Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center

Faculty and Staff Directory

MRRC Faculty

Tim Duong Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair of Research

Craig Branch, M.S., Ph.D., Director, Assoc. Professor of Radiology, Physiology & Biophysics

Michael Lipton, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Radiology, Neuroscience

Min-Hui Cui, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor,  9.4T MRI system Manager

Mark Wagshul, Ph.D., MR Physicist 

Roman Fleysher, Ph.D., Research Assistant Professor, Image Analysis Head

Qi Peng, Ph.D., Chief MRI Physicist


MRRC Staff

Karinne Colon, Administrative Assistant                Assim Yacoob, Business Operations Manager

Andrew Roberts, MR Technologist                         Jose Vasquez, MR Technologist 

Kamal Ambadipudi, 9.4T Animal Technologist 





Wade Koba, Principal Associate 

Alejandro Amor Coarasa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor 

Wouter S. Hoogenboom, Ph.D., Research Fellow







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Scientific Questions and Contact:

Craig Branch, M.S., Ph.D.


Active MRRC Projects

To Schedule a session on the 3T magnet or reserve the Cognitive Testing Room, please send an email request to:  
Alternatively, you may call (718) 430-3390

Please provide both the name of the Principal Investigator and the MRRC assigned protocol number for the project.

3T Magnet Calendar 

Cognitive Testing Room Calendar