Zotova, E.G., Schaumburg, H.H., Raine, C.S., Cannella, B., Tar, M., Melman, A and Arezzo, J.C. Effects of hyperglycemia on rat cavernous nerve axons: a functional and ultrastructural study, Experimental Neurology 213:439447, 2008.
Schaumburg, H.H., Arezzo, J.C., Lauria, G., Faber, C.G., Ingeman, S.J., Merkies. Morphometry of dermal nerve fibers in human skin. Neurology, 77(19):1770-1, 2011.
Arezzo, J.C., Litwak, M, and Zotova, E. Correlation and Dissociation of Electrophysiology andHistopathology in the Assessment of Toxic Neuropathy. Toxicologic Pathology 39:14651, 2011.
Foster, W.R. Car, B.D., Shi, H, Levesque, P.C., Obemeier M.T., Gan, J., Arezzo, J.C. et al., Drug safety is a barrier to the discovery and development of new androgen receptoantagonist. Prostate 5:4808, 2011.
Dyck, P.J., Albers. J.W., Andersen, H., Arezzo, J.C., Biessels, G.J., Bril, V., Feldman, E.L.,Litchy, W.J., O’Brien, P.C. and Russell, J.W. Diabetic polyneuropathies: Update on research definitions, diagnostic criteria and estimation of severity. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 2011.
Antoine, M.W., Hübner, C.A., Arezzo, J.C. and Hébert, J.M. A causative link between innerear defects and long-term striatal dysfunction, Science, 2013.
Arezzo, J.C., Seto, S. and Schaumburg, H.H. Sensory-Motor Assessment in Clinical Research Trials. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Vol. 115, (3rd series) Peripheral Nerve Disorders, In: G. Said and C. Kraup, (Eds.), 2013.
Zotova, E.G. Arezzo, J.C. Non-invasive evaluation of nerve conduction in small diameterfibers in the rat. Physiology Journal, Article ID 254789, 2013.
Meta, M., Litwak M., and Arezzo, JA; Assessment of Seizure risk in pre-clinical Studies - Strenghs and limitations of EEG Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicological Methods, 2015
Long-Acting C-peptide and Neuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes – A 12-month Clinical Trial. Diabetes Care, 39:1-7, 2016
Authier, S, Arezzo, J, Delatte, M, Kallman, MJ, Margraff, C… Safety pharmacology investigation on the nervous system: An industry survey. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods. 2016
Wieczorek, M, Tcherkezian, J, Bernier C., Prota, A, Chaaban, S, Rolland, Y, Godbout, C, Hancock M, Arezzo, J …. The synthetic diazonamide DZ-2384 has a distinct effect on microtubules curvature and dynamics without neurotoxicity, Science Translational Medicine, 2016.