Inpatient Family Medicine

Inpatient care is provided on a dedicated medical/surgical hospital floor on the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Campus, staffed entirely by family medicine residents and attending physicians.
Family Medicine Inpatient Unit>>
Palliative Care

Montefiore's Palliative Care Service provides consultation for adults with late-stage disease at all three of Montefiore's campuses, as well as selected outpatient locations.
Palliative Care Service >>
Wound Healing

The Wound Healing Program provides advanced care, including bedside debridement, for hospitalized patients, as well as ongoing outpatient care for patients with chronic wounds.
Wound Healing Program >>
Outpatient Primary Care
Comprehensive Health Care Center

The Montefiore Comprehensive Health Care Center offers specialized services in internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and adolescent health, dentistry, dermatology, ophthalmology, podiatry, psychiatric services, wellness, and nutrition.
Comprehensive Health Care Center >>
Family Health Center (FHC)

Specialties: Family Medicine, Gynecology, Obstetrics, Cardiology, Dermatology, Nutrition, Podiatry and Psychiatry
Family Health Center>>