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Dominick P. Purpura Department of Neuroscience

Neuroscience Postdoctoral Associates


Shlomit Beker


Molholm Lab
Van Etten 1C-3
Tel: 718.862.1824
Fax: 718.862.1807 

Areas of research: I'm interested in the ability of individuals with ASD to make temporal predictions upon their environment, and to be adaptive to novel stimuli and patterns. This is achieved through EEG measurements of the temporal dynamics critical in normal functioning, as well as through pupillometry and psychophysics.



Oriol Busquets-Figueras


Soldner Lab
Kennedy Center 230
Tel: 917.331.9756
Fax: 718.430.2386 

Areas of research: Genetic risk variants in Parkinson's disease. Stem cells. Genome editing.



Coralie Berthoux


Castillo Lab
Kennedy Center 703
Tel: 718.430.3262
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic transmission and plasticity under physiological and brain disease conditions, such as autism, schizophrenia and drug abuse.



Antonio Cibelli


Spray Lab
Kennedy Center 840
Tel: 718.430.
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research:  



Claudia De Sanctis


Francesconi Lab
Kennedy Center 706
Tel: 718.430.3780
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Functions of metabotropic glutamatergic signaling in neuronal plasticity and homeostasis; impact of mGluR-interacting proteins and lipids on synaptic functions in animal models of Fragile X syndrome, autism and schizophrenia.



Amirhossein Farzmahdi


Coen-Cagli Lab
Price Center 353D
Tel: 718.678.1257
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Vision, Computational Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning.



Dylan Festa


Coen-Cagli Lab
Price Center 353D

Areas of research: Computational and system neuroscience.



Elisa Frankel


Kurshan Lab
Kennedy Center 810
Tel: 718.430.3646
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Investigating the molecular mechanisms that promote synaptogenesis throughout neuronal development.



Anna I. Jasper


Kohn Lab
Kennedy 822
Tel: 718.430.2418
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: I am investigating in inter-areal communication, population dynamics and coding in the visual system using computational and neurophysiological methods.



Jake Jordan


Goncalves Lab
Kennedy 203
Tel: 718.430.8725
Fax: 718.430.2865 

Areas of research: Neurobiology of memory and spatial navigation, hippocampus, behavior, hemispheric lateralization



Marcin Kazmierczak


Nicola Lab
Ullmann 103
Tel: 718.430.4844
Fax: 718.430.2865 

Areas of research: In my research, I utilize rat behavioral models to study the involvement of dopamine in seeking of natural rewards, such as sucrose, and drugs of abuse, such as cocaine. I am also interested in the impact of arousal on reward seeking in animals with compromised dopaminergic function.



Leila Khatami


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 501
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Investigating about how interactions between deep cerebellar nuclei and substantia nigra reticulata as the output structure of the basal ganglia are involved in motor or non-motor behaviors.



Claire Launay


Coen-Cagli Lab
Price Center 353D
Tel: 718.678.1257
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Computational Neurosciences, image processing, machine learning, stochastic geometry.



Kaoutsar Nasrallah


Castillo Lab
Kennedy Center 701
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research:  



Maritza Onate


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 501
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Cerebellar function and physiology, Non-motor functions of cerebellum, Neuroanatomy of cerebellar circuits, Social behavior and addiction.



Ehsan Sabri


Batista-Brito Lab
Kennedy Center 203
Tel: 718.430.8287
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Neural circuitry that underlies the sensory processing in the cortex.



Heather Snell


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 506
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Investigating the intrinsic activity of cerebellar Purkinje cells, and elucidating their importance in cerebellar disorders such as ataxias and dystonias.



Ludovic Spaeth


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 501
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: motor functions of the cerebellum, neuromodulation of the cerebellum, information processing in the cerebellar cortex in normal and pathological conditions.



Luisa Speranza


Francesconi Lab
Kennedy Center 706
Tel: 718.430.3780
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Functions of metabotropic glutamatergic signaling in neuronal plasticity and homeostasis.



Jorge Vera


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 501
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Non-motor role of cerebellum, reward system, decision making, learning and memory, intrinsic and synaptic neuronal excitability.



Junichi Yoshida


Khodakhah Lab
Kennedy Center 501
Tel: 718.430.3795
Fax: 718.430.8821 

Areas of research: Systems neuroscience of the cerebellar-midbrain signal integration during Pavlovian/Operant conditioning.