Meir H. Scheinfeld

Meir H. Scheinfeld, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Professor, Department of Radiology (Emergency Radiology)
  • Director, Division of Emergency Radiology at Montefiore Medical Center, Department of Radiology

Area of research

  • Imaging traumatic and non-traumatic emergency conditions




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Gold Zone Bronx, NY 10467

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Research Profiles

Professional Interests

Emergency Radiology - Traumatic and non-traumatic abdominal pain, traumatic and non-traumatic extremity injury.

Selected Publications

  1. Scheinfeld M.H., Roncarati R., Vito P., Lopez  P.A., Abdallah M., D'Adamio L. Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) Interacting Protein 1 (JIP1) Binds the Cytoplasmic Domain of the Alzheimer's beta-amyloid Precursor Protein (APP).  Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, 3767-3775. (2002)
  2. Roncarati, R., Sestan, N., Scheinfeld, M.H., Berechid, B.E., Lopez, P.A., Meucci, O., McGlade, J.C., Rakic, P., and  D'Adamio L. The gamma-secretase-generated intracellular domain of beta-amyloid precursor protein binds Numb and inhibits Notch signaling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 99, 7102-7107. (2002) 
  3. Tarr, P.E., Contursi, C., Roncarati, R., Noviello, C., Ghersi, E., Scheinfeld, M.H., Zambrano, N., Russo, T., and  D'Adamio, L. Evidence for a role of the nerve growth factor receptor TrkA in tyrosine phosphorylation and processing of beta-APP. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 295, 324-329. (2002)
  4. Scheinfeld, M.H., Ghersi, E., Laky, K., Fowlkes, B.J., and D'Adamio, L. Processing of beta-amyloid precursor-like protein-1 and -2 by gamma-secretase regulates transcription. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277, 44195-44201. (2002)
  5. Scheinfeld, M.H., Matsuda, S., and D'Adamio, L. JNK-interacting protein-1 promotes transcription of A beta protein precursor but not A beta precursor-like proteins, mechanistically different than Fe65. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 100, 1729-1734. (2003)
  6. Scheinfeld, M.H., Ghersi, E., Davies, P., and D'Adamio, L. Amyloid beta protein precursor is phosphorylated by JNK-1 independent of, yet facilitated by, JNK interacting protein (JIP)-1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278, 42058-42063. (2003)
  7. Green, M.M., White, J.L., Mirau, P., Scheinfeld M.H. C−H to O Hydrogen Bonding: The Attractive Interaction in the Blend between Polystyrene and Poly(vinyl methyl ether). Macromolecules, 2006, 39, 5971–5973. (2006)
  8. D'Ambrosio, C., Arena, S., Fulcoli, G., Scheinfeld, M.H., Zhou, D., D'Adamio, L., and Scaloni, A. Hyperphosphorylation of JNK-interacting Protein 1, a Protein Associated with Alzheimer Disease. Molecular and Cellular Proteomics 5, 97-113. (2006)
  9. Scheinfeld, M.H., Maniatis, T., and Gurell D. COPD?  The American Journal of Medicine 119, 839-842. (2006)
  10. Scheinfeld, M.H., Lui, Y.W., Kolb, E.A., Engel, H.M., Gomes, W.A., Weidenheim, K.M., and Bello, J.A. The Neuroradiological Findings in a Case of Revesz Syndrome. Pediatric Radiology 37, 1166-1170. (2007)
  11. Scheinfeld, M.H., Bilali, A., Koenigsberg, M. Understanding the Spectral Doppler Waveform of the Hepatic Veins in Health and Disease. Radiographics 29, 2081-2098. (2009)
  12. Scheinfeld, M.H., Mahadevia S., Stein, E.G., Freeman, K., Rozenblit, A.M. Can Lab Data be used to Reduce Abdominal Computed Tomography (CT) Usage in Young Adults Presenting to the Emergency Department with Nontraumatic Abdominal Pain? Emergency Radiology 17, 353-360. (2010)
  13. Scheinfeld, M.H., Campe, C., Avery L.L. Radiology Goes Back to School: Presenting the Face of Radiology to Schoolchildren. Journal of the American College of Radiology 9, 363-365. (2012)
  14. Zwany SK, Lui GK, Scheinfeld MH, Levsky JM. Making complex adult congenital heart disease a little simpler. Semin Roentgenol.47, 289-301. (2012)
  15. Avery LL, Scheinfeld MH. Imaging of male pelvic trauma. Radiol Clin North Am. 50, 1201-1217. (2012)
  16. Scheinfeld, M.H., Shifteh, K. Avery L.L., Dym, H., Dym, RJ Teeth: What Radiologist Should Know. Radiographics 32, 1927-1944. (2012)
  17. Burns J, Scheinfeld M.H. Back to the scanner: expected and unexpected imaging findings following spinal puncture and access. Emerg Radiol. 2013 Aug;20, 291-297. (2013)
  18. Scheinfeld, M.H., Letter to the editor: Guidelines for medical imaging during pregnancy: fetal dose range for maternal head CT should include zero. Radiographics. 33, 621-622. (2013)
  19. Avery L.L., Scheinfeld, M.H. Imaging of Penile and Scrotal Emergencies. Radiographics. 33, 721-740. (2013)
  20. Le, J., Kurian, J., Cohen, H.W., Weinberg, G., Scheinfeld, M.H. Do Clinical Outcomes Suffer During Transition to an Ultrasound-First Paradigm for the Evaluation of Acute Appendicitis in Children? AJR Am J Roentgenol. 201, 1348-1352. (2013)
  21. Dym, R.J., Duncan, D.R., Spektor, M., Cohen, H.W., Scheinfeld, M.H. Renal stones on portal venous phase contrast-enhanced CT: does intravenous contrast interfere with detection? Abdom Imaging. 2014 Jun;39(3):526-32. (2014)
  22. Avery LL, Jain VR, Cohen HW, Scheinfeld MH. High attenuation pericardial fluid on CT following cardiac catheterization. Emerg Radiol. Aug;21(4):381-6. (2014)
  23. Kao LY, Scheinfeld MH, Chernyak V, Rozenblit AM, Oh S, Dym RJ. Beyond ultrasound: CT and MRI of ectopic pregnancy. AJR. 202(4):904-11. (2014)
  24. Spektor M, Chernyak V, McCann TE, Scheinfeld MH. Gastric pneumatosis: Laboratory and imaging findings associated with mortality in adults. Clin Radiol. Nov;69(11):e445-9. (2014)
  25. Scheinfeld MH, Avery LL. A fifth mesh appearance: The gas density mesh. AJR Am J Roentgenol. Oct;203(4):W449. (2014)
  26. Scheinfeld MH, Sprayregen S, Jerschow E, Dym RJ. Contrast is the New Penicillin, and Possibly Worse. Journal of the American College of Radiology. In press. (2014)
  27. Berko NS, Levin TL, Scheinfeld MH. The impact of on-site attending radiologist overnight coverage on radiology resident learning: a preliminary assessment. Emerg Radiol. Feb;22(1):1-6. (2015)
  28. Dym RJ, Scheinfeld MH. Emergency radiologists: at the crossroads of specialty and general radiology. J Am Coll Radiol. Feb;12(2):208. (2015)
  29. Scheinfeld MH, Dym AA, Spektor M, Avery LL, Dym RJ, Amanatullah DF. Acetabular Fractures: What Radiologists Should Know and How 3D CT Can Aid Classification. Radiographics. Mar-Apr;35(2):555-77. (2015)
  30. Walter WR, Goldberg-Stein S, Levsky JM, Cohen HW, Scheinfeld MH. A Default Normal Chest CT Structured Reporting Field for Coronary Calcifications Does Not Cause Excessive False-Negative Reporting. J Am Coll Radiol. Aug; 12(8): 783-787. (2015).
  31. Friedman A, Burns J, Scheinfeld MH. Significance of Post-traumatic Maxillary Sinus Fluid, or Lack of Fluid, in a Level II Trauma Population. Emerg Radiol. In press.