Rubina A. Malik

Rubina A. Malik, M.D., M.S.

Area of research

  • osteoporosis and falls geriatric assessment in dementia care long term care and rehospitalizations




  • Montefiore Medical Center 3411 Wayne Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Rubina Malik, MD, MS completed her medical education at SUNY Stony Brook School of Medicine, her Internal Medicine residency at University Hospital at Stony Brook, fellowships in Ambulatory Medicine at Stony Brook and Geriatrics Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center. She also completed a Masters Degree in Clinical Research Methods at AECOM  under the mentorship of Dr Eran Bellin. She joined the faculty of Geriatrics at Montefiore in 1997 and is currently Associate Professor of Medicine. 

Dr Malik is a clinician educator who has interests in functional and cognitive assessments, and osteoporosis. She has extensive clinical experience in the long term care setting. Currently, she is the co-director at the Center for the Aging Brain and core faculty for our newly funded NY State Center of Excellence for Alzheimer’s’ disease in Hudson Valley. She continues to see patients both in the ambulatory and LTC setting, and teaches and supervises trainees in Geriatrics Medicine.

Selected Publications

Peer Reviewed Publications

1. Vitamin D and secondary hyperparathyroidism in the institutionalized elderly: A literature review. Malik R. J Nutr Elder. 2007; 26(3-4): 119-38. PMID: 18285295

2. Systematic review and meta analysis of the association between alcohol consumption and both osteoporotic fracture and bone density. Berg KM, Kunins HV, Jackson JL, Nahvi S, Chaudhry A, Harris KA, Malik R, Arnsten JH. Am J Med. 2008 May; 121 (5): 406-18. PMID 18456037

3. Older adults with heel ulcers in the acute care setting: frequency of noninvasive vascular assessment, surgical intervention, and 1-year mortality. Malik R, Pinto P, Bogaisky M, Ehrlich AR. J Am Med Dir Assoc 2013 Dec;14 (12):916-9 PMID 24427807.

4. Montefiore-Einstein Center for the Aging Brain: preliminary data. Verghese J, Malik R, Zwerling J. JAGS, 2016 Nov; 64 (11): 2374 – 2377. PMID: 27774584.

5. Picture based Memory Impairment Screen (PMIS): a rapid and effective cognitive screening tool. Malik R, Weiss EF, Gottesman R, Zwerling J, Verghese J. JAGS 2018 Aug; 66 (8): 1598 -1602. PMID: 29808583.

6. Cryptococcal meningitis in a patient with Cognitive Impairment and Giant Cell Arteritis treated with Steriods: A Case Report. Oster BA, Bogaisky M, Malik R. ALTC, 2019 Dec; 27 (11): 11-15

7. Comprehensive Care of the Older Adult. City Health Information NYC. Feb 2020. Malik R.