Michele Nanna

Michele Nanna, M.D.

Area of research

  • Cardiac Ultrasonography, Congestive Heart Failure, Valvular Heart Disease




  • Cardiac Care & Vascular Med. 1461 Astor Avenue Bronx, NY 10467

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Selected Publications



      1.      Altomare Emanuele, Nanna Michele, Mastrodonato Antonio, Centonze  Vincenzo, Albano Ottavio.  Electrocardiographic study of R-R intervals in patients with chronic alcoholism.  Boll Soc di Biol Sperim 9:919-924, 1980.


      2.      Chandraratna P. Anthony., Imaizumi T, Pitha JV, Nanna Michele, Aronow Wilbert.  Prolonged survival after cardiac rupture following myocardial infarction.  Chest 81:643, 1982.


   3.      Nanna Michele, Chandraratna P. Anthony N., Ried Cheryl, Nimalasuriya Ananda, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Value of two-dimensional echocardiography in the detection of tricuspid stenosis.  Circulation 67:22, 1983.


      4.      Reid Cheryl, Chandraratna P. Anthony N., Kawanishi David T, Bezdek William D, Chatz Richard, Nanna Michele, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Echocardiographic detection of pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium:  the air gap sign.  JACC 1:916, 1983.


      5.      Chandraratna P. Anthony N., Nanna Michele, McKay Charles R, Nimalasuriya Ananda, Sweeney Robert, Elkayam Uri, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Determination of cardiac output by transcutaneous continuous wave Ultrasonic Doppler Computer.  Am J Cardiol 53:234, 1984.


      6.      Rose Jeffrey S, Nanna Michele, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H, Elkayam Uri, McKay Charles R, Chandraratna P. Anthony N.  Accuracy of determination of changes in C.O. by transcutaneous continuous wave Doppler computer.  Am J Cardiol 54:1099, 1984.


      7.      McKay Charles, Nanna Michele, Elkayam Uri, Chandraratna P. Anthony N., Weiss James, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Importance of internal controls, statistical methods, and side effects in acute vasodilator trials.  Circulation 72:865, 1985.


      8.      Elkayam Uri, Roth Arie, Weber Lewis, Hsueh Willa, Nanna Michele, Friedenberger Lindalee, Chandraratna P. Anthony N.  Isometric exercise in chronic advanced heart failure:  hemodynamic and neurohumoral evaluation.  Circulation 72:975, 1985.


      9.      Kawanishi David, McKay Charles R, Chandraratna P. Anthony N., Nanna Michele, Reid Cheryl L, Elkayam Uri, Siegel Michael, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Cardiovascular response to dynamic exercise in patients with chronic symptomatic mild-to-moderate and severe aortic regurgitation.  Circulation 73(1):62, 1986.


      10.    Nanna Michele, Kawanishi David T, McKay Charles R, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H, Nimalasuriya Ananda, Chandraratna P. Anthony N.  Noninvasive cardiac output monitoring during exercise stress test.  Can J Card 4 (4) 165, 1988.


            11.    Xie Feng, Breese Mark S, Nanna Michele, Lichtenberg Gerson S, Allen Mark N, Meltzer Richard S.  Blinded comparison of an "Ultrasound stethoscope" and standard echocardiographic instrument.  Chest 94(2):270, 1988.


         12.    Allen Mark N, Nanna Michele, Lichtgenberg Gerson S, Meltzer Richard S.  Blunt trauma causing delayed cardiac tamponade:  Echocardiographic diagnosis.  Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography 4(5):269, 1988.


         13.    Nanna Michele, Chandraratna P. Anthony N., McKay Charles R, Cohlmia George, Trigleth Michel, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H.  Noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring during exercise before and after coronary artery bypass surgery.  Can J Cardiol 5(1) 25, 1989.


         14.    Nanna Michele, Lin Shoa Lin, Tak Tahir, McKay Charles R, Meltzer Richard S, Rahimtoola Shahbudin H, Chandraratna P. Anthony N.  Inaccuracy of Doppler estimates of pulmonary artery pressure using pulmonary flow acceleration time.  Can J Cardiol 5(8), 1989.


         15.    Holen Jarle, Nanna Michele,  Lockhart Jeffrey, Waag Robert.  Doppler Color Flow in Echocardiography:  Analytical and in vitro investigations of the quantitative relationship between orifice flow and color jet dimensions.  Ultrasound in Med. & Biol. 16 (6):543, 1990.


         16.    Shen Zhanging, Palma Antonio, Rajachandran Manu, Oliva Gino, Zawahir Fawzia, Nanna Michele.  Prediction of single and multivessel coronary disease in patients after myocardial infartion according to quantitative ultrasound wall motion analysis.  Am Heart J 125:949-957, 1993.


         17.    Nanna Michele, Palma Antonio, Rajachandran Manu, Maher Michael, Shen Zhanqing, Sonnenblick Edmund H, LeJemtel Thierry H.  Diagnostic value of left ventricular dyssynergy patterns in ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy.  Coronary Artery Disease, 4:919-927, 1993.


         18.    Aronow Wilbert S, Ahn Chul, Kronzon Itzhak, Nanna Michele.  Prognosis of congestive heart failure in patients > 62 years of age with unoperated severe valvular aortic regurgitation.  Am J Cardiol 72:846-848, 1993.


         19.    Nanna Michele, Lockhart Jeffrey, Holen Jarle.  An in vitro investigation on the effects of momentum of color Doppler jet area.  Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures  11:179, 1993.


      20.    Covey Stephen, Nanna Michele, Golier Frank, Feld Michael, Charney Richard, Goldberger Mark, Brodman Richard.  An unusual case of papillary muscle rupture.  Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures  11:215, 1993.


      21.    Nanna Michele, Shen Zhanqing, Palma Antonio, Nikolic Srdjan D, Mottley Jack, Melton Hewlett.  Ultrasonic tissue characterization in response to pharmacologic stress.  Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures  11(4):220, 1993.


      22.    Charney Richard, Schwinger Matthew, Chun Jane, Cohen Michael V. Nanna Michele, Menegus Mark, Wexler J, Spindola-Franco H, Greenberg M.  Dobutamine echocardiography and resting redistribution thallium 201 scintigraphy predicts recovery of hybernating myocardium after coronary revascularization.  American Heart Journal 128(5) 864-869, 1994.


      23.    Aronow WS, Chul AM, Kronzon I, Nanna M.  Prognosis of patients with heart failure and unoperated severe aortic valvular regurgitation and relation to ejection fraction.  Am J Cardiol 74:286 1994.


  1. Bareket Yaron, Wu Jia Jia, Palma Antonio, Zawahir Fawzia, Goldberger Mark, Nanna Michele.  A rapid non geometric method for calculating left ventricular end diastolic volume by echocardiography.  Journal of Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Procedures 12(4):239, 1995.


  1. Charney R, Michele Nanna, Greenberg M A. Simple, Safe Prediction of

         Myocardial  Recovery after Revascularization. Cardiology Rev 12(9): 13-16, 1995


  1. Shapiro LE, Sievert L, Ong L, Ocampo EL, Chance RA, Lee MH,

Nanna Michele, Ferrick K, Surks MI. Minimal Cardiac Effects In Athyreotic Patients Chronically Treated with Thyrotrophin  (TSH)-Suppressive Doses Of L-Thyroxine(T4).  The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 82: 2592-2595, 1997



  1. Li JKJ, Ying-Zhu J, Michele Nanna. Computer Modeling of the Effects of Aortic Valve Stenosis and Arterial System Afterload on Left Ventricular Hypertrophy. Comput. Biol. Med. 27: 6, 447-485, 1997


  1. Fischer J.D., S.G. Kim, K.J. Ferrick, J.N. Gross, M.H. Goldberger, Michele Nanna. Internal transcardiac pericardiocentesis for acute tamponade. American Journal of Cardiology 86:12, 1388-1389, 2000



  1. Fisher JD, Kahn S, Han J, Kogan A, Nanna M. Linear lesion radiofrequency ablation in canine vagal atrial fibrillation: Effects of special catheters designed for efficiency, and the critical role of  lesions from the crista terminalis to the superior vena cava.   J Interven Card Electr (JICE)  5: 241-252; 2001


  1. Paolo C. Colombo MD, Rex H. Wu MD, Stanislav Weiner MD, Massimo Marinaccio MS, Alessandra Brofferio MD, Javier Banchs MD, Shailesh Malla MD, Robert Frater. MD, Jamshid Shirani MD, Michele Nanna MD.  Value of Quantitative Analysis of Mitral Regurgitation Jet Eccentricity by Color Flow Doppler for Identification of Flail Leaflet . American Journal of  Cardiology  88: 534-540; 2001


  1. Paolo C. Colombo, Annamaria Municino, Alessandra Brofferio, Lyudmilla Kholdarova, Michele Nanna, Arzu Ilercil, Jamshid Shirani . Cross Sectional Multiplane Transesophageal Echocardiographic Measurements: Comparison with Standard Transthoracic Values Obtained in the Same Setting. Echocardiography 19: 457-462; 2002



  1. Yuka E, O'Mara JE, Weiner S, Han J. Goldberger MH, Gordon G, Nanna Michele, Ferrick KJ Gross JN, Clinical Utility of Intraprocedural Transesophageal Echocardiography  during Transvenous Lead Extraction

Journal Of The American Society of Echocardiography ( JASE) 21: 861-867. 2008


30. Nanna Michele, Nanna G. Recent Development in Echocardiographic   


Current Opinion in Cardiology ( in press)






      1.         Nanna Michele.  Exercise Echocardiography.  In Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging:  Recent Developments.  Edited by Meltzer RS, Vered Z, Neufeld HN, 49-68.  Futura Publishing Co., Mt. Kisco, NY, 1988.


      2.         Meltzer Richard S, Xie Feng, Nanna Michele, Gramiak Raymond.  New Contrast Agents.  In Interventional  Echocardiography.  Edited by Cikes I.  179-189, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989.


      3.         Daboin Nelson P, Frater Robert WM, Fisher Lee I, Nanna Michele, Strom Joel A.  Noninvasive Calculation of Bioprosthetic Aortic Valve Orifice Area in Surgery for Heart Valve Disease.  Proceedings of the 1989 Symposium, E. Bodnar Ed.  ICR Publisher, London 1990:57-64.


      4.         Nanna Michele, Meltzer Richard S.  Intracardiac Thrombi and Systemic Embolization.  Edited by Fass AE, Weintraub MI.  In Heart and Brain:  Interactions of Cardiac and Neurologic Disease.  PMA Publishing Corp., California, 111-128, 1991.


      5.         Biasucci Luigi M, Nikolic Srdjan D, Tanouet Tadashi, Solomon Stephen, Nanna Michele, Pajaro OHario E, Yellin Edward L. Ventricular filling during acute ischemia and experimental ventricular hypertrophy.  (In Italian)  Edited by Rusconi C, Faggiano P, Gardini A.   Ghedini Publisher, Milano, 71-79, 1992.


      6.         Aronow Wilbert S, Tresh Donald D, Nanna Michele.  Aortic disease in the elderly.  In:  Cardiovascular disease in the elderly patient.  Edited by Tresh DD, Aronow WS., Marcel Dekker Inc., NY  1993:345-372.


      7.         Nanna Michele, Aronow Wilbert S.  Cardiomyopathies in the Elderly.  In:  Cardiovascular disease in the elderly patient.  Edited by Tresh DD, Aronow WS.  Marcel Dekker Inc., NY  1993:435-457


      8.         Nanna Michele, Aronow Wilbert S.  Cardiomyopathies in the Elderly.  In:  Cardiovascular disease in the elderly patient.  Edited by Tresh DD, Aronow WS.  Marcel Dekker Inc., Second Edition (In press)