Lauren S. Flicker, J.D.
- Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Biomedical & Bioethics Research Training)
- Associate Director, Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics
- Director, Einstein Cardozo Master of Science in Bioethics
Area of research
- Lauren Sydney Flicker is the Associate Director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for Bioethics. Her work focuses on reproductive ethics, decision making, and ethical issues at the end of life.
- Montefiore Medical Center Center for Bioethics 75 East 208th Street Bronx, NY 10467
Research Profiles
Selected Publications
Hulkower A, Garijo-Garde S, Flicker LS. Should dialysis be stopped for an unrepresented patient with metestatic cancer? AMA J Ethics, 21(7):E575-581 (2019)
Chuang E and Flicker LS, When voluntary stopping of eating and drinking in advanced dementia is no longer voluntary, Hastings Center Report, 48(4):24-25 (2018).
Hulkower A, Flicker LS, It’s all relative, Hastings Center Report, 48(1):44-45 (2018).
Flicker LS. A patient (not) alone, Journal of Clinical Ethics 28(2):117-121 (2017).
Flicker LS, Rose SL, Eves MM, Flamm AL, Smith ML. Using a checklist to assess quality improvement in ethics consultation, Journal of Clinical Ethics 25(4):281-290 (2014).
Flicker LS. Review of Guidance for healthcare ethics committees, HEC Forum 26(4):349-54 (2014).
Flicker LS. Religious employers and exceptions to mandated coverage of contraceptives, Virtual Mentor, 15(3):220-220 (2013).
Flicker LS. Acting in the best interest of a child does not mean choosing the “best” child. American Journal of Bioethics, 12(4):3-6 (2012).
Flicker LS. Pregnancy is not a crime. American Journal of Bioethics, 10(12):54-55 (2010).
Flicker LS, Zuraw R, An argument against the feasibility of taxing cosmetic surgery, Virtual Mentor 12(5):395-400 (2010)
Bender S, Flicker LS, Rhodes R. Access for the terminally ill to experimental medical innovations: A three-pronged threat. American Journal of Bioethics, 7(10):3-6 (2007)