Montefiore Einstein Department of Medicine

Montefiore Wakefield Announces Chief Residents for 2015-2016

Dr. Asli Sucu Montefiore Medical Center Wakefield Campus Bronx NY
Dr. Asli Sucu

March 29, 2015 - BRONX, NY - The Montefiore Internal Medicine Residency Program at the Wakefield Campus is pleased to announce new Chief Medical Residents for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Dr. Asli Sucu, currently a third-year resident at Wakefield, completed medical school at Uludağ Üniversitesi in Turkey. 

Dr. Niharika Joolakuntla Montefiore Medical Center Wakefield Campus Bronx NY
Dr. Niharika Joolukuntla

Dr. Niharika (Nikki) Joolukuntla, currently a third-year resident at Coney Island Hospital, completed medical school at Nri Medical College in India.

"We are pleased to welcome Drs. Joolukuntla and Sucu to these important positions, and look forward to their leadership in the upcoming year," said Dr. Grace Kajita, Program Director of the Wakefield residency.