MRI Course

Videos of MRI Course Go Viral

Since posting his Introducing MRI course to YouTube in 2014, Dr. Michael Lipton has educated countless students, residents and other medical professionals in the complex field of magnetic resonance Imaging. The 56 chapters of the video series have garnered more than 800,000 views and his audience continues to grow.

In the video below, Dr. Lipton talks about why the videos are so popular, and about the person who inspired his accessible teaching methods.

The MRI video series has inspired viewers from around the globe to attend his course in person—including two clinical radiologists from Chile who visited last year.

RELATED FEATURE: Montefiore-Einstein Imaging Expert Attracts a Global Following

Dr. Lipton is professor of radiology and of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and associate director of Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center at Einstein, and director of MRI Services at Montefiore. His research has focused on concussion, mild traumatic brain injury, and the impact of sub-concussive blows on the brain, including in amateur soccer players and combat veterans.

Posted on: Wednesday, August 23, 2017