Tom Meier Lab


PubMed citation for publication #41Download PDF reprint of publication #41  
Uniform presence of nucleolar channel systems throughout the upper uterine cavity during the implantation window.
Szmyga M.J., Rybak, E.A., E.H. Banks, K.D. Whitney, A.J. Polotsky, and Meier, U.T.
Fertil. Steril. 99:558-564 (2013). PMCID: in process  
PubMed citation for publication #40Download PDF reprint of publication #40  
Mechanism of the AAA+ ATPases pontin and reptin in H/ACA RNP biogenesis.
Machado-Pinilla, R., Liger, D., Leulliot, N., and Meier, U.T.
RNA 18:1833-1845 (2012). PMCID: PMC3446707  
PubMed citation for publication #39Download PDF reprint of publication #39  
The H/ACA RNP assembly factor SHQ1 functions as an RNA mimic.
Walbott, H., Machado-Pinilla, R., Liger, D., Blaud, M., Rety, S., Grozdanov, P.N., Godin, K., van Tilbeurgh, H., Varani, G., Meier, U.T., and Leulliot, N.
Genes Dev. 25:2398–2408 (2011). PMCID: PMC3222905  
PubMed citation for publication #38Download PDF reprint of publication #38  
It's time to pay attention to the endometrium, including the nucleolar channel system.
Nejat, E.J., Zapantis, G., Rybak, E.A., and Meier, U.T.
Fertil. Steril. 96:e165–author reply e166 (2011).
PubMed citation for publication #37Download PDF reprint of publication #37  
Distant positioning of proteasomal proteolysis relative to actively transcribed genes.
Scharf, A., Grozdanov, P.N., Veith, R., Kubitscheck, U., Meier, U.T., and Mikecz, von, A.
Nucleic Acids Res. 39:4612–4627 (2011). PMCID: PMC3113580  
PubMed citation for publication #36Download PDF reprint of publication #36  
The nucleolar channel system reliably marks the midluteal endometrium regardless of fertility status: a fresh look at an old organelle.
Rybak, E.A., Szmyga, M., Zapantis, G., Rausch, M., Beshay, V.E., Polotsky, A.J., Coutifaris, C., Carr, B.R., Santoro, N., and Meier, U.T.
Fertil. Steril. 95:1385–1389 (2011). PMCID: PMC3347775  
PubMed citation for publication #35Download PDF reprint of publication #35  
Pseudouridylation goes regulatory
Meier, U.T.
EMBO J. 30:3-4 (2011). PMCID: PMC3020123  
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Multicomponent machines in RNA modification: H/ACA Ribonucleoproteins.
Grozdanov, P.N. and Meier, U.T.
In DNA and RNA modification enzymes: comparative structure, mechanism, functions, cellular interactions and evolution (ed. H. Grosjean) Landes Bioscience, Austin, TX, pp. 122-131 (2009).
PubMed citation for publication #33Download PDF reprint of publication #33  
Pathogenic NAP57 mutations decrease ribonucleoprotein assembly in dyskeratosis congenita.
Grozdanov, P.N., Fernandez-Fuentes, N., Fiser, A., and Meier, U.T.
Hum. Mol. Genet. 18:4546-4551 (2009). PMCID: PMC2773269  
PubMed citation for publication #32Download PDF reprint of publication #32  
Localization of Nopp140 within mammalian cells during interphase and mitosis.
Thiry, M., Cheutin, T., Lamaye, F., Thelen, N., Meier, U.T., O’Donohue, M.-F., and Ploton, D.
Histochem. Cell Biol. 132:129-140 (2009). PMCID: PMC2995257  
PubMed citation for publication #31Download PDF reprint of publication #31  
SHQ1 is required prior to NAF1 for assembly of H/ACA small nucleolar and telomerase RNPs.
Grozdanov, P.N., Roy, S., Kittur, N., and Meier, U.T.
RNA 15:1188-1197 (2009). PMCID: PMC2685518  
PubMed citation for publication #30Download PDF reprint of publication #30  
The loss of the snoRNP chaperone Nopp140 from Cajal bodies of patient fibroblasts correlates with the severity of spinal muscular atrophy.
Renvoisé, B., Colasse, S., Burlet, P., Viollet, L., Meier, U.T., and Lefebvre, S.
Hum. Mol. Genet. 18:1181-1189 (2009). PMCID: PMC2655770  
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Studying and working with ribonucleoproteins that catalyze H/ACA guided RNA modification.
Meier, U.T.
In RNA and DNA editing: molecular mechanisms and their integration into biological systems (ed. H.C. Smith) John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ, pp. 162-174 (2008).
PubMed citation for publication #28Download PDF reprint of publication #28  
Nuclear pore complex proteins mark the implantation window in human endometrium.
Guffanti, E., Kittur, N., Brodt, Z.N., Polotsky, A.J., Kuokkanen, S.M., Heller, D.S., Young, S.L., Santoro, N., and Meier, U.T.
J. Cell Sci. 121:2037-2045 (2008). PMCID: PMC2657873  
PubMed citation for publication #27Download PDF reprint of publication #27  
The nucleolar channel system of human endometrium is related to endoplasmic reticulum and R-rings.
Kittur, N., Zapantis, G., Aubuchon, M., Santoro, N., Bazett-Jones, D. P., and Meier, U. T.
Mol. Biol. Cell 18:2296-2304 (2007). PMCID: PMC1877118  
PubMed citation for publication #26Download PDF reprint of publication #26  
Dynamic association and localization of human H/ACA RNP proteins.
Kittur, N., Darzacq, X., Roy, S., Singer, R. H., and Meier, U. T.
RNA 12:2057-2062 (2006). PMCID: PMC1664726  
PubMed citation for publication #25Download PDF reprint of publication #25  
How a single protein complex accommodates many different H/ACA RNAs.
Meier, U.T.
Trends Biochem. Sci. 31:311-315 (2006).
PubMed citation for publication #24Download PDF reprint of publication #24  
Stepwise RNP assembly at the site of H/ACA RNA transcription in human cells.
Darzacq, X., Kittur, N., Roy, S., Shav-Tal, Y., Singer, R.H., and Meier, U.T.
J. Cell Biol. 173:207-218 (2006). PMCID: PMC2063812  
PubMed citation for publication #23Download PDF reprint of publication #23  
The many facets of H/ACA ribonucleoproteins.
Meier, U.T.
Chromosoma 114:1-14 (2005).
PubMed citation for publication #22Download PDF reprint of publication #22Download PDF supplement of publication #22  
Architecture and assembly of mammalian H/ACA small nucleolar and telomerase ribonucleoproteins.
Wang, C. and Meier, U.T.
EMBO J. 23:1857-1867 (2004). PMCID: PMC394235
PubMed citation for publication #21Download PDF reprint of publication #21  
In vivo kinetics of Cajal body components.
Dundr, M., Hebert, M.D., Karpova, T.S., Stanek, D., Xu, H., Shpargel, K.B., Meier, U.T., Neugebauer, K.M., Matera , A.G. and Misteli, T.
J. Cell Biol. 164:831-842. (2004). PMCID: PMC1630494  
PubMed citation for publication #20Download PDF reprint of publication #20  
Genetic interaction between a chaperone of small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles and cytosolic serine hydroxymethyltransferase.
Yang Y. and Meier U.T.
J. Biol. Chem. 278:23553-23560 (2003).
PubMed citation for publication #19Download PDF reprint of publication #19  
Dissecting Dyskeratosis.
Meier, U.T.
Nat. Genet. 33:116-117 (2003).
PubMed citation for publication #18Download PDF reprint of publication #18  
Immunopurified small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles pseudouridylate ribosomal RNA independent of their association with phosphorylated Nopp140.
Wang, C., Query C.C., and Meier, U.T.
Mol. Cell. Biol. 22:8457-8466 (2002). PMCID: PMC139890  
PubMed citation for publication #17Download PDF reprint of publication #17  
Intranuclear endoplasmic reticulum induced by Nopp140 mimics the nucleolar channel system of human endometrium.
Isaac, C., Pollard, J.W., and Meier, U.T.
J. Cell Sci. 114:4253-4264 (2001).
PubMed citation for publication #16Download PDF reprint of publication #16  
Characterization of the nucleolar gene product, treacle, in Treacher Collins syndrome.
Isaac, C., Marsh, K.L., Paznekas, W.A., Dixon , J., Dixon , M.J., Jabs, E.W., and Meier, U.T.
Mol. Biol. Cell 11:3061-3071 (2000). PMCID: PMC14975  
PubMed citation for publication #15Download PDF reprint of publication #15  
Conserved composition of mammalian box H/ACA and box C/D small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein particles and their interaction with the common factor Nopp140.
Yang, Y., Isaac, C., Wang, C., Dragon, F., Pogacic, V., and Meier, U.T.
Mol. Biol. Cell 11:567-577 (2000). PMCID: PMC14794  
PubMed citation for publication #14Download PDF reprint of publication #14  
Nopp140 functions as a molecular link between the nucleolus and the coiled bodies.
Isaac, C., Yang, Y., and Meier, U.T.
J. Cell Biol. 142:319-329 (1998). PMCID: PMC2133063  
PubMed citation for publication #13Download PDF reprint of publication #13  
A class of nonribosomal nucleolar components is located in chromosome periphery and in nucleolus-derived foci during anaphase and telophase.
Dundr M, Meier UT, Lewis N, Rekosh D, Hammarskjöld ML, Olson MO.
Chromosoma 105:407-417 (1997).
PubMed citation for publication #12Download PDF reprint of publication #12  
Specific interaction between casein kinase 2 and the nucleolar protein Nopp140.
Li D, Meier UT, Dobrowolska G, Krebs EG.
J. Biol. Chem. 272:3773-3779 (1997).
PubMed citation for publication #11Download PDF reprint of publication #11  
Comparison of the rat nucleolar protein nopp140 with its yeast homolog SRP40. Differential phosphorylation in vertebrates and yeast.
Meier UT.
J. Biol. Chem. 271:19376-19384 (1996).
PubMed citation for publication #10Download PDF reprint of publication #10Download PDF erratum of publication #10  
NAP57, a mammalian nucleolar protein with a putative homolog in yeast and bacteria.
Meier UT, Blobel G.
J. Cell Biol. 127:1505-1514 (1994). PMCID: PMC2120319
Erratum in J. Cell Biol. 140:447 (1998).
PubMed citation for publication #9Download PDF reprint of publication #9  
Nopp140 shuttles on tracks between nucleolus and cytoplasm.
Meier UT, Blobel G.
Cell 70:127-138 (1992).
PubMed citation for publication #8Download PDF reprint of publication #8  
A nuclear localization signal binding protein in the nucleolus.
Meier UT, Blobel G.
J. Cell Biol. 111:2235-2245 (1990). PMCID: PMC2116428
PubMed citation for publication #7Download PDF reprint of publication #7  
Genetic polymorphism of human cytochrome P-450 (S)-mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase. Studies with human autoantibodies suggest a functionally altered cytochrome P-450 isozyme as cause of the genetic deficiency.
Meier UT, Meyer UA.
Biochemistry 26:8466-8474 (1987).
PubMed citation for publication #6Download PDF reprint of publication #6  
Mephenytoin-type polymorphism of drug oxidation: purification and characterization of a human liver cytochrome P-450 isozyme catalyzing microsomal mephenytoin hydroxylation.
Gut J, Meier UT, Catin T, Meyer UA.
Biochim. Biophys. Acta 884:435-447 (1986).
PubMed citation for publication #5Download PDF reprint of publication #5  
The molecular mechanisms of two common polymorphisms of drug oxidation--evidence for functional changes in cytochrome P-450 isozymes catalysing bufuralol and mephenytoin oxidation.
Meyer UA, Gut J, Kronbach T, Skoda C, Meier UT, Catin T, Dayer P.
Xenobiotica 16:449-464 (1986).
PubMed citation for publication #4Download PDF reprint of publication #4  
Assay of mephenytoin metabolism in human liver microsomes by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Meier UT, Kronbach T, Meyer UA.
Anal. Biochem. 151:286-291 (1985).
PubMed citation for publication #3Download PDF reprint of publication #3  
Mephenytoin hydroxylation polymorphism: characterization of the enzymatic deficiency in liver microsomes of poor metabolizers phenotyped in vivo.
Meier UT, Dayer P, Malè PJ, Kronbach T, Meyer UA.
Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 38:488-494 (1985).
PubMed citation for publication #2Download PDF reprint of publication #2  
Kinetics of oxygen and carbon monoxide binding to liver fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) hemoglobin. An extreme case?
Di Iorio EE, Meier UT, Smit JD, Winterhalter KH.
J. Biol. Chem. 260:2160-2164 (1985).
PubMed citation for publication #1Download PDF reprint of publication #1  
Electron paramagnetic resonance properties of liver fluke (Dicrocoelium dendriticum) nitrosyl hemoglobin.
Desideri A, Meier UT, Winterhalter KH, Di Iorio EE.
FEBS Lett. 166:378-380 (1984).