Molly C. Fisher

Molly C. Fisher, D.O.

Area of research

  • HIV-related kidney disease, out-of-office blood pressure monitoring, hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease




  • Montefiore Medical Center 3411 Wayne Avenue 5H Bronx, NY 10467

Lab of Molly C. Fisher

Are You a Patient?

Selected Publications

HIV and Kidney Disease

Edrosolan KA, Shlipak MG, Scherzer R, Estrella MM, Gustafson D, Karim R, Fisher M, Cohen M, Kassaye S, Dumond J, Abraham A, McCulloch CE, Ascher SB. Mediation analysis of chronic kidney disease risk factors using kidney biomarkers in women living with HIV. AIDS. 2024 May 1;38(6):813-824


Fisher M*, Hoover D, Shi Q, Sharma A, Estrella M, Adimora A, Alcaide M, Collins L, French A, Gao W, Koletar S, McFarlane S, McKay H, Dionne-Odom J, Palella F, Sarkar S, Spence A, Witt M, Ross M. Association of marijuana, tobacco and alcohol use with estimated glomerular filtration rate in women living with HIV and women without HIV. AIDS. 2023;37(10):1555-1564. 


Banerjee T, Frongillo E, Turan J, Sheira L, Adedimeji A, Wilson T, Merenstein D, Cohen M, Adimora A, Ofotokun I, Metsch L, D’Souza G, Fischl M, Fisher M, Tien P, Weiser S Association of Higher Intake of Plant-Based Foods and Protein With Slower Kidney Function Decline in Women With HIV. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2023;94(3):203-210.


Fisher MC*, Fazzari MJ, Felsen UR, et al. Association of HIV and viral suppression status with hospital acute kidney injury in the era of antiretroviral therapy [published online ahead of print, 2023 Aug 19]. Kidney Int. 2023;S0085-2538(23)00560-4


Wyatt C, Fisher M, Klotmann P, (2023) HIV-associated Nephropathy (HIVAN). R Glassock & A Fornoni (Ed). UpToDate 

Wyatt C, Fisher M, Klotmann P, (2023) Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Dialysis. S Schwab & M Hirsch (Ed). UpToDate 


Fisher M*, Fazzari MJ, Hanna DB, Patel VV, Felsen UR, Alahiri E, Akiyama MJ, Byju A, Ginsberg MS, Anastos K, Ross M Acute Kidney Injury in People Living with HIV Hospitalized with COVID-19: Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Aug 15;87(5):1167-1172 [PMID: 34229329]

Prudhvi K, Schwartz D, Fisher MRituximab for Lupus-Like Membranous Nephropathy in the Setting of Well-Controlled HIV Infection. Am J Ther. 2020 Aug 3. [PMID: 32769387]


COVID-19 and Kidney Disease 


Reis TFisher M, Nast C, Ross M (2023) Chapter 59: Kidney Diseases Associated with Corona Viruses. In Johnson (Editor) Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology (7th edition). Elsevier. Publication date: March 15, 2023.


Lu J, Boparai MS, Shi C, Henninger EM, Rangareddy M, Veeraraghavan S, Mirhaji P, Fisher M, Duong TQ Long-term outcomes of COVID-19 survivors with hospital AKI: association with time to recovery from AKI [published online ahead of print, 2023 Jan 25]. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2023;gfad020. doi:10.1093/ndt/gfad020


Liu D, Mowrey W, Fisher M, Basaley A, McCarthy J, Kumar N, Thakkar J, Azzi Y, Brogan M, Golestaneh L, Reidy K, Chen W Association of Dysnatremias and COVID-19 Status with Mortality Kidney360 Published Ahead of Print, published on June 3, 2022 as doi:10.34067/KID.0001062022


Lu JY, Buczek A, Fleyster R, Hoogenboom W, Hou W, Rodriguez C, Fisher M, Duong T Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 with Acute Kidney Injury and Acute Cardiac Injury Front Cardiovasc Med. 2022;8:798897 Published 2022 Feb 15 [PMID: 35242818]


Lu J, Babatsikos I, Fisher M, Hou W, Duong T Longitudinal Clinical Profiles of Hospital- versus Community-acquired Acute Kidney Injury in COVID-19 Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 May 28;8:647023 [PMID: 34124089]


Patel VV, Felsen UR, Fisher M, Fazzari MJ, Ginsberg MS, Beil R, Akiyama MJ, Anastos K, Hanna DB. Clinical Outcomes and Inflammatory Markers by HIV Serostatus and Viral Suppression in a Large Cohort of Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2021 Feb 1;86(2):224-230 [PMID 33433966]

Golestaneh L, Neugarten J, Fisher M, Billett HH, Gil MR, Johns T, Yunes M, Mokrzycki MH, Coco M, Norris KC, Perez HR, Scott S, Kim RS, Bellin E. The association of race and COVID-19 mortality. EClinicalMedicine. 2020; Aug; 25:100455. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2020.100455. Epub 2020 Jul 15 [PMID: 32838233]


Fisher M*, Neugarten J, Bellin E et al Acute Kidney Injury in Hospitalized Patients with and without COVID-19: A Comparison Study J Am Soc Nephrol 2020; 31(9):2145-2157  [PMID: 32669322]

Fisher M*, Yunes M, Mokrzycki M, Golestaneh L, Alahiri E, Coco M Chronic Hemodialysis Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19 – Short-term Outcomes in the Bronx, New York Kidney360 2020; 1(8): 755-762;

Fisher M*, Prudhvi K, Brogan M, Golestaneh L Providing care to patients with acute kidney injury and COVID-19 infection: Experience from nephrologists on the front line in New York Kidney360, 2020; 1(6): 544-548;


Vascular Access in Dialysis Patients 

Fisher M, Golestaneh L, Allon M, Abreo K, Mokrzycki M. Prevention of Bloodstream Infections in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2020; 15(1): 132-151 [PMCID: PMC6946076]

Fisher M*, Mokrzycki M (2022). Chapter 20: Infectious Complications from Vascular Access [E-book]. In A.R. Nissenson, R.N. Fin, R. Mehotra, & J. Zaritsky (Editors), Handbook of Dialysis and Therapy (6th edition). Elsevier.


Editorials in Kidney Disease


Fisher M, Aklilu A, Ying Ng Ng MS, Spires D, Vieira MB. A Glimpse into an Editorial Training Program: from the Kidney360 Editorial Program Trainees [published online ahead of print, 2023 Nov 20]. Kidney360. 2023;10.34067/KID.0000000000000311. 


*Corresponding author