Program is stronger than ever," said Dr. Victor Schuster, Chairman of the Department of Medicine.
Special thanks go to the following people for their hard work and combined efforts to continually improve the Internal Medicine Residency Program:
- Dr. Amanda Raff, for her devotion to maintaining the high profile of Internal Medicine at Einstein and shepherding students through the process of internship application
- Dr. Rosemarie Conigliaro, Internal Medicine Residency Program Director
- Drs. Lauren Shapiro, Linnea Capps, and Melissa Bender of the Primary Care and Social Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Lisa Vessecchia, Assistant to Dr. Raff
- Anna Manca, Program Administrator
- Sheila Harrison, Program Assistant
- Firm and Assistant Firm Leaders
- Chief Residents
- House Staff
- Diversity Affairs Committee
- The many Department of Medicine faculty members who gave their time to interview applicants
- Deirdre Condon, Jacqueline San Miguel, and Milagros Pereira, who were busy behind the scenes downloading applications, preparing files of the interviewees, and directing the flow of applicants.