John S. Condeelis

John S. Condeelis, Ph.D.

  • Professor, Department of Cell Biology
  • Professor, Department of Surgery
  • The Judith and Burton P. Resnick Chair in Translational Research
  • Scientific Director, Analytical Imaging Facility
  • Director, Integrated Imaging Program for Cancer Research
  • Director, Basic and Translational Research, Department of Surgery

Area of research

  • Interests are in optical physics, cell biology and biophysics, and cancer biology. Applications of interests are in development of the multiphoton imaging technology used to identify dissemination microenvironments in metastatic tumors.




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Forchheimer Building 602 Bronx, NY 10461

Research Profiles

Professional Interests

John Condeelis' research interests are in optical physics, cell biology and biophysics, cancer biology and mouse models of cancer. He and his collaborators developed the multiphoton imaging technology and animal models used to identify invasion and dissemination micro-environments in breast, pancreas and lung carcinoma. Integration of intravital multiphoton imaging with computational /systems analysis of living breast tumors identified the dominant tumor cell phenotypes contributing to invasion and dissemination during metastasis. This led to the discovery and verification of the paracrine interaction between tumor cells and macrophages in vivo, the role of macrophages in the migration of tumor cells during HGF-dependent tumor cell streaming to blood vessels and the mechanism of tumor cell dissemination from primary tumors via TMEM (Tumor MicroEnvironment of Metastasis) doorways to distant metastatic sites, and from those metastatic sites. Based on these results, cell collection techniques, including the in vivo invasion assay were developed for the collection of migrating and disseminating macrophages and tumor cells. This led to the discovery of the mouse and human invasion signatures, and the TMEM doorway, MenaCalc and MenaINV markers for assessing risk of metastasis and prediction of response in breast cancer patients to both chemotherapy, and receptor tyrosine kinase and tyrosine kinase inhibitors used to suppress metastasis.

He also helped lead the effort to develop a TMEM-activity-MRI for use in standard of care MRI prognosis of breast cancer patients. He is one of the founding co-directors of the Integrated Imaging Program dedicated to the integration and validation of clinical imaging platforms, including digital pathology, with high resolution optical imaging in the Gruss Lipper Biophotonics Center. He has authored more than 350 scientific papers on various aspects of his research.

Selected Publications

Selected Publications 2020-2022 (See complete list of publications.)

  • Karagiannis GS, Eddy RJ, Sparano JA, Anampa Mesias J, Rohan TE, Branch CA, Condeelis JS, Entenberg D, Oktay MH. Detection of TMEM Doorways and Their Activity Required for Metastasis. Emerging Technologies for Cancer Detection and DiagnosisIn Submission.
  • Sanchez LR, Duran CL, Burt J, Lin Y, Eddy R, Harney AS, Entenberg D, Condeelis JS, Oktay MH, Karagiannis GS. The Cxcl12/Cxcr4 Signaling Pathway Biases Breast Cancer Cell Directional Migration toward TMEM Intravasation Doorways. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. In Revision.
  • Duran C, Surve CR, Ye X, Chen X, Lin Y, Harney AS, Wang Y, Kim G, Sharma VP, Entenberg D, Stanley R, Oktay MH, Condeelis JS. Revealing the signaling events at TMEM doorways provides potential targets for inhibiting breast cancer dissemination. Science Signaling. In Revision.
  • Lucotti S, Ogitani Y, Kenific C, Geri J, Kim Y, Gu J, Balaji U, Bojmar L, Shaashua Berger L, Song Y, Cioffi M, Lauritzen P, Joseph O, Asao T, Grandgenett P, Hollingsworth M, Peralta C, Pagano A, Molina H, Lengel H, Gilbert Dunne E, Jing X, Schmitter M, Zhang H, Romin Y, Manova K, Paul D, O’Reilly E, Jarnagin W, Kelsen D, Jones D, Condeelis J, Pascual V, Matei I, Bussel J, Coller B, Entenberg D, Bromberg J, Simeone D, Lyden D. Extracellular vesicles from the lung pro-thrombotic niche drive cancer-associated thrombosis and metastasis via integrin beta 2. Cell. In Review.
  • Genna A, Alte J, Poletti M, Meirson T, Sneh T, Gendler M, Saleev N, Karagiannis G, Wang Y, Cox D, Entenberg D, Oktay M, Korcsmaros T, Condeelis J, Gil-Henn H. FAK family proteins regulate in vivo breast cancer metastasis via distinct mechanisms. Nature Communications. In Review.
  • Dalton K, Howley R, Condeelis J, Entenberg D, Borriello L. Visualization of disseminated tumor cells and metastatic outgrowth in the lung at single cell resolution via intravital imaging. In: Gligorijevic B, editor. Intravitial Microscopy: Methods and Protocols Springer; In Review.
  • Barth ND, Oktay MH, Condeelis JS, Brunton VG, Entenberg D. Ex Vivo Models to Study the Interaction of Immune Cells and Cancer Cells under Therapy. In: Gligorijevic B, editor. Intravitial Microscopy: Methods and Protocols Springer; In Review.
  • Ye X, Head T, Duran C, Jafari R, Condeelis JS, Oktay MH, Cady N, Entenberg D. Microfluidic imaging windows for direct localized engineering of the in vivo tumor microenvironment In Progress.
  • Karagiannis GS, Rivera-Sanchez L, Wang Y, Sharma VP, Entenberg D, Oktay MH, Condeelis JS. Mechanisms of MenaINV induction and host response to chemotherapy.In Progress.
  • Ye X, Jafari R, Duran C, Du W, Lin Y, Surve C, Wang Y, Hoffmann E, Inman D, Ponik S, Oktay M, Condeelis JS, Entenberg D. Intravital Imaging Tissue AlignmentIn Preparation.
  • Miller A, Parmar P, Duran C, Porcelli S, Zhang J, Condeelis JS, Entenberg D, Oktay MH. The effect of macrophage cancer cell contact and anti-estrogen therapy on induction of stem cell program using SORE6 biosensor in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cells.In Preparation.
  • Miller A, Karadal-Ferrena B, Parmar P, Huang C, Lin Y, Ye X, Chen X, Zintiridou A, Shukla S, Eddy R, Condeelis JS, Anampa JM, Entenberg D, Xue X, Rohan TE, Oktay MH. The clinical utility of TMEM doorway score in predicting response to treatment in breast cancer patients with estrogen receptor positive and triple negative breast cancer.In Preparation.
  • Karadal-Ferrena B, Miller A, Adler E, Ginter PS, D'Alfonso T, Lin Y, Ye X, Chen X, Zintiridou A, Shukla S, Eddy R, Condeelis JS, Anampa JM, Sparano JA, Entenberg D, Xue X, Rohan TE, Oktay MH. A multi-institutional study of TMEM doorway score as prognostic biomarker in a multiracial cohort of breast cancer patients.In Preparation.
  • Karadal-Ferrena B, DeLuca M, Duran C, Barth N, Jung Y, Eddy R, Lin Y, Chen X, Zintiridou A, Ye X, Karagiannis GS, Condeelis JS, Entenberg D, Oktay MH. TMEM doorway activity and macrophage profile in lung metastasis from breast cancer.In Preparation.
  • Entenberg D, Kodandaramaiah SB, Ponik SM, Elicieri K. Design considerations for optical intravital imaging windows. J Biomed Opt. In Preparation.
  • Anampa JM, Flynn DL, Oh S, Sadan S, Xue X, Oktay MH, Condeelis JS, Sparano JA. Phase Ib clinical and pharmacodynamic study of the Tie2 kinase inhibitor rebastinib with paclitaxel or eribulin in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer.In Preparation.
  • Yang Y, Wang X, Zhang J. Pirfenidone and nintedanib attenuate pulmonary fibrosis in mice by inhibiting the expression of JAK2. J Thorac Dis. 2024;16(2):1128-40. Epub 20240226. doi: 10.21037/jtd-23-1057. PubMed PMID: 38505034; PMCID: PMC10944717.
  • Oh SS, Narver HL. Mouse and Rat Anesthesia and Analgesia. Curr Protoc. 2024;4(2):e995. doi: 10.1002/cpz1.995. PubMed PMID: 38406895; PMCID: PMC10914332.
  • Migulina N, de Hilster RHJ, Bartel S, Vedder RHJ, van den Berge M, Nagelkerke A, Timens W, Harmsen MC, Hylkema MN, Brandsma CA, Burgess JK. 3-D culture of human lung fibroblasts decreases proliferative and increases extracellular matrix remodeling genes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2024;326(1):C177-C93. Epub 20231113. doi: 10.1152/ajpcell.00374.2023. PubMed PMID: 37955339.
  • Chioccioli M, Liu S, Magruder S, Tata A, Borriello L, McDonough JE, Konkimalla A, Kim SH, Nouws J, Gonzalez DG, Traub B, Ye X, Yang T, Entenberg DR, Krishnaswamy S, Hendry CE, Kaminski N, Tata PR, Sauler M. Stem cell migration drives lung repair in living mice. Dev Cell. 2024. Epub 20240214. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.02.003. PubMed PMID: 38377991.
  • Barth ND, Oktay MH, Condeelis JS, Brunton VG, Entenberg D. Ex Vivo Models to Study the Interaction of Immune Cells and Cancer Cells under Therapy. Nature Protocols Exchange. 2024. doi:
  • Barron SL, Wyatt O, O'Connor A, Mansfield D, Suzanne Cohen E, Witkos TM, Strickson S, Owens RM. Modelling bronchial epithelial-fibroblast cross-talk in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) using a human-derived in vitro air liquid interface (ALI) culture. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):240. Epub 20240102. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-50618-y. PubMed PMID: 38168149; PMCID: PMC10761879.