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Saturday, January 18

SNMA Presents Movie Night


In Celebration of Black History Month

6:00 PM 1st Floor Lecture Hall, Forchheimer

Wednesday, December 4

WC4BL, SNMA and EMSA Holiday Debrief and Mixer

Food Will be Provided!

Here is the why:

Provide an opportunity to reflect on the events of the year

Identify goals for next year

Recruit new board members

Be Merry!

6:00 PM Upper Max and Sadie, Forchheimer

Sunday, November 24

Diversity Open House

10:00a Registration


10:45a Welcome


12Noon Tour of Campus


12:45p Lunch - Lubin Cafeteria


1:30p  Choose between Medical School MD Program presentation or Graduate Biomedical Science PhD/MD/PhD presentation

10:45 AM Robbins Auditorium, Forchheimer

Monday, October 28

Museo del Barrio Trip
5:00 PM Museo del Barrio

Wednesday, October 23

Hispanic Heritage Month Event - Carnaval
5:00 PM TBA, Forchheimer

Thursday, October 10

LMSA-Sponsored Immigrant Health Panel
5:00 PM TBA, Forchheimer

Tuesday, October 8

LMSA-Sponsored Mixer
5:00 PM TBA, Forchheimer

Wednesday, October 2

LMSA-Sponsored Puerto Rican Health Workshop

More information to follow.

5:00 PM TBA, Forchheimer

Wednesday, September 11

LGBTQ+ Physician Panel

Speaker: Faculty and Student Panel Discussion

Einstein's PRIDE Chapter Presents

LGBTQ+ Physician Panel


September 11, 2019


Price - 351


Have you ever met a queer doctor?

Curious about what it's like to be a queer physician?

How pervasive is homophobia in medicine today?

Looking for advice on how to navigate a queer identify in medicine?

6:00 PM 351, Price Center/Block Pavilion

Friday, August 9

Welcome BBQ

BBQ Pit Behind the Housing Garden

3:00 PM Housing Garden