Sheryl R. Haut

Sheryl R. Haut, M.D., M.S.

Area of research

  • The temporal distribution of seizures, with focus on seizure clustering; Seizure precipitants and self prediction, with focus on stress and other modifiable risk factors




  • Montefiore Medical Center 111 East 210th Street Blue Zone H009 Bronx, NY 10467

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Professional Interests

Dr. Sheryl Haut is Director of the Adult Epilepsy Program and Chief of Service, Neurology at Montefiore Einstein. She is the previous Chair of the North American Commission of the International League Against Epilepsy. Her research interests include: the temporal distribution of seizures, with emphasis on seizure clustering; seizure prediction and pre-emption; and alternative therapies for epilepsy. She is currently conducting electronic diary studies of seizure prediction and was the Principal Investigator of the first randomized controlled trial of stress management for refractory epilepsy using smartphone diaries. Dr. Haut has a Masters in Clinical Research Methods, and completed a K23 career development award from the NIH. She maintains an active adult epilepsy practice at Montefiore Medical Center, Moses Division.

Selected Publications

  1. Correa DJ, Labovitz DL, Milstein MJ, Monderer R, Haut SR. Folding a neuroscience center into streamlined Covid-19 response teams: Lessons in origami. Neurology 2020, in press.

  2.  Galanopoulou, AS, Ferastraoaru, V, Correa, DJ, Cherian K, Duberstein S, Gursky J, Hanumanthu R, Hung C, Molinero I, Khodakivska O, Legatt AD, Patel P, Rosengard J, Rubens E, Sugrue W, Yozawitz E, Mehler M, Ballaban-Gil K, Haut SR, Moshé SL, Boro A.  EEG findings in acutely ill patients investigated for SARSCoV-2/COVID19: A small case series preliminary report. Epilepsia Open. 2020; 5: 314324

  3. Chiang S, Haut SR. Ferastaoaru V, Rao VR,  M, Theodore WH, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Individualizing the definition of seizure clusters based on temporal clustering analysis. Epilepsy Res 2020;163:1-10.

  4.  Privitera M, Haut SR, Lipton RB, McGinley J, Cornes S. Seizure Self-prediction in a Randomized Controlled Trial of Stress Management. Neurology 2019;93(22):e2021-e20311.     

  5. Ferastraoaru V, Goldenholz DM, Chiang S, Moss R, Theodore WH, Haut SR. Characteristics of large patient-reported outcomes: Where can one million seizures get us? Epilepsia Open. 2018 Jul 4;3(3):364-373 


  7.   Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR, Moss R, French J, Lowenstein D, Kuzniecky R, Haut S, Cristofaro S, Detyniecki K, Hixson J, Karoly P, Cook M, Strashny A, Theodore WH. Is seizure frequency variance a predictable quantity? Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2018 Jan 9;5(2):201-207

  8.   Haut SR, Lipton RB, Cornes S, Dwivedi AK, Wasson R, Cotton S, Strawn J, Privitera M. Behavioral interventions as a treatment for epilepsy: A multicenter randomized controlled trial.  Neurology. 2018 Mar 13;90(11)



  9. Fisher RS, Cross JH, D’Souza C, French JA, Haut SR, Higurashi N, Hirsch E, Jansen FE, Lagae L, Moshe SL, Peltola J, Roulet Perez E, Scheffer IE, Schulze-Bonhage A, Somerville E, Sperling M, Yacubian E, Zuberi SM. Instruction manual for the ILAE 2017 operational classification of seizure types. Epilepsia. 2017 Apr;58(4):531-542
  10. Patel P, Ferastaoaru V, Gold D, Lipnick A, Jehle R, Haut SR. Clinical characterization of the pre-ictal state in the pediatric population: A caretaker’s perspective. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Apr 18;70(Pt A):193-197
  11. Robbins MS, Haut SR, Lipton RB, Milstein MJ, Ocava LC, Ballaban-Gil K, Moshé SL, Mehler MF. A dedicated scholarly research program in an adult and pediatric neurology residency program. Neurology. 2017 Apr 4;88(14):1366-1370
  12. Haut SR, Seinfeld S, Pellock J. Benzodiazepine use in Seizure emergencies: A systematic review. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 Oct;63:109-117.
  13. Ferastraoaru V, Schulze-Bonhage A, Lipton RB, Dümpelmann M, Legatt AD, Blumberg J,  Haut SR. Termination of seizure clusters is related to the duration of focal seizures. Epilepsia  2016 Mar 31.
  14. Pillai J, Haut SR, Masur D. Orbitofrontal cortex dysfunction in Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures. A proposal for a two-factor model. Med Hypotheses. 2015 Apr;84(4):363-9
  15. Haut SR. Seizure Clusters: Characteristics and Treatment. Curr Opin Neurol. 2015 Apr;28(2):143-50
  16. Lipton RB,BuseDC, Hall CB, Tennen H, DeFreitas TA, Borkowski TM, Haut SR. Reduction in Perceived Stress as a Migraine Trigger: Testing the “Let-down Headache” Hypothesis. Neurology 2014; Apr 22;82(16):1395-401
  17. Privitera M, Walters M, Lee I, Polak E, Fleck A, Schwieterman D, Haut SR. Characteristics of People with Stress Precipitated Seizures. Epilepsy Behav 2014 Oct;41:74-77
  18. Haut SR, Hall CB, Borkowski T, Tennen H, Lipton RB. Modeling seizure self-prediction: An e-diary study. Epilepsia 2013; Nov;54(11):1960-7.
  19. Haut SR. Predicting seizures: Are we there yet? Epilepsy Currents 2013 Nov;13(6):276-8.
  20. Haut SR, Hall CB, Borkowski T, Tennen H, Lipton RB. Clinical features of the pre-ictal state: Mood changes and premonitory symptoms. Epilepsy and Behavior 2012, 23:415-421.
  21. Pillai J, Haut SR. Patients with epilepsy and psychogenic non-epileptic seizures: An inpatient video-EEG monitoring study. Seizure. 2012, 21(1):24-7.
  22. Schulze-BonhageA, Haut SR. Premonitory features and seizure self-prediction: Artifact or real? Epilepsy Res 2011, 97(3);231-235.
  23. Haut SR, Lipton RBL. Predicting Seizures: A Behavioral Approach. Neurol Clinics 2009, 27(4);925-940.
  24. Haut SR. Psychiatric History and Temporal Lobectomy Outcome: Looking to the Past to Predict the Future. Epilepsy Currents 2009, 9(5):1-3
  25. Haut SR, Katz M, Masur J, Lipton RBL. Seizures in the Elderly: Impact on Mental Status, Mood and Sleep. Epilepsy and Behavior 2009;14(3):540-544.
  26. Hall CB, Lipton RB, Tennen H, Haut SR. Early Follow-up Data From Seizure Diaries Can Be Used To Predict Subsequent Seizures in Same Cohort By Borrowing Strength Across Participants. Epilepsy and Behavior 2009;14(3);472-475.
  27. Bower CM, Hays RD, Devinsky O, Spencer SS, Sperling MR, Haut S, Vassar S, Vickrey BG. Expectations Prior to Epilepsy Surgery: An Exploratory Comparison of Men and Women. Seizure 2009;18(3):228-231
  28. Brody BD and Haut SR. Ending the Doctor-Patient Relationship in Neurology Practice. The Neurologist 2009;15(5): 277-81.
  29. Haut SR, Hall CD, Masur J, Lipton RB. Seizure Occurrence: Precipitants and Prediction. Neurology 2007;69 1905-1910.
  30. Lado F, Spiegel R, Masur J, Boro A, Haut SR. Value of routine screening for bone demineralization in an urban population of patients with epilepsy. Epil Res 2007; 78(2-3);155-160
  31. Chin PS, Berg AT, Spencer SS, Sperling MR, Haut S et al. Employment Outcomes Following Resective Epilepsy Surgery. Epilepsia 2007;Dec;48(12):2253-7.8.   
  32. Haut SR, Hall CD, LeValley A, Lipton RB. Can patients with epilepsy predict their seizures? Neurology, 2007; 68:262-266.
  33. Spencer SS, Berg AT, Vickrey BG, Sperling MR, Bazil CW, Haut S, Langfitt JT, Walczak TS, Devinsky O; Multicenter Study of Epilepsy Surgery. Health-related quality of life over time since resective epilepsy surgery. Ann Neurol. 2007 Oct;62(4):327-34
  34. Haut SR, Bigal M, Lipton RB. Chronic Disorders With Episodic Manifestations: Focus on Epilepsy and Migraine. Lancet Neurology 2006;5:148-157.