Slavisa Tubin, M.D.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology
Area of research
- Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy (SFRT), Partial Tumor Irradiation-Hypoxic Segment (PATHY), Radiation-Induced Bystander Effect, Abscopal Effect, Timing of the SFRT/PATHY Delivery, Particle Therapy, High-LET Radiation, Proton Therapy, Carbon Ion Therapy
- Marie Curie-Strasse 5 A-2700 Wiener Neustadt Niederösterreich
Professional Interests
Dr. Tubin is a 44-years-old board-certified radiation oncologist and scientific investigator from Vienna (Austria), currently working as a director of clinical radiobiology and scientific co-director at the MedAustron Center for Particle Therapy and Research (W. Neustadt). His research interests include the use of photon-based stereotactic radiotherapy techniques and particles (protons, and especially carbon-ions) for induction of the immune-mediated non-targeted effects of radiotherapy: bystander and abscopal effects. Currently, he is a principle investigator of ongoing national and international, multi-centric, prospective studies on intentional induction of the abscopal and bystander effects among patients with oligometastatic and unrescetable bulky tumors. He graduated at the University of Rome (Italy) “La Sapienza” in 2008, and then finished the residency training also in Rome in 2012. During 2010-2011, he joined the University of Miami (USA) performing the preclinical research on radiation-induced bystander and abscopal effects. The finding of those studies led to the development of a novel and unique technique for partial tumor irradiation targeting the hypoxic segment of bulky unresectable tumors for the clinical exploitation of bystander and abscopal effects. He was several times awarded for the best abstract presenting the preclinical and clinical findings related to this novel approach (2014 in Forli, ITA; 2016 in Klagenfurt, AUT; 2018 in Dublin, IRL; 2018 in Rimini, ITA; 2019 in Vienna, AUT, 2022 in Villach, AUT, 2022 in Barcelona, ESP). Dr. Tubin is currently leading the new ESTRO focus group for innovative and unconventional radiotherapy techniques.
Selected Publications
Tubin S., M.Valeriani, M.F.Osti, V.De Sanctis, A.Stopacciaro, P.Cardelli, G. Minniti, S. Gerardo, S.Bracci, R.M.Enrici “ Manipulation of radiation-induced bystander effect in prostate adenocarcinoma by dose and tumor differentiation grade”, IJRB 2014
Tubin S., Raunik W., „Hunting for Abscopal and Bystander Effects: Clinical Exploitation of Non-Targeted Effects Induced by Partial High-Single-Dose Irradiation of the Hypoxic Tumour Segment in Oligometastatic Patients”, Acta Onc. 2017
Tubin S., Mansoor M. A., Seema G., “Radiation and Hypoxia-Induced Non-Targeted Effects in Normoxic and Hypoxic Conditions in Human Lung Cancer Cells.” IJRB 2017
Tubin S., Khan M.M., Salerno G., Mourad F.W., Yan W., Jeremic B. “Mono-institutional Phase 2 Study of Innovative Stereotactic Body RadioTherapy targeting PArtial Tumor HYpoxic (SBRT-PATHY) Clonogenic Cells in Unresectable Bulky Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Profound Non-Targeted Effects by Sparing Peri-Tumoral Immune Microenvironment.” Radiat Oncol. 2019
Tubin S, Ashdown M, Jeremic B. “Time-synchronized immune-guided SBRT partial bulky tumor irradiation targeting hypoxic segment while sparing the peritumoral immune microenvironment.” Radiat Oncol. 2019
Tubin S, Yan W, Mourad WF, Fossati P, Khan MK. “The future of radiation-induced abscopal response: beyond conventional radiotherapy approaches.” Future Oncol. 2020
Tubin S, Gupta S, Grusch M, Popper HH, Brcic L, Ashdown ML, Khleif SN, Peter-Vörösmarty B, Hyden M, Negrini S, Fossati P, Hug E. Shifting the Immune-Suppressive to Predominant Immune-Stimulatory Radiation Effects by SBRT-PArtial Tumor Irradiation Targeting HYpoxic Segment (SBRT-PATHY). Cancers. 2021
Tubin S, Khan MK, Gupta S, Jeremic B. Biology of NSCLC: Interplay between Cancer Cells, Radiation and Tumor Immune Microenvironment. Cancers. 2021
Mazzola R, Cuccia F, Bertani A, Tubin S, Conaldi PG, Corradini S, Tolia M, Guba M, Alongi F. The role of radiotherapy in patients with solid tumours after solid organ transplantation: a systematic review. Lancet Oncol. 2021
Tubin S, Fossati P, Carlino A, Martino G, Gora J, Stock M, Hug E. Novel Carbon Ion and Proton Partial Irradiation of Recurrent Unresectable Bulky Tumors (Particle-PATHY): Early Indication of Effectiveness and Safety. Cancers (Basel). 2022
Tubin S, Vozenin M.C. Prezado Y, Durante M, Prise K, Lara PC, Greco C, Massaccesi M, Guha C, Wu X, Mohiuddin M.M, Vestergaard A, Bassler N, Gupta S, Stock M. Timmerman R. Novel Unconventional Radiotherapy Techniques: Current Status and Future Perspectives – report from the 2nd International Radiation Oncology Online Seminar; ctro 2023
Tubin S, Fossati P, Mock U, Luetgendorf-Caucig C,…et al…Hug E. Proton or Carbon Ion Therapy for Skull Base Chordoma: Rationale and First Analysis of a Mono-institutional Experience. Cancers 2023