Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine
Department Faculty

Joe Verghese, M.B.B.S., M.S.
Professor, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology
Professor, Department of Medicine (Geriatrics)
Division Chief, Geriatrics, Department of Medicine
Murray D. Gross Memorial Faculty Scholar in Gerontology
Director, Jack and Pearl Resnick Gerontology Center
Director, Division of Cognitive & Motor Aging, The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology
Professional Interests
Dr. Joe Verghese graduated from St. Johns Medical College, Bangalore, India in 1989. He did his postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Neurology in United Kingdom. He completed his Neurology residency at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY in 1998. He did his fellowship training in Neurophysiology as well as Aging & Dementia in 1999 at the same institution. He received a Master of Science degree in Clinical Research Methods with Distinction in 2001. Dr Verghese is board-Certified in Neurology.
Dr. Verghese is Professor of Neurology and Medicine, Murray D. Gross Memorial Faculty Scholar in Gerontology, and Director, Resnick Gerontology Center at Einstein. He is the Chief of the Integrated Divisions of Cognitive and Motor Aging (Neurology) and Geriatrics (Medicine).
Dr. Verghese is a recipient of the Beeson award from the National institute on Aging and the Outstanding Scientific Achievement for Clinical Investigation Award from the American Geriatrics Society. His research interest is the effects of disease and aging on mobility and cognition in older adults. He has over 200 peer-reviewed publications and several federally funded grants in this area. His current projects include studying the influence of cognitively stimulating activities on reducing risk of dementia, the role of divided attention tasks such as walking while talking in predicting outcomes such as disability and cognitive decline, cognitive interventions, and global health.
Selected Publications
Verghese J, Lipton RB, Katz MJ, Hall CB, Kuslansky G, Buschke H. Abnormality of Gait As A Predictor Of Non-Alzheimer Dementia. N Engl J Med 2002 ; 347: 1760-1767. Verghese J, Lipton RB, Katz MJ, Hall CB, Kuslansky G, Derby CA, Ambrose AF, Sliwinski M, Buschke H. Leisure activities and the risk of dementia in the elderly. N Engl J Med 2003; 348: 2508-2516. Verghese J, Lipton RB, Hall CB, Kuslansky G, Katz MJ. Low blood pressure and the risk of dementia in very old individuals. Neurology 2003; 61: 1667-1672. Verghese J, Levalley A, Hall CB, Katz M, Ambrose AF, Lipton RB. Epidemiology of gait disorders in community residing elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006, 54(2):255-61. Holtzer R, Verghese J, Xue X, Lipton R. Cognitive processes related to gait velocity: Results from the Einstein Aging Study. Neuropsychology 2006; 20(2):215-23. Verghese J, LeValley A, Derby C, Kuslansky G, Katz M, Hall C, Buschke H, Lipton RB. Leisure Activities And The Risk of Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment In The Elderly. Neurology 2006; 66(6):821-7. Verghese J, Holtzer R, Lipton R, Wang C. Quantitative Gait Markers And Risk of Incident Falls in Older Adults. J Gerontol Med Sci 2009; 64: 896-901. Rolita L, Holtzer R, Wang C, Lipton RB, Derby CA, Verghese J. Homocysteine and Mobility in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2010; 58:545-50.Verghese J, Holtzer R. Walking the Walk While Talking: Cognitive Therapy for Mobility in Dementia? Neurology 2010; 74:1938-9; Verghese J, Wang C, Lipton RB, Holtzer R. Motoric cognitive risk syndrome and the risk of dementia. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 2012; Verghese J, Noone ML, Johnson, B, Ambrose AF, Wang C, Buschke H, Pradeep VG, Salam KA, Shaji KS, Mathuranath PS. Picture Based Memory Impairment Screen For Dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2012; 60(11):2116-20.
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Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1225 Morris Park Avenue
Van Etten, Room 308
Bronx, NY 10461
Fax: 718.430.3829
In the News
Your Walking Speed Could Indicate Dementia
Joe Verghese, M.B.B.S., M.S., comments on a study that found adults over age 65 had an increased risk of dementia if they had both a decrease in their walking speed and signs of cognitive function decline. Dr. Verghese is chief of the integrated divisions of cognitive and motor aging and of geriatrics at Einstein and Montefiore. He also is the Murray D. Gross Memorial Faculty Scholar in Gerontology, director of the Resnick Gerontology Center, and professor in the Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology and of medicine at Einstein.
Additional coverage includes MedPage Today, Medscape
Apathy Could Lead to a Greater Risk of Dementia, Study Finds
Joe Verghese, M.B.B.S., M.S., comments on a study that found apathy in older adults could be a risk factor for dementia and notes his prior research suggests that addressing apathy could help delay the onset of dementia. Dr. Verghese is chief of geriatrics at Einstein and Montefiore and director of the Montefiore Einstein Center for the Aging Brain.