The 2015 Department of Medicine Annual Resident/Fellow Research Symposium took place Thursday, May 21. Orchestrated by Dr. Michal Melamed, the event featured posters from members of the Internal Medicine Residency Program and fellows throughout the Department of Medicine.
"I thank Dr. Melamed and Anna Manca and her staff for all their work in making the Symposium a success, as well as the trainee investigators and their mentors," said Dr. Laurie Jacobs, Interim Chair of the Department of Medicine.
Drs. Matthew Abramowitz, Chinazo Cunningham, Bettina Fries, Tanya Johns, Marla Keller, and Matthew Shaines served as poster judges. Resident and fellow posters were judged separately, and cash prizes were awarded ($300 for best abstracts and $150 for runners up). Winners and honorable mentions are listed below. Resident prize winners and honorable mentions will make formal presentations at Medicine Grand Rounds, June 11, 2015.
Award Winners
Resident, Clinical Vignette
Liu M, Arad D
The Case of the Missing Band: A Deceptive Clone
Resident, Clinical Research
First Prize:
Shulman E, Aagaard P, Kargoli F, DiBiase L, Fisher J, Gross J, Kim S, Krumerman A, Ferrick K
Socioeconomic Status and the Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in Hispanics, Blacks and Whites
Second Prize:
Suarez-Fuentes C, Gutgarts V, Rausa K, Kreimerman J, Golestaneh L, Melamed M
Use of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Blockade (RAASB) May Be Beneficial in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
Fellow/Resident, Basic and Translational Research
First Prize:
Shastri A, et al.
Targeting of MDS & AML Stern Cells Via Inhibition of STATS3 by Pyrimethamine
Second Prize:
Bowler T, Bartenstein M, Morrone K, Rohanizadegan M, Kessel R, Hood L, Datt I, Giricz O, Bhagat T, Przychodzen, B, Parmar S, Gill J, Yu Y, Maciejewski J, Steidl U, Verma A
Exome Sequencing of Familial MDS Reveals Novel Mutations and High Rates of False Positive Mutations in MLL3 Due to Pseudogene Effects
Fellow, Clinical Vignette
Ginsburg Berkowitz A, Brodsky J, Blanco I
An Atypical Presentation of an All Too Common Disease
Fellow, Clinical Research
First Prize:
Massera D, Wang D, Vorchheimer D, Negassa A, Garcia M
New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation During Hospitalization is Associated with Increased Short-and Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Mortality
Second Prize:
Khalid L, Liebschutz J, Shanahan C, Dossabhoy S, Kim Y, Lasser K
Adherence to Prescription Opioid Monitoring Guidelines among Residents and Attending Physicians in the Primary Care Setting
Internal Medicine Residents
- Abare M, LeFrancois D
Taking Note of the Lymph Nodes
- Alapati V, Hack R, Balili I
Dressler-like Syndrome
- Assafin M, Jagannath A, Schlair S
The Metamorphosis of a Horse into a Zebra: A Case of Atypical Sarcoidosis
- Attarian S, Schlair S, Aparo S
Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis Presenting in Pregnancy in a Patient with Prothrombin Gene Mutation
- Beckoff S, Diaz de Villalvilla A
Undercover Psoriatic Arthritis
- Berardi C, LeFrancois D
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
- Bhar S, Nori P, Ostrowsky B
Sustained Impact of Antibiotic Educational Interventions on Resident Antibiotic Prescribing
- Bowler T, Bartenstein M, Morrone K, Rohanizadegan M, Kessel R, Hood L, Datt I, Giricz O, Bhagat T, Przychodzen, B, Parmar S, Gill J, Yu Y, Maciejewski J, Steidl U, Verma A
Exome Sequencing of Familial MDS Reveals Novel Mutations and High Rates of False Positive Mutations in MLL3 Due to Pseudogene Effects
- Cheah J, Kanevsky J
Antibodies in Acute Hepatitis: Friend or FOE
- Curtis SA, Etzion Z, Danda N, Cohen HW, Billett HH
Elevated Steady State WBC and Platelet Counts are Associated with Frequent Emergency Room Use in Adults with Sickle Cell Disease
- Curtis SA, Etzion Z, Danda N, Cohen HW, Billett HH
With improved treatment modalities, longevity for sickle cell disease (SS/Sβ0) is increasing. Yet there is still a subgroup of adult patients whose survival rate has not improved. These patients, if well defined by evidence based decisions, might be those for whom more aggressive disease modifying therapy would be appropriate
- Dorsey B, LeFrancois D
A Rare Cause of Baldness
- Gutgarts V, Conigliaro R
The Nose is in the Heart of It
- Suarez-Fuentes C, Gutgarts V, Rausa K, Kreimerman J, Golestaneh L, Melamed M
Use of Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System Blockade (RAASB) May Be Beneficial in Patients with Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
- Holmes A, Romero J, Tiwari N, Phuong N, Goodman-Meza D, Cohen S, Gharai L, Taub C, Levsky J, Haramati L, Fisher J, Garcia M
Early Measurement of Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance After Myocardial Infarction is Superior to Gadolinium Delayed-Enhancement in Predicting Late Remodeling
- Holmes A, Taub C, Garcia M, Slovut D
Increased Left Ventricular Hydraulic Load in Patients with Severe Stenosis Aortic in Associated with Left Ventricular Strain Dysfunction and Increased Mortality Irrespective of Mode of Therapy: A Speckle Tracking Study
- Holmes A, Fujikura K, Tomo A, Jermyn R, Jakobleff W, Garcia M
Predicting Left Ventricular Recovery After VA ECMO Using Speckle Tracking
- Holmes A, Taub C, Shan J, Slovut D
Systolic Strain Dysfunction Patterns in Low Flow Versus High Flow Severe Aortic Stenosis with Preserved Ejection Fraction
- Hong S, Feuerstadt P, Brandt L
Portal Hypertension (PHTN) in Patients with Cirrhosis is not Associated with Worsened C. difficile infection (CDI) Outcomes
- Huang J, Wey G
Evaluation of Pericarditis
- Jagannath A, Briceno Gomez D, Cohen M, Schlair S
The Unusual Suspect: A Rare and Morbid Cause of Acute Post-Partum Chest Pain
- Julian R, Kang C, Sun X, Song HA, Revskaya E, Chong HS, Dadachova E
Optimizing Radioimmunotherapy Techniques for the Alpha-Emitter 225ACtinium
- Kaner J, Assal A, Sridharan A, Polineni R, Shastri A, Elias H, Goel S, Janakiram M, Braunschweig I, Verma A
Analysis of a Large Single Center Cohort Demonstrates Poor Prognosis of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) in HIV Infected Patients (pts)
- Kaner J, Shapiro L
Right Under Her Nose
- Kooragayalu S, Soriano S, Gershengorn H
Isolated pneumomediastinum from asthma exacerbation
- Phookan J, Kooragayalu S
Large Cell Neuroendocrine Tumore Presenting as Pancoast’s Tumor
- Koransky R
Single NSAID – Induced Serum Sickness-like Reaction to Naproxen in a Patient Able to Tolerate Both Aspirin and Ibuprofen
- Kuperman S, Arad D
All that Wheezes is not Asthma
- Lee L, Konda B, Assal A, Zell M, Braunschweig I, Derman O, Kornblum N, Verma A, Battini R, Janakiram M
Plasmablastic Lymphoma: A Case Series of the Changing Epidemiology of a Rare Extramedullary Plasmacytoid Neoplasm, Diagnostic Challenges, and Therapeutic Implications
- Sun C, Lee Y, Lipsky A, Farooqui M, Herman S, Salem D, Stetler-Stevenson M, Yuan C, Aue G, Wiestner A
Effects of the Bruton’s Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Ibrutinib on Humoral Immunity in Patients with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Lee NG, Marchalik D, Lipsky A, Ruston HG, Pohl HG, Song X
Risk Factors for Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections in a Pediatric Institution
- Farooqui MZH, Valdez J, Martyr S, Aue G, Saba N, Niemann CU, Herman SEM, Tian X, Marti G, Soto S, Hughes TE, Jones J, Lipsky A, Pittaluga S, Stetler-Stevenson MS, Yuan C, Lee YS, Pedersen LB, Geisler CH, Calvo KR, Arthur DC, Maric I, Childs R, Young NS, Wiestner A
Ibrutinib for Previously Untreated and Relapsed or Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia with TP53 Aberrations: a Phase 2, Single-arm Trial
- Liu M
Looking Beyond the Lone Peak
- Liu M, Arad D
The Case of the Missing Band: A Deceptive Clone
- Mansour M, Schlair S, Leung S, Arad D, LeFrancois D
Defining Quality of Resident Work Rounds: Impact of Team Size and PGY-level
- Mercon M
Low Rates of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP A0053/.,JNHM,JKOP OJNMBV CC3467) and Nonoccupational Post-exposure Prophylaxis (nPEP) in a Large Urban Health Care System: Implications for Implementing PrEP and nPEP
- Mukundan S, Spevack D, Levsky J, Travin M
Does Ischemic Burden on Stress Testing Influence Patient Survival in Subjects with Known Sever Multi-Vessel CAD
- Omondi A, Raghavan S, Divito J
It's Not a Migraine
- Gaglio P, Rabbenou W, Florman S, Kato T, Kinkhabwala M, Morgan G, Orloff M, Sheiner P, Teperman L, Delair S
Utilization of Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplants Continues to Vary Dramatically by UNOS Region
- Rao G, Salamon J, Garcia M
Recurrent Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy with Variant Left Ventricle Morphology and Rapid Resolution
- Rogan D, Korcak J
Chikungunya: A Microbe on the Move
- Ross J, Hanna D, Felsen U, Patel V
Clinical Outcomes of Presumed Undocumented Immigrants with HIV Infection in Bronx, NY
- Shaffie R, Shapiro L
The Cardiac Effects of Hypothyroidism
- Shahid M, Shitole S, Kayo N, Srinivas V, Scheuer J, Kizer J
Characterization of ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Across the Age Spectrum in a Low-Income Urban Community: Clinical Features, Acute Care, and Long-Term Outcomes
- Shtessel M, Ferastraoaru DE, Graber J, Hudes G
Dyshidrotic Eczema Induced by Gamunex Intravenous Immunoglobulin that Resolved with Gammagard in a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis
- Shulman E, Aagaard P, Kargoli F, DiBiase L, Fisher J, Gross J, Kim S, Krumerman A, Ferrick K
Socioeconomic Status and the Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation in Hispanics, Blacks and Whites
- Shulman E, Aagaard P, Kargoli F, DiBiase L, Fisher J, Gross J, Kim S, Krumerman A, Ferrick K
Validation of the Framingham Risk Score for Atrial Fibrillation and CHARGE-AF in Caucasian, African American and Hispanic Cohorts
- Aagaard P, Kargoli F, Shulman E, Hoch E, Di Biase L, Menegus M, Ferrick KJ and Krumerman A.
Early Repolarization - Impact in Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims Undergoing Therapeutic Hypothermia
- Stuart, M
Stones, Bones and Groans Following Cosmetic Silicone Injections
- Torres-Deas L, Jeffers A, Swedish K, Patel V, Swiderski D
Mental Health Training Needs Assessment in Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Vélez C, Marcus A, Feuerstadt P, Harris A
Endoscopic Risks of Paraesophageal Hernias and Incidental Transdiaphragmatic Herniation of the Pancreas
- Vlismas P, Villablanca A, Krumerman A, Patel J
Heartbroken: Cardiac Rejection Masquerading as an ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction
- Wong A, Averbukh Y, Koransky R
Allergic to Cancer
- Zlobinsky Rubenstein M, Schlair S
Having a Road Block: When to Suspect Polycythemia Vera
- Zlobinsky Rubinstein M, Sparano J, Gray R, Zujewski J, Whelan T, Albain K, Hayes D, Geyer Jr. C, Dees E, Perez E, Keane M, Vallejos Sologuren C, Goggins T, Mayer I, Brufsky A, Toppmeyer D, Kaklamani V, Atkins J, Berenberg J, Sledge G
Recurrence Score and Clinicopathologic Characteristics of TAILORx Participants by Race and Ethnicity
- Aroniadis O, Tsai, E, Feuerstadt P, Brandt L
Role of Computed Tomography (CT) in Determining Severity of Colon Ischemia (CI)
- Aroniadis O, Tsai, E, Feuerstadt P, Brandt L
Right-Sided Colon Involvement (RCI) on Both Computed Tomography (CT) and Colonoscopy Are Associated With a Worse Prognosis in Colon Ischemia (CI)
- Davila, M, Horn W
Life Threatening Varicose Vein Bleed in an Older Adult on Pradaxa.
- Delneo M, Kwah J, Yang J
Unusual Case of Marginal Zone B-cell Lymphoma
- Dicpinigaitis PV, Chang AL, Dicpinigaitis AJ
Effect of Electronic Cigarette Use on Cough Reflex Sensitivity
- Feuerstadt P, Aroniadis O, Tsai E, Brandt L
On the Anatomic Site-Specific Variation of Sensitivity and Specificity of Computed Tomography (CT) to Confirm Colonoscopy-Proved Colon Ischemia (CI)
- Fujikura K, Golive A, Ando T, Corado F, Prince M, Garcia M
Increased Iron Deposition is Directly Associated with Myocardial Dysfunction in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
- Gendlina I , Ulahannan N, De Monerri S, Kim K
Toxoplasma Gondii Infection Induces Warburg Effect in the Host Cell
- Ginsburg Berkowitz A, Brodsky J, Blanco I
An Atypical Presentation of an All Too Common Disease
- Guerrero-Miranda C, Saeed O, Koulova A, Shin J, Patel S, D'Alessandro D, Goldstein D, Jorde U, Sims D
Prevalence and Correlation of Non Functional Tricuspid Regurgitation to Right Ventricular Failure in Patients with CF-LVADs
- Izzy M, Behin D, Gumaste V, Lukin D
A Very Late-Onset of Ulcerative Colitis
- Khalid L, Liebschutz J, Shanahan C, Dossabhoy S, Kim Y, Lasser K
Adherence to Prescription Opioid Monitoring Guidelines among Residents and Attending Physicians in the Primary Care Setting
- Khalid L, Liebschutz J, Shanahan C, Dossabhoy S, Kim Y, Lasser K
Utilization of the Online-Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) in Massachusetts
- Kruge L, Schubart U
A Case of Sheehan's Syndrome Presenting as Pseudo-Obstruction
- Madan N, Tiwari N, Stampfer M, Schubart U
Hypothyroid Heart: Hypothyroidism a Cause of Reversible Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Massera D, Wang D, Vorchheimer D, Negassa A, Garcia M
New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation During Hospitalization is Associated with Increased Short-and Long-Term Risk of Stroke and Mortality
- Munoz-Mendoza J, Pinto V, Tamariz L, Garcia M
Effect Of Pregnancy on Structural Valve Deterioration of Bioprosthetic Valves: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Katsa I, Munoz-Mendoza J, Galst G, Monrad S
A Case of Myocardial Infarction with an Unusual Culprit
- Sabanayagam A, Zaidi AN
Attitudes and Perceptions of Pregnant Women with Congenital Heart Disease
- Sabanayagam A, Briston D, Taveras J, Haramati LB, Zaidi AN
Anomalous Right Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery (ARCAPA) In a Multiparous Woman with Left Ventricular Dysfunction
- Safo S, Cunningham C, Blank A, Quinlivan E, Lincoln T, Blackstock O
A High Number of Days in Pain is Associated with More Missed Clinic Visits Among HIV-Positive Women
- Sandilya S, Eisen L, Golestaneh L
Correlation Between Renal Resistive Index, Central Venous Pressure, and Mean Arterial Pressure in Septic ICU Patients Without Prior Renal Disease
- Sandilya S, Kargoli F, Neugarten J, Golestaneh L
Higher Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Risk in Females Post Cardiac Surgery is Related to Differences in Baseline Health
- Shastri A, et al
Targeting of MDS & AML Stern Cells Via Inhibition of STATS3 by Pyrimethamine
- Villablanca Spinetto P, Rao G, Briceno D, Munoz-Mendoza J, Iturrizaga J, Lombardo M, Eisenberg E, Cyrille N, Giese G, Garcia M
Therapeutic Hypothermia for Myocardial Protection in ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials
- Wong D, Riska P
Clostridium difficile Recurrence in High Risk Populations - Should Prophylaxis Be Considered