Division of Hematology

Fellow Interesting Case Conference

Educational Purpose 

  • To gain experience in the presentation of interesting cases to the hematology service, faculty and fellows.
  • To train fellows to select an interesting patient, prepare a detailed and informative case presentation, review the current medical literature, and to verbally present all of this information to a group of their mentors and peers.

Principal Teaching Method 

Fellows will select an interesting or challenging case from their clinical caseload, gleaned either from the floors, or the outpatient clinic. The presenter is expected to review the appropriate pertinent literature, and comprehensively review the clinical topic relevant to the case presented. The fellow is encouraged to engage a faculty preceptor for the conference to discuss the plan for the presentation before the conference, and amplify the discussion at the conference. 

Most Important Educational Content 

The presenting fellow learns how to review the literature, focus a discussion, and present in front of a group of faculty and peers. Presenters and audience alike benefit from informed discussion of more unusual hematological disorders in a “round table” format. 

Site’s Resources 

There are enough very interesting patients from the Hematology Consult Services at Montefiore-Moses to provide the fellow with an opportunity to review the literature about a specific aspect of the case. The Hematology Division at Montefiore-Moses has a small conference room with blackboard, screen, 35mm projector, and overhead projector.


Full Calendar  

Contact Us

Division of Hematology
Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus
Ullmann 921
Bronx, NY 10461

Fax: 718-430-8855

Montefiore Medical Center
3411 Wayne Avenue, Ground Floor
Bronx, NY 10467

Fax: 718-882-8698