Jeffrey M. Ceresnak, MDJune 21, 2015 - BRONX, NY - Beginning next month, Dr. Jeffrey Ceresnak will assume the role of Chair of the Montefiore Medical Center Moses Campus Peer Review Board. After 21 years of participation on the committee and eleven years serving as chair, Dr. Thomas Knight Aldrich will step down.
"We would like to thank Dr. Aldrich for his many years of outstanding service to the Department, Montefiore’s patients, and our physicians in leading these efforts," said Dr. Laurie Jacobs, Interim Chair of the Department of Medicine.
Dr. Ceresnak is Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hospital Medicine). He completed a medical degree at the University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, and residency at Beth Israel Medical Center. His interests include hospital safety and improvement; medical economics/hospital administration; and physician assistant, medical student, and resident education.

Thomas Knight Aldrich, MDDr. Aldrich is Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine). He chairs New York State's September 11th Workers Protection Task Force, and is a member of the Mayor's World Trade Center Medical Working Group, the CDC/NIOSH World Trade Center Health Program's Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee, and FDNY's WTC Scientific Advisory Committee.
Dr. Aldrich is Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary Medicine) and Director of the Pulmonary/Critical Care Training Program at Einstein, and Director of the Pulmonary Function Laboratory at Montefiore Medical Center (Moses Division). full bio
The peer review process was established to provide a consistent, impartial, professional system to effectively measure, assess, and improve organizational performance. Composed of medical professionals from every specialty, the Peer Review Board reviews cases and holds all Montefiore Medical Center attending physicians accountable for incidents involving their patients that they are aware of or are reasonably expected to be aware of.
Peer review is ongoing, and conclusions from the process are tracked over time and information is used in the reappointment process and competency assessment. In addition, peer review issues may trigger targets for Montefiore Medical Center’s quality improvement process.
Dr. Ellen Harrison, Associate Professor of Medicine (General Internal Medicine) and of Clinical Obstetrics & Gynecology and Women's Health, chairs the Montefiore Medical Center Einstein Campus Peer Review Board.