Martha S. Grayson, M.D.
- Professor Emerita, Department of Medicine (Administration)
- Senior Associate Dean of Medical Education Emerita
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 306 Bronx, NY 10461
Professional Interests
Martha S. Grayson, MD. received her MD from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and completed the Residency Program in Social Internal Medicine at Montefiore Hospital in the Bronx. She completed the Michigan State University Primary Care Faculty Development Fellowship Program in 1992-1993 and the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Fellowship for Women at MCP in 2002. Dr. Grayson served as the Chief of General Internal Medicine at two hospitals, Metropolitan Hospital and Saint Vincent's Hospital – both in Manhattan. She was the first Associate Dean for Primary Care at New York Medical College and later went on to become Vice Dean for Medical Education. She was the PI for several grants which focused on training medical students, residents and community physicians in the fundamental competencies needed for the practice of high quality primary care.
Dr. Grayson returned to Einstein in December, 2009, and serves as the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Education and as Professor of Clinical Medicine . Since her arrival Dr. Grayson has introduced some significant changes in both the structure of the Office of Medical Education and the delivery of the medical education curriculum. Chief among these accomplishments have been the organization of the Medical Education Council (MEC), the introduction of the Einstein Medical Education Database (eMED) learning management system, the creation of the scholarly concentration program (SOAR), oversight of the development and implementation of a new set of educational competencies, and chair of the team designing the new Education Center.
Dr. Grayson's research interests include analyzing factors which determine medical student career choice, and on the assessment of educational programs.
Selected Publications
Thorndyke L, Grayson M, Gusic M. Navigating the Transition to a New Leadership Position: Moving on and Moving up. MedEdPORTAL; 2014. Available from: www.mededportal.org/publication/9707
MS Grayson, DA Newton and LF Thompson: Payback Time: The Association of Debt and Income with Medical Student Career Choice, Medical Education, October, 2012, 46, 983–991
MS Grayson, DA Newton, PA Patrick and L Smith: Impact of AOA Status and Perceived Lifestyle on Career Choices of Medical School Graduates, JGIM, Vol. 26(12), 2011, 1434-1440
DA Newton, MS Grayson, and LF Thompson: Money, Lifestyle or Values? Why Medical Students Choose Subspecialty vs. General Pediatric Careers, Clinical Pediatrics, 2010, 49(2), 116-122
DA Brand, PA Patrick, and MS Grayson: Mid-Career Research Training for the Generalist Physician: Case Study of a Balancing Act, Teaching and Learning in Medicine, Vol. 20(2), 2008, 180-185
DA Newton, MS Grayson, and LF Thompson: The Variable Influence of Lifestyle and Income on Medical Students’ Career Specialty Choices: Data from Two US Medical Schools, 1998-2004, Academic Medicine, Vol. 80, No. 9, September, 2005, 809-814
LL Chang, MS Grayson, PA Patrick: Incorporating the Fourth Year of MedicalS chool into an Internal Medicine Residency: Effect of an Accelerated Program on Performance Outcomes and Career Choice, Teaching and Learning in Medicine; Vol. 16(4), Fall, 2004, 361-364
DA Newton and MS Grayson: Trends in Career Choice by US Medical School Graduates, JAMA, Vol 290 (9), September 3, 2003, p. 1179-1182
MS Grayson, M Klein, KB Franke: The Impact of a First-year Primary Care Experience on Residency Choice, JGIM, Vol. 16, December 2001, p 860-3
M Klein, MS Grayson and RH Bernstein: Partnership between a Medical School and a Managed care Organization to Financially Support Community-Based Teaching, Academic Medicine, Vol. 75, No. 5, May 2000, 531
MS Grayson, DA Newton, M Klein and T Irons: Promoting Institutional Change to Encourage Primary Care: Experiences at New York Medical Collegeand East Carolina University School of Medicine, Academic Medicine, Vol. 74, No. 1, Supplement, January 1999, S9-S15
PA Carney, ME Bar-on, MS Grayson, et al: The Impact of Early Clinical Training in Medical Education: Multi-Institutional Assessment, Academic Medicine, Vol. 74, No. 1 Supplement, January 1999, S59-S66
MS Grayson, M. Klein, JJ Lugo, P Visintainer: Perceived Benefits and Costs to Community-Based Physicians for Teaching Primary Care to First and Second Year Medical Students, JGIM Vol. 13, No. 7, July 1998, 485-488
BD Newman, E. Moshman, KS Edwards, MS Grayson, EK Kachur and M. Klein: A Strategy for a Permanente/Academic Partnership in a Small Medical Group, The Permanente Journal, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring 1998, 55-57
DC Lynch, DA Newton, MS Grayson, TW Whitley: The Influence of Medical School on Opinions About Primary Care Practice, Academic Medicine, April 1998, 433-435
DA Newton, MS Grayson and TW Whitley: What Predicts Medical Student Career Choice?, JGIM, Vol. 13, No. 3, March 1998, 200-203
MS Grayson, DA Newton and TW Whitley: First Year Medical Students Knowledge of and Attitudes towards Primary Care Careers, Family Medicine, Vol. 28, No.S. May1996, 337-342
MS Grayson, EC Rackow and KP Adler: Combining the Fourth Year of MedicalSchoolwith the First Year of an Internal Medicine Residency, Academic Medicine, 69 (5), May 1994, 423-424
KL Gupta, SR Gambert, MS Grayson, JJ Lugo and AM Sozzo: Comparing the Teaching of Physical Diagnosis in a Primary Care Setting and a Hospital Setting, Academic Medicine, 68 (4), April 1993, 311