Reunion 2009

Einstein Commencement Marks Historic Reunion, Celebrating Class of '59 Pioneers

Reunion 2009 was truly historic for Einstein as the College of Medicine marked the 50th anniversary of its first graduating class. In recognition of the milestone, the Alumni Association hosted three days of celebration leading up to and including Commencement. The events drew more than 150 alumni whose class year ends in four or nine, along with 27 members of the pioneering Class of 1959.

Left to right: Class of 1959 Alumni at Commencement: Drs. Chester Berschling, Marion Zucker Goldstein, Itamar Salamon, Arnold Lieber, Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, Mark Reiss, Michael Heitler, Henry Spector, Irwin Bernhardt, Louis Aledort, Marvin Kirschner
Left to right: Class of 1959 Alumni at
Commencement: Drs. Chester Berschling, Marion
Zucker Goldstein, Itamar Salamon, Arnold Lieber,
Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, Mark Reiss, Michael
Heitler, Henry Spector, Irwin Bernhardt, Louis Aledort,
Marvin Kirschner
To begin the celebrating, Einstein deans, faculty and students joined eight returning classes at a Gala Reunion Dinner on Sunday, May 31, held at The Harmonie Club in New York City. Stephen Goldstone, M.D., Class of 1979 and president-elect of the Alumni Association, joined Dean Allen M. Spiegel in congratulating the alumni, who delighted in sharing anecdotes from their Einstein experience. Those in attendance also helped to honor special guest Peter Barland, M.D., Class of 1959, who received the Alumni Association's Lifetime Service Award.

Among the highlights for Class of 1959 alumni was a special 50th Reunion Dinner held on the evening of Monday, June 1, also at The Harmonie Club.  Joining in their celebration were four beloved professors: Drs. Isabelle Rapin, Irving London, Milford Fulop and Christine Lawrence.

In addition to sharing reminiscences with his former students, Dr. London — who was founding chair of the department of medicine — offered after-dinner remarks that reflected his deep affection for Einstein's first-ever class, noting:  "The newly assembled faculty left something sure and secure for the unknown.  We didn't know whether this new institution would take flight and flourish. The students were taking a gamble, too.  This first class exceeded all of our expectations. You're not only advancing medical care, you're doing it with compassion and an understanding heart."

In turn, the alumni fondly recalled Dr. London as a distinguished — and sometimes formidable — teacher, as well as a kind and caring mentor.

Irwin Dannis, MD '60 leading campus tour.
Irwin Dannis, MD '60 leading campus tour.
A special part of the festivities was the screening of a video created for the milestone 50th reunion that included clips from a rare home movie of the first Einstein commencement, held on June 10, 1959 in what is now the parking lot of the Abraham Mazer Building, the first Einstein student dorm. In the semi-darkened banquet hall, images of cherished faculty members drew cheers and applause, and some tears.

Earlier in the day, alumni and guests from all reunion classes gathered at the Einstein campus for Alumni Day on Campus.  The day began with a panel discussion, "Einstein Then and Now," at which moderator Peter Barland M.D. (Class of 1959) led panelists in a lively discussion of topics ranging from personal accounts of the fledgling days of the medical school to the challenges of practicing compassionate medicine in today's era of managed care. The panel members were: Leon Chameides, M.D. (Class of 1959), Ira Leviton (Class of 1984), alumni scholar Elizabeth DeWitt, M.D. (Class of  2009), and faculty members Milford Fulop, M.D., distinguished university professor (who had taught every alumni member present) and Albert Kuperman, Ph.D., associate dean for educational affairs.

Later that afternoon, graduate students, post-docs, and faculty met the 2009 Distinguished Ph.D. Alumnus Award recipient, Carl Franzblau, Ph.D., Class of 1962, who gave an informal talk about his fascinating career in research and innovative science education. Then, following an alumni-faculty luncheon, Irwin Dannis, M.D., Class of 1960 and first-year students Jason Matos (a Class of 2012 alumni scholar), Jordan Nestor, and Jeremiah Hinson led a tour of the campus.  Alumni were struck by the impressive changes that have taken place since they were medical students.

Culminating the three days of celebration was the 2009 commencement. During the ceremony, the 22 members of the Class of 1959 stood and were acknowledged appreciatively for their pioneering spirit. Dr. Louis Aledort represented the class in offering remarks of congratulations to the newest Einstein graduates.

One of the most poignant moments of the three days took place when five alumni representing the Class of 1959 hooded the last group of graduates of the Class of 2009. As the College of Medicine's original alumni welcomed their newest members, the moment symbolized the continuity of a tradition of excellence and humanism in medicine at Einstein. It was a fitting end to a glorious commemoration.

Photo Gallery

Left to right: Class of 1959 Alumni at Commencement: Drs. Chester Berschling, Marion Zucker Goldstein, Itamar Salamon, Arnold Lieber, Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, Mark Reiss, Michael Heitler, Henry Spector, Irwin Bernhardt, Louis Aledort, Marvin Kirschner Melvin Shay, MD '59 and classmates marching at commencement Alumni of the Class of 1959 applauded at commencment Louis Aledort, MD '59 addressing the graduates of the Class of 2009 Dr. George Fruhman receiving Lifetime Service Award from Dean Allen M. Spiegel Chester Berschling, MD '59 hooding Peter Barland, MD '59 hooding Irwin Dannis, MD '60 leading campus tour Albert Brooks, MD '74A asks a question at panel Mark Birns, MD. 74 greeting Dr. Martin Cohen Jeffrey Rudikoff, MD '64 and Theresa Maresca, MD '84 on campus tour Leon Chameides, MD '59, Dr. Milford Fulop Peter Barland, MD '59. moderator, ''Einstein Then & Now'' panel Alan Schrift, MD '59  Calvin Ackerman, MD '59 and Chet Berschling, MD '59''Einstein Then & Now'' panelists (l to r) Ira Leviton, MD '84, Dr. Albert Kuperman, Elizabeth DeWitt, MD '09, Dr. Milford Fulop, Leon Chameides, MD '59 Members of the 50th Reunion Class of 1959 Itamar Salamon, MD '59 and Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber, MD '59 Seated: l to r: Drs. Martin Rosenthal, Itamar Salamon, Michael Heitler, Marion Zucker Goldstein, Isabel Rapin, Milford Fulop, Christine Lawrence, Evelyne Albrecht Schwaber Standing: Alan Schrift, Calvin Ackerman, Louis Aledort, Emanuel T. Phillips, Chester Berschling, Irwin Bernhardt, Arnold Lieber, Mark Reiss, Jesse Roth, Leonard Green, Robert Simon, Marvin Kirschner, Sheldon Eisenman, Leon Chameides, Peter Barland, Eugene Heller, Seligman Rosenberg, Henry Spector, Melvin Shay Drs. Bob Simon and Arnold Lieber ('59) Drs. Ted Philips, Arnold Lieber, Sheldone Eisenman, Leon Chameides ('59) Seated: Drs. Mark Reiss, Louis Aledort, Chet Berschling Standing: Marvin Kirschner, Peter Barland, Eugene Heller, Leon ChameidesDrs. Itamar Salamon, Michael Heitler, Marin Zucker Goldstein ('59) Dr. Irving London

Posted on: Monday, July 13, 2009