Deborah Hemel, MD

Aaron Fox, MDMontefiore Einstein was one of the most represented institutions in all aspects of scholarly work at the annual Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) meeting, held April 23-26 in San Diego, CA.
Montefiore Medical Center's diverse patient population led to over thirty clinical vignette posters and two oral vignettes.
Third-year resident Dr. Sara Attala, working with teaching hospitalist Dr. Deborah Hemel, was selected as having the best clinical vignette, and presented her case entitled “Woman Interrupted, An Unusual Case of Psychosis” at the opening plenary session. In addition, Montefiore residents presented five research posters, one oral research abstract, and three Innovations posters.

Julia Arnsten, MD

Will Southern, MDIn addition to their participation and guidance of these resident-led projects, Montefiore faculty presented their work via seven workshops, six Innovations and scientific posters, two updates, and one clinical practice innovation.
Faculty member Dr. Aaron Fox received the Lawrence S. Linn Award, acknowledging his work to improve quality of life for persons with AIDS or HIV.
The success of these generalists, who are both clinic and hospital-based faculty members, is supported by the efforts of Dr. Julia Arnsten, Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine, and Dr. Will Southern, Chief of the Division of Hospital Medicine.