Kenny Q. Ye, Ph.D.
- Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Population Health (Biostatistics)
- Professor, Department of Systems & Computational Biology
Area of research
- Statistical Genetics, Computational Genomics, Mathematical Statistics, Experimental Design, Autism
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus 1300 Morris Park Avenue Block 310 Bronx, NY 10461
Professional Interests
Dr. Ye’s research focuses on statistical design and analysis of studies in genetics and genomics. He conducts methodological research in statistical modeling and data mining with high dimensional data. He is developing new statistical and computational approaches for novel application of next generation sequencing data in biomedical research. He is also developing novel statistical approaches for quantifying genetic contributions to disease traits.
Selected Publications
Hu, J., Zhao, Z., Yalamanchili, H., Wang, J., Ye, K., and Fan, X., "Bayesian Detection of Embryonic Gene Expression Onset in C. Elegans ", Annals of Applied Statistics, 2015, Vol. 9, No. 2, 950–968
Mirina A, Atzmon G, Ye K, Bergman A. "Gene size matters". PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e49093. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0049093. PubMed PMID: 23152854; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3494661
Lin, C-Y, Lo, Y.,and Ye, K., "Genotype Copy Number Variations using Gaussian Mixture Models: Theory and Algorithms", Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2012
Yoon S, Xuan Z, Makarov V, Ye K, Sebat J., "Sensitive and accurate detection of copy number variants using read depth of coverage", Genome Research 2009 Sep;19(9):1586-92. Epub 2009 Aug 5.
Sebat, J., B. Lakshmi, Malhotra, D., Troge, J., Lese-Martin, C., Walsh, T., Yamrom, B., Yoon, S., Krasnitz, A., Kendall, J., Leotta, A., Pai, D., Zhang, R., Lee, Y-H., Hicks, J., Spence, S.J., Lee, A.T., Puura, K., Lehtimki, T., Ledbetter, D., Gregersen, P.K., Bregman, J., Sutclie, J.S., Jobanputra, V., Chung, W., Warburton, D., King, M-C., Skuse, D., Geschwind, D.H., Gilliam, T.C., Ye, K., and Wigler, M., "Strong Association of De Novo Copy Number Mutations with Autism", Science, 316, 445-449, 2007
Zhao, X., Leotta, A., Kustanovich, V., Lajonchere, C., Geschwind, D. H., Law, K.,Law, P., Qiu, S., Lord, C., Sebat, J., Ye, K., and Michael Wigler, "A unified genetic theory for sporadic and inherited autism", PNAS, 2007, 104(31), 12831-12836
Linkletter, C. Bingham, D., Hengartner, N., Higdon, D., and Ye, K.Q., "Variable Selection for Gaussian Process Models in Computer Experiments", Technometrics, 2006, 48, 478-490
Cheng, S-W, and Ye, K.Q., "Geometric Isomorphism And Minimum Aberration For Factorial Designs With Quantitative Factors,", Annals of Statistics, 32, 2168-2185, 2004
Ye, K.,Q., "Indicator Functions and Their Application in Two Level Factorial Designs", Annals of Statistics, 31, 984-994, 2003
Nair, V., Taam, W., and Ye, K.Q., "Analysis of Functional Response From Robust Design Study", Journal of Quality Technology 34, 355-370, 2002 (2003 Brumbaugh Award)