Ladan Golestaneh

Ladan Golestaneh, M.D., M.S.

Area of research

  • Acute kidney injury and the provision of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. Recent focus on outcomes of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and End Stage Kidney Disease, including social determinants of those outcomes.




  • Yale University 25 Scince Park New Haven, CT 06520

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Professional Interests

Dr. Ladan Golestaneh received an MD from New York Medical College in 1999.  She completed internship and residency at Montefiore Medical Center in 2002 and a nephrology fellowship at Einstein in 2004.

Following fellowship, Dr. Golestaneh was hired as clinical instructor in the Einstein Division of Nephrology, where she set up the first critical care/ nephrology subspecialty Einstein/Montefiore and introduced continuous dialysis therapies at Montefiore. She was promoted to assistant professor in 2005 and associate professor status in 2012, and full professor in 2019.

Dr. Golestaneh holds various administrative positions within the Division of Nephrology and Department of Medicine including service as Medical Director of two large hemodialysis centers and director of the largest home dialysis program in the Bronx. Her research interests include acute kidney injury (AKI) and the cardiorenal and hepatorenal syndromes. She has also published on the healthcare disparities affecting patients with kidney disease. Her recent research interests include care delivery models for end-stage kidney disease patients, a project in which she collaborates with the Montefiore CMO. She is lead PI for an NIH funded study examining the effects of peer mentorship in patients receiving hemodialysis.

Selected Publications

COVID-19 related publications

    1. Golestaneh L, Neugarten J, Fisher M, et al.  The association of race and COVID-19 mortality. The Lancet Eclinicamedicine 2020.

    2.  Fisher M, Neugarten J, Bellin E, & Golestaneh L. AKI in Hospitalized Patients with and without COVID-19: A Comparison StudyJASN 2020

    3. Fisher M, Prudhvi K, Brogan M, & Golestaneh L. Providing Care to Patients with AKI and COVID-19 Infection: Experience of Front Line Nephrologists in New York. Kidney360, 2020

    4. Sourial M, Sourial M, Dalsan R, & Golestaneh L. Urgent Peritoneal Dialysis in Patients with COVID-19 and Acute Kidney Injury: A Single Center Experience in a Time of Crisis in the United States. AJKD 2020.

    5. Fisher M, Yunes M, Mokrzycki M, Golestaneh L. et al. Chronic Hemodialysis Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19-Short-term Outcomes in Bronx, New York. Kidney360 2020.

Outcomes of patients with ESKD and CKD

  1. Golestaneh L, Cavanaugh K, Lo Y et al. Community Racial Composition and Hospitalizations in Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis.AJKD  2020
  2. Golestaneh L, Karaboyas A, Cavanaugh K. et al. The role of place in disparities affecting Black men receiving hemodialysis.KI Reports, 2020
  3. Golestaneh L, Farzami A, Madu M, et al. The association of neighborhood racial mix and ED visit count in a cohort of patients on hemodialysis. BMC Nephrol. 2019
  4. Golestaneh L, Bellin E, Neugarten J et al. Avoidable Visits to the Emergency Department and their Association with Sex, Age  and Race in a Cohort of Patients on Hemodialysis with low Socio-economic status in the Bronx. PLOS one 2018.
  5. Golestaneh L, Bellin E, Southern W. Discharge service as a determinant of 30-day readmission in a cohort of maintenance hemodialysis patients: a retrospective cohort study. BMC Nephrol. 2017

Acute Kidney Injury and CRRT

  1. Golestaneh L, Basalely A. Biomarkers of Acute Kidney Injury and the Scope of Utilization in the Cardiac Catherization Laborator. A Practical Approach. Book Chapter 2020.
  2. Neugarten J, Golestaneh LFemale sex reduces the risk of hospital-associated acute kidney injury: a meta-analysis. BMC Nephrol. 2018
  3. Golestaneh L, Neugarten J. Dual Organ Duel: The Hepatorenal Axis. Adv Chronic Kidney Dis.2017.
  4. Neugarten J, Sandilya S, Golestaneh LSex and Risk of AKI Following Cardio-thoracic Surgery: A Meta-Analysis.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017
  5. Neugarten J, Golestaneh LThe effect of gender on aminoglycoside-associated nephrotoxicity.Clin Nephrol 2016
  6. Golestaneh L, Richter B, Amato-Hayes M. Logistics of renal replacement therapy: relevant issues for critical care nurses. Am J Crit Care. 2012
  7. Golestaneh LUremic Memory: the role of acute kidney injury in long term outcomes.KI 2009.