Thoufiqul Alam Riaz

Thoufiqul Alam Riaz, M.M.S.

Area of research

  • Tumor Dormancy & Metastasis, ER stress




  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Forchheimer Building 416 Bronx, NY 10461

Lab of Thoufiqul Alam Riaz

Research Profiles

Selected Publications

E.S. Ali, S. Akter, S. Ramproshad, B. Mondal, T.A. Riaz, M.T. Islam, I.N. Khan, A.O. Docea, D. Calina, J.S Rad, W.C. Cho.; Targeting Ras-ERK cascade by bioactive natural products for potential treatment of cancer: an updated overview.; Cancer Cell International; 2022.

T.A. Riaz, K.R. Battarai, H.R. Kim and H.J. Chae.;The aftermath of the interplay between endoplasmic reticulum stress response and redox signaling,; Experimental and Molecular medicine- Nature, 2021.

H.K. Kim, H.Y Lee, T.A. Riaz, K.R. Bhattarai, M. Chaudhary, J.H. Ahn, J. Jeong, H.J. Chae.; Chalcone suppresses tumor growth through NOX4-IRE1α sulfonation-RIDD-miR-23b axis.; Volume 40, April 2021, 101853.; Redox Biology., 2021.

T.A. Riaz, R.P. Junjappa, M. Handigund, J. Ferdous, H.R. Kim and H.J. Chae.; Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Sensor IRE1α in Cellular Physiology, Calcium, ROS Signaling, and Metaflammation.; Cells, 9, 1160; doi:10.3390/cells9051160, 2020.

M.A Islam, K.P Sapkota, T.A. Riaz, M.A. Hossain, M.A. Hanif, J. Akter, M.M. Hossain, S.G. Jang, H.J Chae, and J.R. Hahn* Subnanometer Thick Carbon-Layer-Encapsulated Silver Nanoparticles Selectively Neutralizing Human Cancer Cells and Pathogens through Controlled Release of Ag+ Ions,; ACS Applied Nano Materials.; , 2021.

M.T. Islam, T.A. Riaz, S.A. Ayatollahi, J. S-Rad.; Anxiolytic-like effect of Urena lobata (L.) in Swiss albino mice.; (2021) 7:11.; Clinical Phytoscience Springer-Nature.

M.T. Islam, Nasiruddin, I.N. Khan, S.K. Mishra, M.K.E. Zahan, T.A. Riaz, E.S. Ali, M.S. Rahman, M.S. Mubarak, M. Martorell, B. Salehi, W.C. Cho, A. Maroyi, D. Calina, A.O. Docea, J.S. Rad.; A perspective on emerging therapeutic interventions for COVID-19.; Frontiers in Public Health.; Volume 8, Article 281, June 2020.; doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.00281.

T.A. Riaz,  S. Hossain, J. Ferdous, M. Hossain, M.T. Islam, H.J. Chae, M.K. Hossain.;  Antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiarrheal and antipyretic activities of organic crude fractions of Commelina paludosa.; AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda).; Volume 39,  Issue 2, April-June 2018.; DOI: 10.4103/ayu.AYU_213_17.

M.T. Islam, B. Guha, S. Hosen, T.A. Riaz, S. Shahadat, L.da.R. Sousa, Santos, J.J.da. S. Júnior, Lima, A.L. Braga, A.C.dos. Reis, Alencar, Melo-Cavalcante.; Nigellalogy: a review on Nigella Sativa.; MOJ Bioequiv Availab. 2017;3(6):167-181.; DOI: 10.15406/mojbb.2017.03.00056.

M.T. Islam, N. Sultana, T.A. Riaz, J. Ferdous, B. Guha, S. Mohagon, R. Mutsuddy, O. Santos, A.C.dos. Reis, A.L. Braga, M.Cavalcante,; Thymoquinone is Knocking at the Door of Clinical Trial.; International Archives of Medicine, Section: Toxicology & Therapeutics, 2016, 9 (12), doi:10.3823/1993.  

T.A. Riaz, M. Ibrahim, J. Ferdous, M.T. Islam, A. Rahaman, E.A. Naznin, N.Sultana, M.F.C. J. Paz, Alencar, Sousa, Dantas and Melo-Cavalcante,; Phytochemical and pharmacological screenings of organic crude fractions of Maesa acuminata.; African journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2016, 10(30), 631-637.; DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2016.4600.

M.T. Islam, S. Shahadat, T.A. Riaz, M.S. Hosen, N. Sultana, J. Ferdous, A. Rahaman, J.J.da.S. Junior, Melo-Cavalcante,; The biochemical, Auricularic acid is in a request for more research,; Asian Journal of Ethnopharmacology and Medicinal Foods, 2016,02 (05), 04-10.

M.T. Islam, T.A. Riaz, J. Ferdous, A. Rahaman, B. Guha, S. Mohagon, A.A.M. Munna, A. Akhter, E. Parijat,; Dictatorial streaming of biomarkers in some diseases,; International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, 2016; 1(3): 104-118.;

J. Ferdous, I. Sultana, T.A. Riaz, N. Sultana, M.T. Islam,; Non-clinical and pre-clinical pharmacological investigations of Mimosa diplotricha.; Boletim Informativo Geum, 2015, 6(4), 72-78